WOMEN’S RIGHTS IN INDONESIA Sri Natin Gadjah Mada University Faculty of Law & Women's Study Center
Indonesia in the World Map
A.Introduction : Constitution of Republic Indonesia Chapter 27 Verse 1 : all citizens have equal position in legal system and government Verse 1 : all citizens have equal position in legal system and government Verse 2 : each citizen is entitled to decent job and life for humanity Verse 2 : each citizen is entitled to decent job and life for humanity
Reality : many problems happen in gender issues, for example subordination, marginalization, violence against women, stereotype way of thing and double role Impact : - most women have no access, opportunity in planning, conduct and control over development - women don’t get much benefit from the development
Presidential Instruction no. 9/2000 : A mandate to increase position, role and quality of women Equal and just gender in family, nation and state life A strategy which aims at gender equality
B. Gender Issues : Education and training Health Economy Violence against women Decision Making Process Social welfare
C. Gender Mainstreaming in Indonesia is a strategy to achieve gender equality through policies and programs that consider experience, aspiration, needs, and problems of women and men into the process of planning, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of all policies and programs in various life and development sectors.
Scope of Gender Mainstreaming Includes all planning, implementation, and evaluation of development policies and programs with respect to experience, aspiration need, and problems of women and men.
Implication of Gender Mainstreaming Every government institution, local sell and national, local and sector program have to integrate the dimension of gender equality and equity Conclusion All regulations and systems related to relationship between men and Women have to be improved based on equal position for all citizen Coordination among the government, society and private institutions have to realize it