Beyond Lists: Other Data Structures Lisp would still be a pretty decent programming language if it only contained atoms and lists –But we can go far beyond.


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Presentation transcript:

Beyond Lists: Other Data Structures Lisp would still be a pretty decent programming language if it only contained atoms and lists –But we can go far beyond the list with some of the other CL data structures: Sequences which include –Arrays –Strings (really arrays of characters) –Vectors (1-D arrays) –Bit-vectors Characters Association Lists Property Lists Hash Tables Structures (structs) Objects/classes (we cover this separately also, later in the semester)

Characters We will start with characters because we will need to understand characters to understand strings –Do not confuse characters with symbols of one character –Characters are denoted as #\character where character is the single character (such as #\a or #\A) In the event that the character does not have a single character on the keyboard, we denote it by name –#\space #\tab #\control-a #\bel (for the bell) Note that case is immaterial when specifying a character by name but matters when specifying a single letter –So #\SPACE = #\space = #\Space, but #\a != #\A –Characters are ordered alphabetically and numerically, but not necessarily ordered by ASCII values A < Z; a < z; 0 < 9; but in ordinary ASCII, A < a and A < 0, but not necessarily in CL, this is a machine dependent situation –However on the PCs, the characters do follow the ASCII table, 0 < 9 < A < Z < a < z

Character Functions char-code char – returns char’s code –ASCII value for PCs Predicate functions: –alpha-char-p, upper-case-p, lower-case-p, –both-case-p t if the char is in one case and there is a character in the other case, therefore this is true if it is a letter –digit-char-p, alphanumericp Comparison functions: –char, char =, char/=, char= Note that these can accept multiple arguments and compares them in order such that (char< #\a #\b #\c) is t whereas (char< #\3 #\5 #\4) is nil –char-equal, char-not-equal, char-lessp, char-greaterp, char-not- greaterp, char-not-lessp – case insensitive versions of the previous group of functions (char= #\a #\A) is nil whereas (char-equal #\a #\A) is t

Character Conversion Functions char-upcase, char-downcase – returns the character in a changed case if the character is a letter, otherwise the character is unchanged character – coerces the given argument into a character if possible, otherwise will signal an error digit-char – coerce the given digit into a character digit –(character ’a)  #\a –(character ’ab)  error –(character 5)  error –(digit-char 5)  #\5 –(digit-char 12)  nil –(digit-char ’a)  error char-name – returns the name of the character if you supply the character’s abbreviation –(char-name #\bel)  “bell” name-char – returns the character of a given name –(name-char “newline”)  #\Newline

Hash Tables Hash tables, sometimes also called dictionaries, are data structures that store values along with identification keys for easy access –supply the key, the structure returns the data –often, these use a hash function (covered in CSC 364) In CL, the hash table data structure is available for this task –there are three variants of hash tables based on whether keys are matched using eq, eql or equal The two basic operations for a hash table are to insert a new item and to access an item given its key – both are accomplished using gethash –(gethash key hashtable)  returns the item referenced by key or nil –(setf (gethash ’george a) ’smith)  places the datum ’smith in the table indexed by the key ’george –(gethash ’george a)  smith You can delete an entry from a hash table using remhash –(remhash key hashtable)

Hash Table Sizes Hash Tables are often implemented as very large arrays –for instance, a hash table that stores 10 items might be stored in an array of 100 elements –hash tables can therefore be very wasteful of memory space –in CL to get around this problem, hash tables can grow automatically and so you can specify an original size and a growth size when you create the hash table (make-hash-table :size x :rehash-size y :rehash-threshold z) – the hash table will start off with size x, and when needed, will increase in size by increments of y, and z denotes at what point the hash table should change in size (make-hash-table :size 100 :rehash-size 90 :rehash-threshold :80) – when the table has 80 elements added to it, it will become 90 greater –these values default to implementation-specific values if you do not specify them yourself

