Leadership and Service “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” –John Quincy Adams
Student Objectives Know how to get involved in local communities and nationally. Develop good research skills. Know how to define - leader Develop lifelong practices of good citizenship, fairness and respect for others.
What does Leadership Mean? dictionary.com defines leadership as: dictionary.com the position or function of a leader ability to lead An act of leading; guidance; direction the leaders of a group Write a paragraph of what you think defines a leader.
Name Some Leaders A leader in sports – Team Captain A leader in the military – a General A leader in the country – the Prez A leader of the world – America A leader of a group – the one who people follow
Leaders You Know How are these people leaders? Your Principal Your Teacher Your Coach Your Parents Your friends How are you a leader?
You can be a leader Be a leader by having good character even when no one is watching. Character is the quality of your behavior. You don’t have to have a title to be a leader. You can lead by serving your community.
How are They Similar “The leader always sets the trail for others to follow.” “Leadership, its about taking the initiative to make things better.”
Leaders Give Back A leader does not forget that there are people who are less fortunate. A leader helps out the community. A leader gives back. How can you give back?
Community Service Give charitably: you can do this by giving your old clothing to good will, participating in food drives and programs like toys for tots. Encourage others to donate: let your friends know about ways they can give to their comm- unity, and even offer to take things to donate for them.
Community Service (cont.) Volunteer: offer help at various events such as a county fair or clean parks, highways etc. Join community organizations: a well known organization for young adults is the Key Club. Mentor programs: offer free tutoring. to younger kids (e.g. HOSTS)
National Service There are two main ways to get involved: volunteering politics Political contribution includes:. formulating petitions,. campaigning, and fundraising. Joining the Corporation for National and Community Service will also involve you nationally.
More on Leadership Good leaders are also genuinely good people. They also respect and obey rules and laws around them. A good leader practices good citizenship.
Good Citizenship Good citizens take responsibility for the community they live in, the environment and they obey the law. These traits can be seen by the following actions: show concern for others use non-judgmental language always do the right thing take responsibility know how their actions affect others
Putting it into Action For your assignment, write an essay about a service you would like to perform for your community. Make sure to describe in detail what you want to do, how you would benefit others, and how the experience utilized leadership skills.
Key Research Skills Thesis Statement What is the problem? What information do you need to solve the problem? Research Approaches What is the range of sources? Which source takes precedence over the other? Location and Access Where are the sources? What important information is in the source?
Key Research Skills (cont.) Utilizing Research How reliable is the source? What information can I take from the source? Putting The Research Together How is the information organized? What is the best way to present the research? Assessing the Final Product How well done is the final product? Is the research process logical?