17th - 18th November 2005 | Geneva | hosted by UN-Habitat Shelter Centre products Tom Corsellis & Antonella Vitale Shelter Centre
17th - 18th November 2005 | Geneva | hosted by UN-Habitat Shelter Centre products Shelter Centre has received funding from DFID-CHAD to develop the following 4 products and 6 services over the next 3 years : the following products and services will now be presented in detail products: 1Shelter After Disaster 2Shelter Principles 3Shelter Module 4Shelter Coordination services: 1Shelter Meeting 2Shelter Funding 3Shelter Training 4Shelter Volunteering 5Shelter Register 6Shelter Library
17th - 18th November 2005 | Geneva | hosted by UN-Habitat 1. Shelter After Disaster the revision in two phases of 'Shelter After Disaster - Guidelines for Assistance', the key guidelines first published by UNDRO in 1982 a collaboration between Shelter Centre and OCHA the revised guidelines will be published by OCHA in 2008 the first phase of the revision will be a scoping study the revised guidelines may be accompanied by a parallel compendium of case studies and papers tangible impact: there will be consensus field guidance for stakeholders on post disaster settlement the revision process will begin this afternoon Shelter Centre products
17th - 18th November 2005 | Geneva | hosted by UN-Habitat 1. Shelter After Disaster phase 1 ‘Scoping study to inform the revision of Shelter after Disaster’ donor: UN/OCHA coordinating organisation: Shelter Centre core consultant team: Yasemin Aysan Tom Corsellis Ian Davis Antonella Vitale study wider group of contributors 10 contributors add using structure core consultants finalise present to SM06a Shelter Centre products
17th - 18th November 2005 | Geneva | hosted by UN-Habitat 1. Shelter After Disaster phase 2 donor: DFID coordinating organisation: Shelter Centre case studies schedule: complete phase 2 schedule: studystructure field test launch first draft final draft scoping case studies case studies structure launch case studies final draft case studies published case studies printed Shelter Centre agrees with OCHA plus SM05b new structure Shelter Centre integrates structure and good practice draft field guidelines launch at SM08a case study consultants identify good practice Shelter Centre products
17th - 18th November 2005 | Geneva | hosted by UN-Habitat 1. Shelter after Disaster feedback phase 1 ‘Scoping study to inform the revision of Shelter after Disaster’ phase 2 guidelines revision is this the right way to proceed? who wants to join the working group? the working group reviews the case study group studystructure field test launch first draft final draft suggestions for case study consultants? …… Shelter Centre products
17th - 18th November 2005 | Geneva | hosted by UN-Habitat 2. Shelter Principles the development and agreement of guiding principles for the sector at the last Shelter Meeting (November 2004) it was agreed to develop a common set of guiding principles for transitional settlement and shelter that would precede three different sub-sets of principles for those who are: (a) displaced, (b) affected by natural disasters, (c) reconstructing their homes following conflicts tangible impact: there will be a brief and clear consensus approach to future disasters structure field test launch first draft final draft Shelter Centre products
17th - 18th November 2005 | Geneva | hosted by UN-Habitat questions or comments ? 2. Shelter Principles feedback which publications can these principles be integrated into? which other initiatives should these principles be linked with? which languages should they be available in? structure launch first draft final draft Shelter Centre products
17th - 18th November 2005 | Geneva | hosted by UN-Habitat 3. Shelter Module definition, development, testing, and publication of the specifications for a new transitional family shelter, involving a consortium transitional shelter for both conflict and natural disasters designed to be adapted by beneficiaries easy to manufacture, stock pile and airlift tangible impact: increased availability of shelters that can be stockpiled for emergency response and that can be manufactured using open source specs and designs Shelter Centre products
17th - 18th November 2005 | Geneva | hosted by UN-Habitat 3. Shelter Module phase 1 funding by USAID/OFDA for the development of a performance specification for the Shelter Module donor: USAID coordinating organisation: Shelter Centre current consortium: DFIDUSAID JICA performance specification: how many square metres floor area? what colour? specification Shelter Centre products
