International Standards and Regional Regulations
CONTENT Introduction Standards versus Regulations Situation of European technical committee CEN/TC 12 Developping standards in CEN/TC 12 European Regulations Conclusion G. Trican, Neftegazstandard in St-Petersburg, Sept. 2012
Standards versus Regulations European Standards are developped, following CEN rules and principles, by achieving a CONSENSUS at European level, gathering expertise from the main STAKEHOLDERS, in particular manufacturers, users and end-users. Of course, experts from Regulators are welcome. Use of standards is volontary. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Regulations are written by a given Authority and do not require consensus. A Regulation is mandatory. N. B. : An Authority can decide that a particular standard becomes mandatory. It is then part of the Regulations. G. Trican, Neftegazstandard in St-Petersburg, Sept. 2012
SITUATION OF CEN/TC 12 CEN/TC 12 is, in the global standardisation system, a regional « daughter committee » to ISO/TC 67 which is worldwide the « mother committee ». In a similar fashion in Middle-East, GSO/TC 7 is another « daughter committee » of ISO/TC 67. Within CEN and CENELEC, there are a number of other technical committees having interfaces with CEN/TC 12, such as CEN/TC 282 for LNG equipment, ECISS/TC 110 for tubular products, CEN/TC 234 for gas infrastructure, etc. As well as many technical committees dealing with generic products (i.e. non specific to the oil and gas industry) such as CEN/TC 147 dealing with all sorts of cranes. G. Trican, Neftegazstandard in St-Petersburg, Sept. 2012
CEN/TC 12 SCOPE AND GOAL TITLE: Materials, equipment and offshore structures for petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries SCOPE: CEN/TC 12 scope is nearly identical to ISO/TC 67 scope, but excludes what is covered by CEN/TC 234. NOTES : a) The standardization within CEN/TC 12 is to be achieved wherever possible by collaboration with ISO/TC 67. b) National adoption of each one of CEN/TC 12 standards is mandatory in each one of the 31 member countries. MOTTO : GLOBAL STANDARDS USED LOCALLY WORLDWIDE
CEN/TC 12 Ad-Hoc groups AH 4 : Parallel voting for ISO/CEN standards AH 6 : Environmental aspects AH 8 : Collaboration in standardization between CEN and EASC AH 9 : Study on harmonizing standards (established in February 2012 during last CEN/TC 12 plenary to study the feasibility of proposing standards for harmonization under open mandates, e.g. Machinery Safety Directive; Pressure Equipment Directive…) G. Trican, Neftegazstandard in St-Petersburg, Sept. 2012
CEN/TC 12 WORK PROGRAM Presently 63 Work Items in progress Already published standards: 136 EN ISO (Identical) published standards + 6 EN (ISO modified) standards (exclusion of gas infrastructure industries)
DEVELOPPING STANDARDS In accordance with the Vienna Agreement between ISO and CEN, our standards are developped within ISO/TC 67 working groups, with a strong presence of European experts from the very beginning of the project, and often before the New Work Item is proposed. One of these European experts is the EPL (European Project Leader) working side by side with the ISO Project leader. It is important that the very initial draft includes European views on the subject, so that standard work can start in the right direction. During this parallel work, there are separate ballots (one at ISO level, and one at CEN level) at every phase, to guarantee that there is a real consensus in both systems. Following a final vote, a standard is then ready to be published in ISO, and adopted in Europe. G. Trican, Neftegazstandard in St-Petersburg, Sept. 2012
European Project Leader (EPL) The « EPL manual » clearly defines role and responsibilities of the EPL : Ensuring that both Environmental aspects and Regulatory aspects of the project have been checked. Making sure there are no contradiction with any applicable Directive is the main present task of an EPL. Demonstrating that the EN ISO project is in full compliance with all the requirements of any applicable Directive has not yet been expected from an EPL, but would be in the future. A specific “European Annex” can be drafted within an ISO standard to fit the needs of European stakeholders/regulators. European annex of ISO 3183 (Line Pipe) is a good example. G. Trican, Neftegazstandard in St-Petersburg, Sept. 2012
European Regulations (in particular European Directives) Following ‘recent industry events’, intense work has been performed by the Oil & Gas industry, in particular with OGP. European Regulators (i.e. European Commission) have launched a number of actions, and in particular a Draft Mandate requesting a ‘programme of Harmonised Standards (i.e. in full compliance with a Directive)’ has been issued in September 2011, and commented. A revised Mandate is now in preparation in Brussels. For CEN/TC 12, this can be useful if there is an added value for Safety, but it is important that the present coherent set of EN ISO standards giving technical integrity is not jeopardised by modifications linked with harmonising. More generally, a new European Regulation on safety of offshore oil and gas prospection, exploration and production activities will have to be integrated. G. Trican, Neftegazstandard in St-Petersburg, Sept. 2012
Working with Regulations Willingness to comply with present and future Regulations : EPL Manual Commitment to Safety and Health by ensuring interoperability of the equipment and materials beyond regional or local particularism. Acknowledging that a global industry needs global standards : using different equipments from one region to the next could increase risks for workers and their environnment. Recognising the commitment of CEN/TC 12 stakeholders to work together with Regulatory authorities and endorsing the work already done for many decades: One way forward : Adding when needed European annexes to existing standards in order to demonstrate compliance to all relevant Directives requirements. G. Trican, Neftegazstandard in St-Petersburg, Sept. 2012
CONCLUSION Participation of regional experts from the main stakeholders is paramount to the success of regional standards, and their recognition as useful documents by Regulators. CEN/TC 12 is willing to share with you its experience of over more than 20 years on these processes. Next plenary meeting of CEN/TC 12 will be held in Vienna (Austria) on the 7th and 8th of February, As every year, a number of issues will be discussed. Several of them are linked to recent developments in ISO work, and to regulations. G. Trican, Neftegazstandard in St-Petersburg, Sept. 2012