Geography and History of the World WELCOME! Please take a textbook and a syllabus from the front of the room. Find your name and your seat number on the front chalkboard.
And now, for your starting line-up th year at MHS - BA from IUSB - MS from Univ. St. Mary’s, KS - former JV SB & pom coach - Bremen; married w/3 kids Sam (7), Casey (5), AJ (9)
What do you need (daily)...
What you need with notice...
To grade or not to grade... - everything is a point value (nothing is weighted) - quizzes - over reading, wksts, movies, ALWAYS maps (and spelling counts for these) - check the website for dates, review sheets, extra worksheets ( Teacher’s Pages; Mrs. Ton)
I don’t do extra credit, unless the entire class has the opportunity. Extra credit is not needed if you do the assigned work.
Yup. Normally on the name blank or the top of the page. First and last name, please.
Late work is accepted, but with a 50% reduction. No late work is accepted after the quarter has ended.
...or if you are talking while a classmate is talking. Show respect to everyone in the room and give any presenter or person with a question your attention.
And wait to be acknowl- edged, please.
Don’t worry about what someone else is or is not doing, in general. I may catch you and not them today...tomorrow might be different...
Locker/restroom BEFORE the bell rings - yes (you have 1 minute after it rings to be back in class). Don’t ask during instruction time, when you are working in groups, etc.
Electronics are not allowed in class, whether they are on or off. Read the handbook for more rules. I will take these and anything else that is a distraction during class (this includes other homework…)