European Portable Battery AssociationEPBA EPBA Trilateral Meeting Capacity marking 16 June 2011 Washington
European Portable Battery AssociationEPBA EPBA 2 - The Commission issued a mandate for standardisation bodies - CENELEC will be involved to study feasibility of standardisation 12 months - This study will most likely be followed by a mandate for standardisation Capacity marking
European Portable Battery AssociationEPBA EPBA 3 Scope mandate Review of the current methods of measuring batteries capacity and the standards relating to these methods Identify the availability of stakeholders in the EEA with a view to associate them Study the appropriateness of formal standard(s) and/or new standardisation documents taking account the evolution of the technology and the particular needs of the battery sector. Capacity marking
European Portable Battery AssociationEPBA EPBA 4 Scope draft mandate Review of existing standards/provisions applicable to similar labelling schemes for consumer information, e.g. energy- efficiency labels on appliances, and analysis of possible suitability/transferability for capacity labelling of batteries. Provide recommendations on the further priorities for European and international standardisation and identify areas where international and/or European standardisation work is needed. Capacity marking
European Portable Battery AssociationEPBA EPBA 5 - Input by EPBA - Cooperation agreement EPBA - Cenelec - This allows EPBA to provide input on the discussions - Voting power by national standardisation bodies - Timing - 1 July: expected start of the mandate - The work will most likely be carried out through the secretariat of a Member State (most likely Germany) Capacity marking