17th - 18th November 2005 | Geneva | hosted by UN-Habitat 3. Shelter Module phase 2 a.liaison with manufacturers b.development of prototype c.testing of prototype d.publication of technical specification e.review response by manufacturers donor: DFID coordinating organisation: Shelter Centre SM06a field tests prototype 1 specification prototype 2 prototype 3 publish specs cold climate compliant 2007 Shelter Centre products
17th - 18th November 2005 | Geneva | hosted by UN-Habitat 3. Shelter Module feedback phase 1 funding by USAID/OFDA for the development of a performance specification for the Shelter Module who would like to join the working group? phase 2 a.liaise with manufacturers b.development of prototype c.testing of prototype d.publication of technical specification e.review response by manufacturers who would like to join the working group? field tests prototype 1 specification prototype 2 prototype 3 publish specs what transitional shelter module do you need? … is this the right approach to developing it? Shelter Centre products
17th - 18th November 2005 | Geneva | hosted by UN-Habitat 4. Shelter Coordination (a) develop and agree simple sectoral coordination tools (b) disseminate, practise and contribute to existing sectoral tools for coordination and preparedness capacity building (c) develop a delivery system for products and services when developing and implementing strategies in the field in the past, we found that the steps on the next slide were useful for this product, it may not be possible to develop and agree tools for all of these steps it should be possible to agree what the steps should be tangible impact: there will be tools for sectoral coordination agreed and practised by stakeholders Shelter Centre products
17th - 18th November 2005 | Geneva | hosted by UN-Habitat 4. Shelter Coordination 4.1develop a coordination structure from emergency transiting to return/reconstruction 4.2 develop a common assessment method linking to monitoring and evaluation 4.3 map where people are in what TS options what proportion are with host families, and where? 4.4 map areas of responsibility what capacity is where to ensure equitable support? 4.5 map the progress of works updated regularly 4.6 agree specific guiding principles and standards adopting those relevant to the situation 4.7 describe the appropriate TS options eg what support should be offered to host families? 4.8 describe major implementing steps what will happen in winter, or in another quake? 4.9 a public consultation and information strategy beneficiaries, government, and aid community 4.10a handover or exit strategy when should each phase stop and how? In the past we’ve found these 10 steps useful… building on our websites and CD we are developing a better delivery system… Shelter Base Shelter Centre products
17th - 18th November 2005 | Geneva | hosted by UN-Habitat 4. Shelter Coordination Shelter Base will be developed over the next year as the delivery mechanism for Shelter Coordination and all Shelter Centre services Shelter Base will: 1. not need to be installed on your Hard Drive 2. run off Hard Drive, USB key, RWCD-ROM, or internet 3. be freely distributable 4. be continuously improved 5. update itself at your command.... Shelter Base will include: Shelter Library Shelter Training Shelter Coordination Shelter Register Shelter Funding presenter: Matthew Slater Shelter Centre Shelter Centre products
17th - 18th November 2005 | Geneva | hosted by UN-Habitat 4. Shelter Coordination when there is new information available, you will receive a small message asking you which information you wish to download to update your Shelter Base, eg: Shelter Centre products
17th - 18th November 2005 | Geneva | hosted by UN-Habitat 4. Shelter Coordination Shelter Base can be expanded to include a number of coordination, implementation, and management tools: tools to share maps, assessments, strategies etc. tools to make maps, such as for areas of responsibility. tools to run coordination meetings tools to share contact details all these tools will be simple to use, without training the tools will look like web sites, but you will be able to edit them like Word documents Shelter Centre products
17th - 18th November 2005 | Geneva | hosted by UN-Habitat 4. Shelter Coordination feedback 4.1develop a coordination structure 4.2 develop a common assessment method 4.3 map where people are in what TS options 4.4 map areas of responsibility 4.5 map the progress of works 4.6 agree specific guiding principles and standards 4.7 describe the appropriate TS options 4.8 describe major implementing steps 4.9 a public consultation and information strategy 4.10a handover or exit strategy comments on the 10 steps? is this the right way to proceed? are any coordination elements not included? field test draft Shelter Base development tools development testpublish prototypebeta test release 1.0 release 1.1 Shelter Centre products