European Year for Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations 2012 Alice Sinigaglia Campaign Officer 1
Marks 10th Anniversary of UN Action Plan on Ageing Framework to raise awareness, identify and share good practice Encourage policymakers and stakeholders to promote active ageing and support greater solidarity between generations 2 Why a European Year for Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations in 2012?
The objectives of the Year 1.Promote active ageing in employment 2.Promote active ageing in the community 3.Promote healthy ageing and independent living 4.Enhance solidarity between generations
Objective n. 1: Promoting active ageing in employment Help keep older workers’ skills up to date Develop innovative services to support employment of older workers Exchange good ideas and best practice on active ageing in employment
Objective n. 2: Promoting active ageing in the community Enable senior volunteering activities Ensure active citizenship of older people Facilitate social networks Support informal carers
Objective n. 3: Promoting healthy ageing and independent living Prevent dependency Support independent living through home- based ICT solutions Promote quality health and long-term care Improve accessibility of transport and physical infrastructure
Objective n. 4: Promoting solidarity between generations Promote cross-generational exchanges Facilitate mutual understanding between generations Promote age-diversity in employment
Demographic change is an opportunity Can bring innovative solutions to current economic and social challenges Empowering older people to: - age in good health -contribute more actively to the labour market -be move involved in their communities Will help us cope with demographic ageing in a way that is fair and sustainable for all generations.
Our Campaign for the European Year 2012 The EY2012 Coalition More than 50 organisations / networks who share a common vision of society for all ages Goal An age-friendly European Union by 2020 Objectives EU age-friendly environments network Covenant of Mayors on demographic change
How can you contribute? (1/2) Join our campaign! Be part of our virtual age-friendly environments network Share your initiatives to promote active ageing and intergenerational solidarity on the EY2012 website Download and disseminate our brochures and material on the EY
How can you contribute? (2/2) Join our campaign! Organise local, regional or national events and debates Hold meetings with local, regional and national decision makers or other stakeholders (employers, trade unions, NGOs) Mobilise other stakeholders to launch initiatives to support active ageing. 11
More information European Commission on EY2012: AGE website on EY2012 campaign: generations/lastest-news/ european-year-on-active-ageing-and- intergenerational-solidaritylhttp:// generations/lastest-news/ european-year-on-active-ageing-and- intergenerational-solidarityl 12
Thank you for your attention 13
AGE Platform Europe Rue Froissart Brussels, Belgium Contact person: Alice Sinigaglia tel. : fax :