Cornell Notes Welcome to your Cornell Notes Teacher’s Guide. I have annotated the presentation to provide tips and additional information. Sometimes, I even suggest a script for the information. Scripted pieces are italicized. Enjoy!
What are Cornell Notes? Cornell Notes are a system for note-taking used in colleges around the world. They have been proven to help students achieve academic success. Using Cornell Notes can help you increase your knowledge, improve your grades and help keep you organized. Cornell Notes were developed by Walter Pauk, education professor at Cornell University in 1949 to help his students get the MOST from their education.
How to set up Cornell Notes You have options: Use a “Cornell Notes Ruler” Fold your paper Draw it free-hand IMPORTANT: Don’t get hung-up on making perfect lines. The important part of the notes are YOUR notes! Stress to students that there are a couple of different ways to make Cornell Notes. They can choose a method that works for them…or whatever class they are in. Let them know that different teachers have different ways of setting up and using Cornell Notes. For example: Some classes may have you draw your vertical line closer to the right. Some teachers might have more specific things they want you to write on each side of the line. Flexibility is the key. Please make a big deal about being efficient in setting up Cornell Notes pages. Cornell notes are meant to ultimately make their lives easier…not more complicated or frustrating.
Class Notes Topic Questions, Subtitles, Headings, Etc. First & Last Name Class Title Period Date Topic Questions, Subtitles, Headings, Etc. Class Notes 2 1/2” Each click of a mouse will reveal a component of Cornell Notes. Give a little “think time” for each component. 3 to 4 sentence summary across the bottom of the last page of the day’s notes
Let’s practice! You will want to set up 2 pieces of binder paper for notes. Number the bottom right-hand corner 1 & 2. Hand out rulers while students get out 2 sheets of binder paper. The next slide takes them trough setting up each part.
Cornell Notes Why Take Cornell Notes? 2 1/2” Your name Your class, Period Today’s date Cornell Notes Why Take Cornell Notes? 2 1/2” Heading Title/Topic (Cornell Notes) Use the ruler or folding method to make lines Summary box on bottom of second sheet only Page numbers 1
Why Take Cornell Notes? Cornell-style notes are versatile. They can be used in many classes. Taking Cornell Notes will help you learn new information. Cornell notes can be excellent tools for studying for a test. Here is a recommended script for this slide: Why Take Cornell Notes? There are three advantages to take Cornell Notes. 1. Cornell-style notes are versatile. They can be used in many classes. You could use these in social studies, science, health, FACs class...all over the place. 2. Taking Cornell Notes will help you learn new information. Taking Cornell Notes is more than just recording or writing down information. They can help you “own” the information. It will become yours because you really learn it, remember it, and apply the new learning. 3. Cornell notes can be excellent tools for studying for a test. Better scores on tests=better grades. Better grades = happy students + parents!
Let’s check your notes… Why use Cornell Notes? Can be used in lots of classes Learn new info Tool=Study 4 a Test Please check some students notes. Have them make corrections as necessary. Discuss why these notes were written. Notice the underlining and use of symbols and the number “4” substitutes “for”. Important information was in bold print on the Power Point slide.
Excellent! You are ready to move on… Now they are on their own. Pace the information appropriately. Give students time and suggestions for recording the information in the next slides. Pause to check for understanding.
What materials are needed? Binder paper Column drawn at left-handed side of the paper-- approximately 2 ½ inches wide Room at the bottom of the last page for summary What materials are needed? Binder paper…sometimes teachers may have “pre-made” notes for you. Column drawn at left-handed side of the paper-- approximately 2 ½ inches wide. Remember to be efficient. They don’t need to be perfect! Room at the bottom of the last page for summary.
How to take Cornell Notes: Write information in your own words in right-hand column. Include main ideas and important details. Use symbols and visual cues For example: ALL CAPITAL LETTERS, underlining, arrows , even pictures. The bulleted information on the next two slides “pulse” with each mouse click.
How to take Cornell Notes: Don’t worry about spelling on your notes—check the spelling later when you use the information on an assignment. Use abbreviations that work for YOU! Write headings/questions in left-hand column if they seem obvious during a lecture or while reading. Don’t worry about spelling on your notes—check the spelling later when you use the information on an assignment Use abbreviations that work for YOU! Write headings/questions in left-hand column if they seem obvious during a lecture or while reading. For example: in this presentation, the headings and questions are on the top of the slide. It is easy to keep track. In your textbooks, you may want to write the subheadings from each section you are studying.
And after taking notes… Write questions, subtitles, and/or headings in the left-hand column. Reread your notes to: Correct, complete and/or clarify Emphasize important information (use a highlighter or underline key details) Write a reflection or summary at the bottom of the page. Explain 2nd bullet point.
Use Your Notes to Study for a Test Cover the right side of the page Read the question/heading Recite the information Check for accuracy (Lift and peek) Quiz a partner or friend
What else could you use your notes for? Recall information for a homework assignment. Use them for research papers. ?????