Reading Assignment: Chapter 4 Blood & Circulation end
Evolution of Gnathostomes end Dunklesoteus
Cenozoic Mesozoic 65 Paleozoic mya PeriodsEra Permian Cretaceous Quaternary Cambrian 505 Ordovician 438 Silurian 408 Devonian 360 Carboniferous 286 Triassic 213 Jurassic 144 Tertiary 2 ostracoderms origin Myxini ? Ceph. placoderms Elasmobranchii Holocephali Acanthodii Chondrostei sharks skates rays gar bowfin Teleostei ChondrichthyesActinoptergii Sarcopterygii lungfish coelacanth amphibians ostracoderm placoderm end
Skull--cartilaginous trough; jawless Notochord No appendicular skeleton Myxini--hagfishes end
Cephalaspidomorphi-lampreys Skull--cartilaginous trough; jawless cartilaginous vertebrae, no centra No appendicular skeleton end
Placodermi-placoderms first jaws Skull--first jawed fishes; bony tooth plates end
Chondrichthyes- sharks, skates, rays, ratfishes Skull--cartilaginous; jaws protrusible, first true teeth cartilaginous vertebrate with centra Pelvic and pectoral fins well developed end
Actinopterygii--ray-finned fishes puffer Skull--cartilaginous or bony; jaws with teeth; jaws variable cartilaginous or bony vertebral column with centra pelvic and pectoral fins well developed end
gut cranium mouth Evolution of the jaw Primitive jawless stage visceral cartilages 8-9 arches gill slits end
hypothetical placoderm jaw mandibular arch end
chondirchthyian hyoid arch spiracle end
Osteichthyian skull --5 elements 1. neurocranium 2. jaw 4. Branchiohyoid apparatus 3. suspensorium 5. Opercular bones end
Respiration: end
Blood Circulation: heart Gill filaments Gill rakers end
Oxygen transfer: gill arch bone gill filaments water gill lamellae Fig. 3.1 end
Factors affecting oxygen diffusion? concentration gradient distance surface area end
Gill data: end memb. thickness surface area mm 2 /g number of lamellae/mm icefish 35 m 8 mackerel532 bullhead50 tuna
Gill Ventilation: Two-stage pump body Buccal cavity Opercular flap Opercular cavity Oral valve end
Function of Respiratory Pump 1. Floor of buccal cavity drops vol. operculum moves out vol. 2. floor of buccal cavity rises vol. operculum moves in vol. end
Gill Ventilation: buccal pump See Fig. 3.5 end
open Gill Ventilation: buccal pump volume oral valve end
Gill Ventilation: buccal pump closed volume oral valve end
open Gill Ventilation: buccal pump volume oral valve end side view
closed Gill Ventilation: buccal pump volume oral valve end side view
open Gill Ventilation: buccal pump closed volume end
Gill Ventilation: buccal pump volume closed oral valve end
Gill Ventilation: opercular pump end
Gill Ventilation: opercular pump end
Gill Ventilation: opercular pump end
Water Pressure: end
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mya PeriodsEra ?
Cenozoic Mesozoic 65 Paleozoic mya PeriodsEra Permian Cretaceous Quaternary Cambrian 505 Ordovician 438 Silurian 408 Devonian 360 Carboniferous 286 Triassic 213 Jurassic 144 Tertiary 2 ostracoderms origin Myxini ? Ceph. placoderms Elasmobranchii Holocephali Acanthodii Chondrostei sharks skates rays gar bowfin Teleostei ChondrichthyesOsteichthyes Actinopterygii Sarcopterygii lungfish coelacanth amphibians ostracoderm placoderm
Grand Forks Inkster Ardoch Manvel Forest River Hwy 18 Hwy 1 to Johnstown I29 Hwy 18 UND Biol. Area 0.5 mi 3 mi tree line Turn right on gravel road just past tree line, go north for 0.5 mi, turn right on two-track road just before Farm house, pass ravine on left and turn left following Ravine on the left, stop by chain link fence compound. stop here farm house I29 Hwy 81