Status of the EURISOL Design Study Yorick Blumenfeld IPN Orsay
Changes to the Management proposed by MB Y. Blumenfeld interim project leader to replace G. Fortuna. G. Fortuna will remain member of the MB at least until April C. Hovaguimian management support at Orsay R. Batistella will continue to administer website at LNL (and assist with specific legal questions) Changes submitted to SC on November 30.
TABLE 1). Participants in EURISOL Design Study ParticipantCountryParticipantCountry GANIL (coordinator) FranceInst. Physics VilniusLithuania CNRS/IN2P3FranceWarsaw UniversityPoland INFNItalyInst. Phys. BratislavaSlovakia CERNEuropeU. LiverpoolUnited Kingdom U. C. LouvainBelgiumGSI DarmstadtGermany CEAFranceU. SantiagoSpain NIPNERomaniaCCLRC DaresburyUnited Kingdom U. JyväskyläFinlandPaul Scherrer InstituteSwitzerland L.M.U. München GermanyInst. Phys. LatviaLatvia FZ JülichGermanyStockholm. U. MSLSweden 20 Participants
Topical areas and tasks of the EURISOL Design Study Topical AreaTasksLead Institution Management GANIL AcceleratorsDriver accelerator Post Accelerator Superconducting cavity prototyping INFN GANIL IN2P3 TargetsLiquid Hg Converter Direct targets High power fission target CERN INFN Physics, beams and safetySafety and radioprotection Beam Preparation Beam Intensities Physics and Instrumentation CEA U. Jyväskylä GSI U. Liverpool Beta BeamsBeta Beam Conceptual Design StudyCERN 12 Tasks
The EURISOL Road Map Vigorous scientific exploitation of current ISOL facilities : EXCYT, Louvain, REX/ISOLDE, SPIRAL Construction of intermediate generation facilities: SPIRAL2, MAFF,HIE-ISOLDE, SPES Design and prototyping of the most specific and challenging parts of EURISOL in the framework of EURISOL_DS.
= 0.03 = 0.78 Ion sources RFQ 176 MHz HWRs 176MHz Elliptical ISCL 704 MHz 1 GeV/q H-, H+, 3 He MeV/u 100 keV 60 MeV/q140 MeV/q >200 MeV/q D+, A/q=2 Charge-breeder Low-resolution mass-selector UC x target 1+ ion source n-generator = = 0.14 = 0.27 = QWR ISCL 88 MHz 3 QWRs ISCL 88 MHz 8 HWRs ISCL 176 MHz Spoke ISCL 264 MHz MeV/u (for Sn-132) To low-E areas Secondary fragmentation target A possible schematic layout for a EURISOL facility One of several target stations = spoke ISCL 325 MHz High-resolution mass- selectors Bunching RFQ To medium-energy experimental areas = 0.65 Elliptical ISCL 704 MHz = 0.09, = 0.15 H- H+, D+, 3 He++ To low- E areas MeV/u MeV/u To experimental area RFQs
The Main Challenges Design a 5MW; 1GeV proton driver with additional capability of 200 AMeV deuterons and A/Q=2 Heavy Ions; build and test prototypes of the cavities. Design a liquid Hg converter which will accept 5 MW of beam power. Design a UCx target which will make the most efficient use of the neutrons produced. Evaluate the safety constraints of the above set up. Design an efficient multi-user beam distribution system. Design a superconducting HI LINAC capable of accelerating 132 Sn up to 150 AMeV Investigate technologies for the instrumentation of the future Provide a conceptual study for a beta-beam neutrino facility.
Gathering the expertise in joint Management-Task meetings User Requirements –Post accelerator, beam preparation, physics –Orsay, May 2 Extended Driver capability –Direct target, driver, cavities, beam intensity –GSI, May 5 High Power target –Hg converter, fission target –Legnaro, Oct 4
Driver accelerator 1 GeV 5 MW proton beam 3 He at 2 GeV, deuterons at 250 MeV, heavy ions of A/Q=2 at 125AMeV From A. Facco, task 7
Reference MMW Target Station Hg converter and secondary fission targets Hg loop with window 8 UCX targets 40x6x3 cm Y. Kadi and L. Tecchio; tasks 2 and 4 Problems : Diffusion-Effusion Time Ion Sources
Next Joint Meetings Ion Sources Safety Multi-User capability ….
Other Achievements: Please visit Fully functional dynamic website Agenda and Minutes of 71 meetings 60 Publications and internal reports Official Documents, Annual Reports, Presentations …. Automatic publication review procedure Full compliance by task leaders Milestones and deliverables Outreach Pages …
A Slow Start… Initial difficulties in recruiting post docs Spending for the first year was only 35% of first advance : Second advance delayed by 1 year. Some delays in milestones Pace has picked up strongly in the second year Change of expenditure profile will be requested. Possible extension of contract by 6 months will be discussed in Spring 2007.
Design Study
Milestone Status Design Study G. Fortuna, PSI JUNE 2006 (3) (1) (3)
Possible Locations? Admin istrati on / Stay at GANIL The Design Study will investigate the implementation and cost of EURISOL in these 3 hypotheses by putting in place a committee in Spring 2007, including the MB + technical coordinator + experts. Report in Spring 2008
New research infrastructures in FP7 Objective: To help create new research infrastructures of pan-European interest (or major upgrades of existing ones) - Design studies:to support feasibility studies for new infrastructures through a “ bottom-up approach ” of calls for proposals - Construction of new infrastructures (incl. major upgrades): to promote the creation of new infrastructures through a strategic approach based on the work conducted by ESFRI* on the development of a European roadmap fro new research infrastructures -* ESFRI – European Strategy Forum for Research Infrastructures From Alex Mueller
New research infrastructures in FP7 Support to Construction via a two-stage process: The preparatory phase - restricted calls targeting priority projects (based on the work of ESFRI) to support finalisation of construction plans, legal organisation, financial engineering, management aspects (Second call in 2009) The construction phase - developed following the satisfactory implementation of the preparatory phase - “case by case” approach (e.g. use of Article 171) From Alex Mueller
You are cordially invited to attend the EURISOL DS Town Meeting at CERN on Nov Registration is open until Nov. 1 at For next year we are considering the possibility of a joint Town meeting with EURONS