Successful and Failed Accesses The gethash function actually returns two values –the value matching the key –and whether the access was successful or not (t or nil) –if the key is not in the hash table, the first response is usually nil and the second one is nil, however you can alter the first response by providing a default return value (gethash key hashtable defaultvalue) as in (gethash ’x a ’error)  returns the symbol error if ’x is not found in a If you use setf to place a new entry into the hash table, and an entry already exists for that key, the entry is replaced by the new one and no error is indicated –therefore, you must be careful when inserting elements into a hash table –you could test to see if an entry exists first (if (gethash key hashtable) ’error (setf (gethash key hashtable) value))

Other Hash Table Functions maphash – a mapping function that maps every entry of the hash table onto the given function –each entry in the hash table is actually a pair, the key and the datum, so your function that you are applying must accept two arguments Example: (defun print-hash-items (x y) (print (list x y))) (maphash #’print-hash-items a)  prints all entries in the hash table a clrhash – clears all entries in the hash table and returns the table, now empty hash-table-count – returns the number of entries currently in the hash table (0 if empty) because hash tables are opaque with respect to how they work, an alternative approach is to implement an association list, which we look at in a little while

Sequences Sequences are generic types in Common Lisp that have several subtypes –Lists –Arrays –Vectors (1-D arrays) –Strings (vectors of characters) –Bit-arrays (arrays of bits) –Association and Property Lists (not all sequence functions operate as you might expect on these types of lists) While each of these has specific functions, there are also functions that can be applied to any sequence –We start by looking at sequence functions keeping in mind that these are applicable to any of the above types of sequences –For many of these, the more specific function for that particular type of sequence will be more efficient for instance, using the sequence function to access the ith element is less efficient than using the specific access function such as nth for lists and aref for arrays you are free to use whichever you prefer

Sequence Functions elt – return the requested element of the sequence –(elt seq i) returns the ith value in seq where the first element is at i = 0 (same as nth for lists) length – return the size of the sequence –for lists, this is the number of top-level elements, for strings it is the number of characters but for arrays, it is the number of array cells, not the number of elements currently in the array position – return the location in the sequence of the first occurrence of the given item –(position item seq) – like elt, the first item is at position 0, if the item does not appear, returns nil remove – remove all occurrences of the given item from the seq –(remove item seq) –delete is the destructive version of remove substitute – replace all occurrences of a given item with a new item in the sequence –(substitute new old seq) –nsubstitute is a destructive version of substitute

More Sequence Functions count – number of occurrences of an item in the seq –(count item seq) reverse, nreverse – same as with lists find – finds and returns an item in the sequence –(find item seq) – this may not be useful, you already know the value of item, there are other versions of find that we will find more useful remove-duplicates, delete-duplicates – remove any duplicated items in the given sequence (delete is the destructive version) –(remove-duplicates ’ ( ))  ( ) subseq – return the subsequence starting at the index given and ending at the end of the sequence or at the location before an (optional) ending index –(subseq ’( ) 2)  (3 4 5) –(subseq ’( ) 2 4)  (3 4)

And A Few More copy-seq –return a copy of a sequence (not just a pointer) –copies are true when tested with equalp but not eq since the copy does not occupy the same memory make-sequence – create a sequence of a given type and size, optionally with a given initial value –(make-sequence ’vector 10 :initial-element 0) concatenate – combines two or more sequences, must be supplied a return-type even if that type is equal to the sequences’ type –(concatenate ’vector “abc” ’(3 4 5))  the vector of a b c search – find the first occurrence of subsequence in the sequence –(search sub seq) such as (search “abc” “abacabcdabac”)  4 –mismatch – the opposite of search, returns the index of the first mismatch, nil if the two sequences match exactly

Functions That Apply Functions We will hold off on covering these in detail until later in the semester when we look at how to apply functions Each of these takes a function and one or more sequences, and applies the function to the sequence(s) returning either a new sequence or a single value –map – a mapping function that returns a new sequence of a specified type after the given function has been applied to each element of the sequence (map ’vector #’- ’( ))  vector of (map ’list #’char-upcase “hello”)  (#\H #\E #\L #\L #\O) –merge – merge two into a new sequence of a specified type (merge ’vector’(1 3 5) ’(2 6) #’< )  vector of –notice that in map and merge, the new type can differ from the original type –reduce – similar to map but reduces the result to a single item (reduce #’+ ’( ))  10 –sort, some, every, notany, notevery – to be covered later

