CSCI 152
A computer database is a structured collection of records or data that is stored in a computer system. A database relies upon software to organize the storage of the data and to enable a person or program to extract desired information computer structureddatasoftwareprogramcomputer structureddatasoftwareprogram A computer database is a structured collection of records or data that is stored in a computer system. A database relies upon software to organize the storage of the data and to enable a person or program to extract desired information computer structureddatasoftwareprogramcomputer structureddatasoftwareprogram
Students registration system. This graph is showing how that system looks like, and how many screens or choices under main screen going to be. Students registration system. This graph is showing how that system looks like, and how many screens or choices under main screen going to be. Next
Main screen Back
printing all students Back
Add a New Student Screen Back
Delete All Students Screen Back
We are working on third function which is Searching function. This function will have 5 ways for searching are: 1-By ID. 2-by Name. 3-By major. 4-By phone number. 5-By GBA.
1- DATABASE SYSTEMS Author are Ramez Elmasir & Shamkant B. Navathe. Author are Ramez Elmasir & Shamkant B. Navathe. 2-HOW TO PROGRAM C FIFTH EDITION 3-