Lesson 7 Day 1 Need: Paper and Pencil T128
Spelling/Phonics Sometimes multiple (more than one) consonants can combine to represent one sound. CHAT The c and h stand for the /ch/ sound. The two letters stand for one sound. T130
Spelling/Phonics MUNCHBATCH CH and TCH both represent the /ch/ sound. SHOPMACHINE Both of these words have consonant patterns that are pronounced /sh/. The ch can be pronounced as /ch/ or /sh/. WHAT The consonants wh combine to stand for the /(h)w/ sound. T130
Centers Trifold Word Work- Pg of Practice Book (use Storytown Glossary) Poetry-Highlight 5 Synonym Pairs (Just Alike) 5 Antonym Pairs (Outside Antonym) Social Studies-Pg & Pg Complete all parts of page 61 and 359 Science-A36-A42 Give 2 Facts about your vertebrae Give 2 Opinions about your vertebrae Journal- How do canines help police do their jobs?
Fact and Opinion t132 What is the best food for lunch? Your answer is an opinion because it tells your feelings about certain foods. What time do we go to lunch? Your answer is a fact because we can prove this. Turn to pg. 196 (teacher read aloud) T132
Fact and Opinion Practice T132FACTOPINION T132 Read the story of page 197, paying attention to facts and opinions. (partner read aloud) Copy this chart onto your paper.
Centers T128 Trifold Word Work- Pg of Practice Book (use Storytown Glossary) Poetry-Highlight 5 Synonym Pairs (Just Alike) 5 Antonym Pairs (Outside Antonym) Social Studies-Pg & Pg Complete all parts of page 61 and 359 Science-A36-A42 Give 2 Facts about your vertebrae Give 2 Opinions about your vertebrae Journal- How do canines help police do their jobs?
Grammar A noun is a person, place, or thing. The girl took a baseball to the park. What are the nouns in the sentence? What is each noun: a person, place, or thing? Girl: person; baseball: thing; park: place The sentence is talking about one girl. One girl is written girl. If more than one girl went to the park, the noun would need to be plural. Add an –s to girl to turn a singular noun into a plural noun. T128
Grammar Practice 1. We are going to have ________ for dinner tonight. (jungle, spaghetti) I will try jungle in the sentence to see if it fits. No, that is not a good sentence. Now I will try spaghetti. That is a much better sentence. Let’s do the same with this one: Jake asked his ________ to make hot dogs for dinner. (father, aquarium) I will try father in the sentence to see if it fits. That sounds like a good sentence, but just to be sure I will also try aquarium. That doesn’t make any sense. Father is obviously the correct choice. T136
Grammar Practice cont. Your turn: I want you to read each of the following sentences and choose the correct noun to fill in the blank. Write the noun on your paper. 1. The _____ crawled up the wall and out the open window. (sister, insect) 2. You can go to the _____ after you finish your homework. (park, librarian) 3. Do not forget to bring your _____ to baseball practice. (helmet, kitchen) 4. The _____ solved the mystery of the missing socks. (piano, detective) 1. insect2. park3. helmet4. detective T136
Centers Trifold Word Work- Pg of Practice Book (use Storytown Glossary) Poetry-Highlight 5 Synonym Pairs (Just Alike) 5 Antonym Pairs (Outside Antonym) Social Studies-Pg & Pg Complete all parts of page 61 and 359 Science-A36-A42 Give 2 Facts about your vertebrae Give 2 Opinions about your vertebrae Journal- How do canines help police do their jobs? T128
Writing Many people read to find out how to do or make something. Cookbooks, manuals, and game directions are how-to writing. Read the following paragraph with me. Make a Hot Air Balloon You can make your own miniature hot air balloon. You will need flour, water, a balloon, newspaper strips, paint, string, and a paper cup. First, blow up the balloon. Next, mix one up of flour with one cup of water. Dip the newspaper strips into the flour paste. Then, cover the balloon with the wet strips of newspaper. Let it dry for a day or two. When the strips are completely dry, pop the balloon. Then paint the surface to look like a hot air balloon. Tie the paper cup to the balloon to make the basket. Finally, attack a string to the top of the balloon, hang it in your room, and imagine flying through the sky in a beautiful balloon. T137
Writing cont. I need your help to develop a list of characteristics of how-to paragraphs. We will be adding to the list as we learn more later in the week. How-To Paragraphs Include materials needed Include, in order, details that explain how to do a specific activity Use words that show sequence, such as first, next, and then T137
Writing cont. Brainstorm a list of things you know how to do and that you would like to teach someone. Take about 1 minute. What are some of your ideas? I will use one of your ideas to demonstrate a how-to paragraph. I want you to continue working on your list of ideas. Make two columns, one for activities you would like to teach to another person, and one for activities you would like to learn. Work for about 2 minutes. T137