? Correct or Incorrect See if the vocabulary words are used correctly in the following sentences.
Mary was the sweetest gal, always smiling and seeking ways to help others. She was quite condescending.
Incorrect: Mary would have been acting superior to others if she were condescending.
I was starving, and when Billy got a prodigious piece of chocolate cake and I got a tiny one, I was saying, “Really.”
Correct: Billy’s cake was huge Correct: Billy’s cake was huge. (Granted this is an exaggeration or hyperbole!)
Tommy always acted uninterested, always nonchalant when someone asked his opinion.
Correct: Acting unconcerned or casual would make Tommy seem uninterested.
His fervent and nonchalant attitude made me wonder why he even bothered showing up to the meeting.
Incorrect: Fervent and nonchalent are opposite behaviors Incorrect: Fervent and nonchalent are opposite behaviors. To be fervent is to be passionate or enthusiastic.
Most kids find playing video games tedious; they’d much rather endure a root canal.
Incorrect: MOST kids probably don’t find video games boring or dull or monotonous.
Teachers always want their students to do mediocre work.
Incorrect: Hardly. We don’t want kids to do second-rate or average work. We want kids to strive to do their very best.
Because I nurtured my plant by not watering it, it died.
Incorrect: If someone had nurtured a plant, he would have taken care of it—cultivated, cherished, looked after it.
Plankton tried to daunt Sponge Bob, but Sponge Bob was too naïve to realize Plankton was trying to scare him.
Correct: Plankton is trying to daunt or scare Sponge Bob Correct: Plankton is trying to daunt or scare Sponge Bob. Notice how this sentence repeats the meaning of the word (context clues).
I tuned out the unessential but honed in on the superfluous.
Incorrect: The superfluous is the unessential or extra.
The soldiers received a mandate from their commanding officer; thus, they had no choice but to follow his commands.
Correct: A mandate is a command or order. It can also be authorization or permission. Example: She gave us a mandate to proceed with our plans.
I love my job, so I plan to give my boss my resignation.
Incorrect: You wouldn’t be giving a formal notice that you’re leaving because you love your job.
Her acrimony won her the title of Ms. Congeniality.
Incorrect: Congenial means friendly or pleasant whereas acrimony is bitterness or spite or unfriendliness.
His dilatory work habits caused him to earn bad grades.
Correct: Someone who is dilatory is negligent or lagging or lazy.
Sally has an eclectic collection of music: she appreciates Bach and Third Day and Journey.
Incorrect: Sally does have an assorted or diverse range of musical appetite.
When Tim sawed off his arm with the chainsaw, Mom remained composed, running around the yard, screaming, “Help! Someone. Help!”
Incorrect: Mom lost it. She did not stay cool, calm, and collected.