Using Keywords Most sequence functions permit optional parameters –:start – provide a starting index remember, sequences start at index 0 –:end – provide an ending index this is the index of the element after the last one you want involved, that is, :end is an excluded element –:from-end – if set to t, then the sequence function works from the end of the sequence to the front –:start2 and :end2 – where to start and end in a second sequence if the function calls for two sequences (such as in search) –:test – provide a function to test, used in some of the functions, we won’t bother exploring it yet –:key – another function that can be applied to each sequence element consider a list of lists as in ’((a b) (c d) (a c) (d e) (a d)) and we want to count how many of the second items are equal to d –(count ’d seq :key #’cadr)  2 (two of the cadrs are ’d)

Arrays Arrays are a specific type of sequence which have attributes that go beyond the sequence such as being –able to store multiple types of elements –multi-dimensional –flexible in size if desired this attribute might lead to less efficient array operations To create an array, use make-array –it accepts an integer specifying the size of the array –or a list of integers that represents the size of each array dimension –optionally you can include :initial-element followed by a value to initialize all array elements :element-type followed by a type to restrict the array to elements of the given type – this makes the array more efficient to use –(setf a (make-array 10 :initial-element 0)) –(setf b (make-array ( ))) ;; 3-d array –(setf c (make-array 100 :element-type ’ratio)

Arrays As Lists Arrays are indicated in CL by #(items) as in –#( ) –so if you do (setf a (make-array 4)) then a is #(nil nil nil nil) We can directly manipulate arrays as if they were lists that start with a #, so for instance, we can create and initialize an array: –(setf a #( )) using :initial-element only permits you to initialize to the same value There are several ways to create multidimensional arrays: –(setf a (make-array ’(4 5)) – a is a 2-D array –(setf a (make-array 4 :initial-element (make-array 5 :initial- element))) –(setf a #2A((nil nil nil nil nil) (nil nil nil nil nil) (nil nil nil nil nil) (nil nil nil nil nil))) –(setf a #(#(nil nil nil nil nil) #(nil nil nil nil nil) #(nil nil nil nil nil) #(nil nil nil nil nil)))) in the latter three cases, the array is an array of arrays we can use this last approach to create jagged arrays

Accessing Array Elements To access an element of the array, use aref –or elt –recall that arrays start at element 0 (aref x 0)  0 th element or x[0] (aref y 0 1 6)  element y[0][1][6] We can assign an array to equal a section of another array using :displaced-to –(setf a (make-array ’(4 3))) –(setf b (make-array 8 :displaced-to a :displaced-index-offset 2)) (aref a 0 2) = (aref b 0), (aref 2 1) = (aref b 5) Aref is setf-able – that is, you assign values into an array using (setf (aref array subscript(s)) value) –(setf (aref a 2 2) 10) – for the 2D array above

Array Functions array-rank returns the number of dimensions for an array array-dimension, when given an array and a dimension number, returns the size of that dimension –(setf a #3a(((…) (…) (…)) ((…) (…) (…)))) –(array-rank a)  2 (2-dimensional) –(array-dimension a 1)  3 (dimension 1 has 3 elements) array-dimensions returns a list of all of the dimensions number of elements –(array-dimensions a)  (x 3) – depending on how many elements make up … array-total-size – the total number of elements in the array (which is calculated as a product of the dimensions from array- dimensions) –Note that these work only if the array is rectangular, not jagged array-in-bounds-p – given an array and subscripts, returns t if the subscripts are within legal bounds, nil otherwise –good for error checking prior to an aref operation

Adjustable Arrays One unique aspect of Common Lisp arrays is that you can make them adjustable –If you declare an array to be of some size XxY and later find that you need to expand it to be (X+m)x(Y+n), you can do that if the array is adjustable notice that this is not like in Java where you create a new array, copy the old into the new, and then reassign your array pointer variable you can similarly do array resizing in CL like you do in Java, but this can be inefficient – takes time to copy the old array over Instead, if you specify your array as :adjustable t when you use make-array, then the array is adjustable –This means that you can arbitrarily change the size of the array without having to do array copying –Adjustable arrays might be less efficiently accessed than ordinary arrays especially if you are adjusting them often

