Attention Juniors and Seniors. If you are interested in participating in the summer ventures in science and mathematics come by and see Ms. Karen in guidance. Application deadline is January 31, You must have a 3.5 GPA.
If anyone still has Yearbook order forms please turn it into SMR by Thursday. If you need to fill out order form pick up one in SMR. Thanks!
Seniors see Ms. Kathy for New Scholarship sheet. This is number four (4).
Seniors: Parent pages are due Friday, December 14 th. For more information please come by SMR and see David Leek. Thanks!
Seniors- See Ms. Kathy for the Toyota Scholarship. Deadline is December 11, 2007.
Attention Seniors, please bring in notification of acceptance letters from colleges, universities, or military to Ms. Demetrice in guidance as soon as you receive them.
Applications completed online for UNC- Charlotte must use a credit card. NO fee waiver. See Ms. Kathy for more information.
Seniors who plan to attend UNC-Pembroke see Ms. Kathy in Guidance for the Merit application. This includes the $3,000 Native American Incentive Scholarship.
Attention Minority Students: 25 students are needed to participate in a program called “Need to Lead” thru UNCW. Come by guidance an pick up an application before December 19 th.
Indian Education will be sponsoring their annual AISES science fair on December 3 rd,2007. Students that are interested in participating need to see Ms. Lynn Chavis room 507, Ms. Ann Jacobs, Ms. Delores Brooks, or Mark Deese in YDS for a registration form.
Cultural Classes will be offered at Lumbee Regional Development Association (LRDA) every Thursday night from 6:00-8:00PM. Students get an opportunity to learn native drum and dance, regalia making, beadwork, pottery and native history. Classes are free and students from all grades can participate.
The Indian Ed. VISION volunteer program is accepting applications for Native American students, grades 9-12 who are interested in volunteering in the Indian communities. Please see a YDS for more information.
2007 Christmas Cheer The African American Student Organization is sponsoring 10 children of all races from The Department of Social Services. Please bring toys, non-perishable food items, clothing, or any other items that will brighten a child’s Christmas. If items are used and are in good condition, they are greatly appreciated as well. Social workers from D.S.S. will come and pick up donations on December 18, Boxes and large stockings are located in the guidance office and in Ms. Demetrice’s office. Thank you in advance for your participation.
YCA invites everyone to join us each Wednesday in the library for devotion.
Attention all faculty and staff, don’t forget to sign up for the Chinese Christmas in the lounge. The sheets are posted. Remember there is at least a $10.00 minimum for gifts. We look forward to seeing your face in this place, so add your name to the list! Thank you for all you do! The Renaissance Team
Attention staff members, a sign-up sheet is in the lounge for the Relay-for- life committee along with a description of each members responsibility.