Today’s Learning Objectives Be able to trace how values guide individual and organizational actions Be able to identify and create: Vision statements Mission statements Operational goals Be able to identify how strategies evolve over time Know what a key success factor is Make connections between individual and organizational dynamics
Today’s Agenda Lecture on values, vision, mission, and goals Individuals revise; share; revise Lecture on strategic evolution Teams develop strategic cycles Teams present Wrap Up
The Rational Goal Model $ Clear direction leads to productive outcomes Goal clarification and action! Bottom line Manager as director and producer
The Director Role Clarifying expectations: ‘Where are we going?’ ‘Why?’ Defining reality Giving direction
Visioning, Planning, and Goal Setting Establishing a vision based on core values – WHY Developing a mission based on the vision – WHAT Operationalizing mission through specific goals -- HOW
Vision: The WHY “A realistic, credible, attractive future for your organization.” Destination Focus Inspires action –Nanus, 1992, cited on p.219 text
Vision: Personal Example To contribute toward a society with equal access for women Values: Social justice Fairness Inclusion
Vision: Organizational Example Waterfall Hospital To be earn the deep commitment of our own community and be the preferred provider for people from other towns Values: –Respect –Quality –Customer focus
Mission: The WHAT What business(es) you are in Externally: who you are Internally: where you are going
Mission: Personal Example Administrative career In public/nonprofit sector
Mission: Waterfall Hospital “ To promote and improve the health status of the patients and community we serve.” Acute-care, both inpatient and outpatient, serving Blair, Huntingdon, and Bedford counties
Goals: The HOW Goals and objectives are plans S.M.A.R.T.: Specific Measurable Assignable Realistic Time Related
Goals: Personal Example During my senior year: Complete required courses Get 3 interviews Get 2 offers
Goals: Waterfall Hospital Might include: –Marketing: Community newsletter Speaker’s bureau: 3 speeches –Physician recruiting: orthopod
The Strategic Cycle Strategies evolve over time Health care is dynamic! Need a vision and a game plan, but then prepare to readjust!
Vision Strategy Goals Key Success Factors Strategic Options The Strategic Cycle
Strategic Cycle: Personal Example Vision: Equity for women Strategy: Public service career Goals: Competitive entry level job; learn about $ Key Success Factors: Financial New Strategic Options: Fund raising
Strategic Cycle: Organizational Example Vision: 0 pop growth Strategy: Low cost care to central PA women Goals: Open facilities; keep open!; attract/retain NPs Key Success Factors: NPs – family health and community resources New Strategic Options: Elder care
Take Homes Our behavior must be value driven A vision statement tells us WHY A mission statement tells us WHAT Goals and objectives tell us HOW Strategies evolve over time What applies to individuals generally applies to organizations too