How To Adjust An Array Use the function adjust-array –(adjust-array array new-dimensions) –new-dimensions will be a single integer for a one-dimensional array, or a list of integers for multi-dimensional arrays –new dimensions must have the same rank as the array had originally (you can change size, but not dimensions) –the changed size can be smaller or larger than the original array if smaller, obviously some elements are chopped out of the array if larger, the original elements will remain where they were in the array (although not necessarily where they were in memory) Adjust-array returns an array of the new size, if we want our array effected, we have to do (setf array (adjust-array array …))

Example (setf a #2a((1 2 3) (4 5 6) (7 8 9) ( ))) (array-rank a)  2 (array-dimensions a)  (4 3) (setf a (adjust-array a ’(5 3)))  a is now reset to be #2a((1 2 3) (4 5 6) (7 8 9) ( ) (nil nil nil)) (setf a (adjust-array a ’(5 4)))  a is now reset to be #2a((1 2 3 nil) (4 5 6 nil) (7 8 9 nil) ( nil) (nil nil nil nil)) (setf a (adjust-array a ’(4 4)))  a is now reset to be #2a((1 2 3 nil) (4 5 6 nil) (7 8 9 nil) ( nil)) (setf a (adjust-array a 4))  error, a is unaffected (setf a (adjust-array a ’(4 4 2))  error, a is unaffected

Strings Strings are vectors of characters –You could create a string using (make-array size :element-type ’character) where size is the size of the string –Alternatively, you could create a string using “…” as you do in Java as in (setf a “hello”) –And a third alternative is to specify the individual characters in an array such as #(#\a #\b #\c) note that #(“abc”) is not the same, this would be an array of strings where the array currently only has 1 string –A fourth alternative is to use (make-string size) which has an optional :initial-element The second and fourth mechanisms will provide the most efficient string and the second mechanism is probably the easiest

String Comparison Functions string= – compares two strings to see if their corresponding characters are equal (i.e., equal instead of eq) and will always be false if the two strings are of different lengths string-equal – same except that it ignores case (equalp instead of equal) string, string =, string/= – again, case-sensitive string-lessp, string-greaterp, string-not-greaterp, string-not-lessp – case-insensitive –all of these permit :start, :end, :start2, :end2 optional keyword parameters (equal< s1 s2 :start 5 :end 9 :start2 2 :end2 6)

String Manipulation Functions string-trim – given a sequence of characters and a string, it returns the string with all of the characters in the sequence trimmed off of the beginning and the ending of the string –(string-trim '(#\0 #\1 #\2 #\3 #\4 #\5 #\6 #\7 #\8 #\9) “853 Pine Street Apt. 34”)  “ Pine Street Apt. ” –(string-trim '(#\0 #\1 #\2 #\3 #\4 #\5 #\6 #\7 #\8 #\9) “853 Pine Street Apt. 34A”)  “ Pine Street Apt. 34A” –there are also functions to trim only the left or right side (string-trim-left, string-trim-right) string-upcase, string-downcase, string-capitalize – returns the string with all letters in uppercase, lowercase, or starting letters in uppercase, all other characters are unaffected –nstring-upcase, nstring-downcase, nstring-capitalize are destructive versions All of these functions permit :start and :end parameters string – returns a string unaffected if the parameter is a string, otherwise converts the argument to a string (if possible) –(string #\a)  “a”, (string 392)  error

Association Lists Recall that a cons cell whose cdr does not point to a list but instead to an item creates a dotted pair –The association list (a-list or assoc-list) uses this to store a key/value pair in the form (key. value) the car of any cons cell is the key, the cdr is the value A list of dotted pairs is an association list –We could create the a-list by hand, or use some of the association list built-in functions –The association list gives us the ability to see what’s going on inside of the dictionary-style data structure, but if the association list becomes lengthy, searching it leads to poorer performance than using the hash table So, for small sets of data, or for sets of data where you have no idea how big your hash table should be, you can use the association list Or, for data where you want to do more than what is offered by the hash table, you can use the association list Otherwise, it is best to use the hash table for both efficiency and simplicity

