Disneyland where East joins West (P1) 戴群 北京一零一中学


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Presentation transcript:

Disneyland where East joins West (P1) 戴群 北京一零一中学

Cultural Awareness: understanding a combination of Western and Eastern cultures Language Skills: skimming to find required information; learning words through context Curriculum focus:

Pre-reading 1.Have you every heard of Disneyland? What do you know about it? 2. Do you want to go on a trip to Disneyland?

1.Please read the passage quickly for the first time and tick the subjects mentioned in the passage. shark fin soup Donald Duck souvenirs feng shui experts watch and clock Sleeping Beauty Castle fountains noodles While reading

2. Please read the passage again and decide whether these statements are right or wrong. 1)It is only in Disneyland in Hong Kong that you can expect to be surprised. 2) Not only have the positions of the main entrance but also that of the fountains been calculated by feng shui experts. 3)$1.8 billion has been spent in building Disneyland. While reading

4) As in other Disneylands, the clothing in souvenir stores will be changed very often. 5) Designers have visited many traditional Chinese gardens and parks in some cities. 6) Asian people are fashion lovers. 7) According to Chinese traditions, if a man wears a green hat, it is likely that his partner has a romantic relation with another man. 8) Instead of fried rice, hot dogs will be served in the park restaurant. While reading

3. Choose the closest meaning to the underlined word in each sentence. 1) Don’t be shocked when you meet Mickey and Mini Mouse in traditional Chinese dress at Hong Kong Disneyland. A. amazed B. frightened C. surprised D. happy

While reading 2) Disneyland in Hong Kong has a unique Chinese character. A. only B. characteristic C. single D. unusual 3) The gift of a clock in Chinese is linked to funerals. A. related B. joined C. mixed D. tied

While reading 4) Green hats will be banned at Hong Kong Disneyland. A. removed B. forbidden C. sold D. changed 5) Officials from the entertainment giant said that the park has a unique Chinese character. A. tall man B. big company C. strong man D. monster

Grammar Focus: To meet the Asian love of fashion, clothing in souvenir stores will be changed far more often than in other Disney parks. * 动词不定式做目的状语。为了强调动词不定式所表示的 目的时,动词不定式可以变为 in order to 或 so as to 加动 词原形。要注意 in order to 位于句首或句中均可,而 so as to 不能位于句首 e.g. He went to America to learn English. She spoke loudly to be heard. To arrive there on time, we have to set off early.

Exercises: 1)_____________________________ (为了避免和他谈 话), I pretended not to see him. 2)_____________________________ (要做这个实验), you need three things. 3)I am saying this only ______________________.( 为了 要鼓励你 ). 4) I must leave now _____________________ (为了按 时到那里) To avoid talking to him To do this experiment to encourage you to get there on time Grammar focus:

Debate: Do you think it necessary for Disneyland to make changes to suit Chinese traditions? Why? Post-reading