Making the link between EYV2011 and EY2012 for older volunteering ‘People in Diaconia Network’ meeting Eurodiaconia Brussels, 8 November
Tour de table What activities have you been involved in during EY2011 What do you believe active ageing can offer (individuals, society…)?
Initiatives to explore older volunteering: Intergroup on Ageing and Intergenerational Solidarity meeting Met on 21 September 2011 to discuss ‘Enhancing the participation of older volunteers through the 2011 European Year of Volunteering’ Highlighted important contribution that older volunteers bring to society Considered how best to remove current obstacles to volunteering among older people Reflected on benefits that volunteering brings for older people and how EYV2011 links into aims of EY2012 to promote active ageing
Intergroup on Ageing and Intergenerational Solidarity: Resolution on importance of older volunteering Endorsed by all Intergroup Co-Chairs and Martin Kastler MEP, rapporteur for the EP report on the EY2012 Recalls that 73% of older workers say they want to get involved in volunteering yet only 44% of retired people actually volunteer Considers volunteering as vital component of active ageing which needs to be actively encouraged Includes number of recommendations to EU and stakeholders at national and local level to enhance volunteering opportunities for older people
New AGE position paper : Active ageing through older volunteering Launched at Intergroup on Ageing meeting on 21 September 2011 Momentum created by EYV2011 should be built on to facilitate older people's engagement in community and volunteering activities in EY2012 Older volunteering needs and deserves targeted support and an enabling policy environment Available at: ers_position_Final.pdfhttp:// ers_position_Final.pdf
Exploring synergies between EYV2011 and EY2012 ‘Our rapidly ageing population means that decision-makers must take urgent action to encourage all generations to be more active in their communities and also in society more generally. As life expectancy goes up, active ageing should be encouraged through volunteering and is an opportunity to engage all citizens regardless of their age.’ Anne-Sophie Parent, Secretary General, AGE 21 September 2011
Objectives of European Year on Active Ageing and Intergenerational Solidarity in 2012? Promote active ageing in employment Promote active ageing in the community through volunteering and caring Promote healthy ageing and independent living Enhance solidarity between generations in order to create a society for all ages
What does active ageing mean? World Health Organization definition (2002) Process of optimising opportunities for health, participation and security in order to enhance quality of life as people age Allows people to: - realise their potential for wellbeing throughout their lives -participate in society according to their needs, desires and capabilities - be provided with adequate protection, security and care when they need assistance 8
What does intergenerational solidarity mean? Intergenerational solidarity refers to the mutual support and cooperation between different age groups in order to achieve a society where people of all ages have a role to play in society and identifying their needs. Through intergenerational solidarity all can benefit from their community’s economic and social progress on an equal basis.
What does an ageing society mean? Society to adapt to needs of ageing population Tackle new difficulties faced by other age groups so all generations will be able to support each other Collectively review policies and practices: -town planning, rural development, public transport, access to health care, social protection, employment, civic participation, leisure, etc. 10
Demographic change is an opportunity Can bring innovative solutions to current economic and social challenges Empowering older people to: - age in good health -contribute more actively to the labour market -be move involved in their communities Will help us cope with demographic ageing in a way that is fair and sustainable for all generations.
EY2012 Stakeholders’ Coalition More than 40 European organisations who share a common vision of a society for all ages Leaflet to explain objectives of EY2012 and role for stakeholders + showcase good practice (launched 29 April 2011) Gathering good practice examples for Commission website on EY2012 (launched 29 April 2011) Press pack to explain objectives of EY2012 Manifesto on EY2012 (to be launched at EP event on 7 November 2011) Roadmap for EY2012 (to be launched at Opening Conference of EY2012 in Copenhagen: January 2012)
13 Leaflet published together with the EY2012 Coalition to: Set the context for EY 2012 Explain the Coalition’s objectives Give recommendations and examples of best practices
EY 2012 Stakeholders’ Coalition Manifesto A few key points: Promote a vision of a society for all ages where can play an active part and enjoy equal rights and opportunities Achieving a society for all ages is a collective responsibility EU should mainstream the promotion of age-friendly environments in all relevant EU policy processes and funding programmes to support action at all levels EU, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe and WHO- Europe should coordinate their actions to adopt a “European Strategy for Active and Healthy Ageing and an Age-friendly EU” National, regional and local actors should develop plans to promote age-friendly environments in response to demographic change 14
Stakeholders’ Coaliton Roadmap Political document to set the direction for EY2012 and beyond Currently being finalised by Stakeholders’ Coalition Will be launched at Danish Presidency Opening Conference of EY2012 in Copenhagen on January 2012 Content: Will set out what the different political levels can do to support the goal of achieving an Age-Friendly EU by 2020 Will consider areas for action under the key themes of EY2012 including in areas of advocacy work, awareness raising, networking and capacity building 15
AGE Platform Europe’s objective: An age-friendly EU: our goal by 2020 Making the labour place more inclusive Supporting the active participation of all age groups in society Promoting a positive image of older people Organising our social protection systems to ensure that older people can enjoy a dignified live Adapting our urban environment and transport systems Promoting the concept of Design-for-All to be applied to all mainstream goods and services Reinforcing the protection of vulnerable dependent older people through the promotion of quality long-term care 16
A first joint initiative Joint publication of the European Commission, the Committee of the Regions and AGE Platform Europe: To explain what can local and regional actors do to support active ageing and solidarity between generations. To list EU Funding instruments for active ageing projects and give example of already existing projects.
Examples of other activities linked to active ageing European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing Volunteering (EY2011) Pension issues Carers’ leave directive Campiagn for minimum income for older people (EY2010) Work on « Design for All »: how to make goods and services answer users’ needs Link with the Accessibility Act and the UN Convention of the Rights of People with Disabilities Involvement in research projects to promote end users involvement 18
How can you contribute to EY 2012? Join our campaign! Use EU Day of Solidarity between Generations (29 April) as opportunity to show link between promoting active ageing and encouraging intergenerational solidarity Integrate EY2012 campaign activity into work programme Share your Youtube clips, quotes, reports, events, publications by posting them on the Commission’s EY2012 website: Join the Stakeholder Coalition: contact Alice Sinigaglia, AGE’s EY2012 Coordinator 19
Discussion Questions to consider Explain how older volunteers contribute to improving Europe’s social, cultural and environmental welfare? What concrete actions can be taken during EY2012 to enhance the contribution of older volunteers? What is your organisation planning to do to promote active ageing in the community during EY2012? 20
Thank you for your attention 21
AGE Platform Europe Rue Froissart Brussels, Belgium Contact: Rachel Buchanan tel. : fax :