Adding to an A-List To add a new dotted pair to an A-list, use acons (similar to cons) –(acons key datum alist) this is equivalent to (cons (cons x y) a) –note for this to be a true a-list, neither x nor y should be a list To create pairs, you can use pairlis –(pairlis lis1 lis2)  this creates a group of dotted pairs with corresponding elements from both lists (pairlis ’(a b) ’(1 2))  ((b. 2) (a. 1)) –the two lists must be of the same length you can optionally supply an a-list as a third argument, then the new pairs are consed to the original list –(setf alist (pairlis (newkeys) (newdata) alist))  adds to alist the new pairs Note: a-lists should mimic the usage of hash tables, but there is nothing to prevent you from adding a duplicate key to an a-list!

Accessing Into an A-List The access command is assoc followed by the key of the item desired, and the alist –(assoc ’fred students)  returns the dotted pair whose car is ’fred (note: this returns the entire cons cell, not just the cdr) The function is basically doing this: (defun assoc (a lis) (if (equal a (caar lis)) (car lis) (assoc a (cdr lis)))) If you know the item and want the key, use rassoc –(rassoc ’smith students)  the dotted pair whose cdr is ’smith This function is the same as the above function except that we have (equal a (cdar lis)) – notice, this is not (cadr!) You can change entries using rplaca and rplacd with assoc or rassoc –(rplaca (assoc key lis) newkey) – rplaca to replace the key –(rplacd (assoc key lis) newdatum) – rplacd to replace the datum –(rplaca (rassoc datum lis) newkey) – rplaca to replace the key –(replacd (rassoc datum lis) newdatum) – rplacd to replace the datum

Property Lists A hold-over from early lisp is the property list –The property list is a group of properties (or attributes) attached to a symbol (instead of a variable), and is used to describe that symbolic entity the p-list, like an a-list, stores pairs of items unlike the a-list, no key can be duplicated in the p-list and there is no variable that points to the list, only a symbol –P-list operations are usually destructive most often, a-list operations are non-destructive and require that you use setf to alter the a-list –The p-list does not use dotted pairs, but instead pairs of values in a list so that the first item is the key and the second is the property of the key therefore, p-lists will always have an even number of elements –Get is used to access the p-list (get ’plist key) and returns key’s associated property (notice that we use the symbol, not a variable, to access it) –Example: the property list Zappa contains (name Frank job musician status dead) (get ’Zappa ’job) returns musician (get ’Zappa ’salary) returns nil (get ’Zappa ’salary ’unknown) returns unknown

P-list Functions Aside from get, we use setf to add to a p-list –(setf (get ’zappa ’name) ’Frank) –(setf (get ’zappa ’job) ’musician) –(setf (get ’zappa ’status) ’dead) notice unlike an A-list, we cannot just create the list as (setf zappa ’(name Frank job musician status dead)) because this would treat zappa as a variable pointing to a list, not a p-list remprop – removes a property pair from the p-list –(remprop ’zappa ’status) – remember, this is destructive, so you don’t have to reassign zappa to be the list that this returns symbol-plist – returns the plist for us to use in other functions rather than the symbol –it also returns the list in a somewhat readable format –(symbol-plist ’zappa) would return (PKG::SYMBOL-NAME-STRING "ZAPPA" STATUS DEAD JOB MUSICIAN NAME FRANK

Using Plists Since you are attaching a group of properties to a symbol, you cannot directly access the list –In the previous example, the symbol was Zappa now Zappa is not a variable, so you can’t get access to the p-list like you would with arrays, a-lists or others –To get ahold of the p-list, use symbol-plist as we saw on the previous slide –Operations getf and remf are like get and remprop but operate on the p-lists themselves (getf plist ’key) = (get ’name ’key) where (symbol-plist ’name)  plist –Finally, get-properties can return all of the properties from a list of properties requested (get-properties (symbol-plist ’zappa) ’(name job status))  (name Frank job musician status dead)

