1 WORKING TOGETHER: CURRICULUM, CAMPUS AND COMMUNITY Prof. Brian Chalkley Director of Higher Education Academy Subject Centre for Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences (GEES) University of Plymouth EAUC CONFERENCE, UNIVERSITY OF EXETER, 31 March – 2 April 2008 “Skills for Sustainability: Putting the Pieces Together”
2 THE AIM To explore some opportunities for HEI colleagues from different “silos” to work with each other, join things up and “put the pieces together” in the interests of ESD
3 THE FOUR “C”s MODEL Culture
4 HEFCE’S PRIORITY: STUDENTS FIRST “The greatest contribution higher education has to make to sustainable development is by enabling students to develop new skills and knowledge”
5 HIGHER EDUCATION AND THE PLANET “The destruction of the planet is not the work of ignorant people. Rather it is largely the result of work by people with BAs, BScs, LLBs, MBAs and PhDs.” (David Orr)
6 RECOGNITION OF PREVIOUS EDUCATIONAL FAILINGS “The volume of education has increased, yet so have the dangers of ecological catastrophe. If still more education is to save us, it will have to be education of a very different kind” (Schumacher)
7 ESD IS FOR EVERYONE “Because all people occupy eco-systems, consume resources and produce pollution, all students must understand the importance of sustainability” (Cortese) Sustainability can have wide appeal amongst students and staff because it has social, economic, scientific and technological dimensions.
8 WHAT OPPORTUNITIES DOES THE CAMPUS OFFER FOR ESD? Buildings Energy Water Waste Landscape Travel/transport Procurement Catering Students and Staff
9 LEARNING AND THE CAMPUS Social surveys Env. audits Guest Lectures Group projects Dissertations Assessed exercises Learning can be ABOUT, FOR or THROUGH the campus
10 CAMPUS LEARNING AND THE INFORMAL CURRICULUM Student newspapers Displays and posters Special events Exhibitions Competitions Campaigns Volunteering Signs, landscapes and trails
12 WHAT OPPORTUNITIES DOES THE COMMUNITY OFFER FOR ESD? HEIs as catalysts for regional change Our links to local government, private sector, NGOs, schools etc. Education through community engagement Student placements, projects, knowledge transfer, fieldwork etc. in the local community
13 “PUTTING THE PIECES TOGETHER” THE BENEFITS Student motivation and interest Real ‘live’ topics Experiential learning Empowering students to make a difference Capturing expertise of “support” staff Joining things up within the institution
14 “PUTTING THE PIECES TOGETHER” THE BARRIERS “Silos” and the lack of existing staff links Insufficient time and staff resources Student numbers Time-scales and logistics Confidentiality Quality control
15 HOW TO ADVANCE THE CAUSE SD/Env and L & T policies Lobby L & T leaders Liaise with students Annual L & T conference Articles in staff magazine Champions and trail-blazers Work with Educational Development Look for opportunities and easy wins
16 Students learn to think globally and act locally “Putting the Pieces Together”