MAXIMO Creating Workorders 12/1/06 OBJECTIVES To create a Maximo work order for water, sewer and reclaim work Put in correct information
Logging into Maximo “Double Click on Maximo 4i”
Click on “Work Order icon”, then click on “Work Order Tracking”
To create a new work order Click paper icon with plus This step will generate a new work order number
New work order number is now created New work order number is now created. Tab once to fill in short description field & click in WO priority and fill in correctly
Use the tab key to advance to the location field, right mouse click, and go to hyperlink, left click once
If you have house number but not street name Tab to the second field Type in house number, space, 1st letter of street name or 1st number,% - Click on globe address choices will appear If you have house number but not street name Type in house number then %, no space
Highlight the address you are looking for, click ok or double click on the address Operating location screen will populate with location and address
Click on the Return/Select icon Click on the Return/Select icon. This is the icon with red arrow and two boxes Tab once and address will fill in on the work order and bring you to the equipment field.
Enter the Hydrant ID number Tab to Equipment field Enter the Hydrant ID number 15HN-WH0256
NOTE: When you are in the equipment field If the work being performed is for a meter you would enter the meter number starting with 0. Example: 044438961 - 9 digits long. If the work being performed does not involve a meter, delete the meter number. If the work being performed is sewer you would enter the manhole ID number. 1) Example: 15HN-SM1003.
Tab once out of field and a prompt will appear. Choose NO
If prompt says “Change GL to……” Choose YES
The next step is to check the GL account
Verify GL Account See the following page for GL’S The first 3 digits will be 0560 (Utilities Serv) Example: 0560- The next 7 numbers will indicate the North or South location of the job being done 6111200 – North & South Example: 0560-6111200- The next 7 spaces will be all question marks Example: 0560-6111200-???????- The last field of numbers will indicate what type of job. See the following page for GL’S
Continue filling in fields Click on Work Type Field. Fill in appropriate response. EM = Emergency Maintenance PM = Preventive Maintenance CM = Corrective Maintenance Initiating Dept: GMD Route to: GMD Route to Division/MRC: NGMD or SGMD. System: Water, Sewer, Reclaim
Example: filling in fields
Job plan is work to be performed Click on JOB PLAN Job plan is work to be performed
Job Plan cont. Type in JP followed by proper job plan number from list. Also, include size if appropriate for job. (Example: JP400/0075 Note: Before you enter job plan make sure you have a job plan list that indicated which jobs have sizes associated with them.
Click on failure class field
Failure Class Cont. Check to see if appropriate failure class has filled in. Some equipment may default to proper failure class. If appropriate class is not filled in click on arrow that is in box in the field marked “Failure Class” above “Problem Code”. Scroll till you find appropriate choice. Click on the line of choice and click on OK.
Example: Failure Class
Problem Code Repeat same procedure as Failure class by clicking on arrow in field. Choose appropriate code. Tab to “Target date” field under Scheduling Information. Fill in appropriate date. Note: Work order can not be approved without a target date.
Example: Failure class & Problem code
SUPERVISOR & LEAD CRAFT/PERSON Tab and fill in appropriate supervisors name. First initial last name. Example: Dbrown Tab and fill in appropriate lead craft/person. Same as supervisor, first initial and then last name.
If your not sure of spelling or correct initial If your not sure of spelling or correct initial. Click in lead craft box, right click. Click on hyperlink.
Click on globe for choices Tab to second field. Put %name%. If you only know part of the name put partial name. Click on globe for choices
Double click on name or hit OK
Return/select choice to front screen Return/select choice to front screen. Click on the two boxes with red arrow
Look over work order and verify all information is filled in before putting work order in Approval or Inprogress
Click OK if work order is ready to be approved If you are approving the work order, click on icon that looks like a red check mark Click OK if work order is ready to be approved
To put a work order in progress To put a work order in progress. Click on the icon that looks like a stop light Initiate means to put the work in progress. Click OK to print work order
If you want to put a work order in progress but do not want to print If you want to put a work order in progress but do not want to print. Click on check mark next to print work order and leave blank
Completed work order