Structures Structures allow you to create non-homogenous data structures –In C, these are called structs –In Java, there is no equivalent, although objects are like this –Unlike C and Java however, structures in CL have a lot of short-cut options and accessing functions which are automatically generated for you To define a structure: –(defstruct name slots) Slots are just names that you want to call each item/member of the structure –(defstruct person name sex age occupation) You can supply your defstruct a variety of keyword arguments for any/every slot such as –:type – limit the slot to containing a specific type of datum –:read-only – restrict a slot to be a constant set to the initialization value –and/or provide default values (wrap the name and value in ( )’s)

Generated Functions Once you have defined your structure, you can now generate instances of the structure and access the slots –make-name generates an instance of a structure called name If you named it person, then (make-person) creates the instance You can specify initial values in your function call by using :slot value –(make-person :name ’Frank :age 53) just returns the struct –(setf a (make-person :name ’Frank :age 53)) stores the struct in a variable Slots without default values, or without initialized values, will be nil –the make-name function is automatically generated when you do defstruct –Another function is of the form structname-slotname, which accesses that particular slot (also generated when you do defstruct) (person-name a)  returns the value of a’s name slot –Slots are setf-able (setf (person-age a) 50) –Structures also have type-checking predicate functions generated (person-p a)  t, alternatively you can do (typep a ’person)

Other Structure Comments As with arrays, you can instantiate a structure on your own using the form #s(type values) as in: –(setf b #s(person :name ’jim :age 44 :sex ’m)) fields not listed in such a statement default to their default values or nil You can also have other functions generated for you in your defstruct statement –define a constructor function –define a copier function (to make a copy of a structure) –define a prediction function the predicate function is automatically created for you, but this permits you to change the name of the function –To do any of these, you wrap the structure name and these commands in a layer of ( )s, we will see details on the next slides Finally, you can specify :include struct-type which builds upon struct-type, providing you a form of inheritance –Again, the syntax differs, see the next slide

Example Let’s flesh out our person example –(defstruct person name (sex ’m) age (occupation ’unknown)) –(setf p1 (make-person :name ’Bob :age 20)) –(setf p2 (make-person :name ’Sue :sex ’f : age 33 :occupation ’professor)) (print (list “enter occupation for” (person-name p1))) (setf (person-occupation p1) (read)) –(defstruct (doctor (:include person)) medical-school (done- interning t)) notice here that the name of this structure and its “parent” are placed inside of parens, and then we list the additional slots –(setf p3 (make-doctor :name ’Fred :age 49 :occupation ’doctor :medical-school ’OSU)) we can similarly define a :print-function to specify how the structure should be printed out, and :conc-name if we want to alter the slot names to not have to include the structure’s name –for instance change (person-name p1) to be (p-n p1) –details for both of these are given in

More on Structure “Inheritance” Notice in the previous example we had to specify the occupation in p3 to give it an initial value –we would normally prefer to include (occupation ’doctor) in the defstruct for doctor so that all doctors have a default occupation of doctor, but unfortunately that would override part of person’s definition –for structures, the form of inheritance that we see is not controllable, unlike in OOP, so we can’t override what we inherit –we similarly cannot use any form of multiple inheritance for structures we can get around both of these problems by using classes, something we will study later in the semester If a variable points to a structure that inherits from another, which structure do you use to specify the slots? –Either So p1’s slots are accessed by (person-slot p1) but p3’s slots can be accessed either by (person-slot p3) or (doctor-slot p3) –with the exception of those slots only defined by the doctor structure, they can only be accessed as doctor-slot (person-p p1), (person-p p2) and (doctor-p p2) return t and (doctor-p p1) is nil as we might expect

Using the Constructor The :constructor slot allows you to specify the name of a default constructor along with the parameters that the constructor expects –You can only use this option if you have placed the structure’s name inside of parens (defstruct (foobar (:constructor construct-foobar (…))) …) rather than (defstruct foobar (:constructor…)) –The parameters listed should be the same names as the slots You can use &key or &optional as desired So, we change our person as follows: –(defstruct (person (:constructor construct-person (name &optional age sex occupation))) name age (sex ’m) (occupation ’unknown)) Now we can do (make-person) or (make-person :name…) or we can do (construct-person ’fred), etc. This prevents us from having to initialize slots by using the clunky :slot- name value format