Matter Kim Lachler 2012 NCES: 6.P.2.3
What is Matter Anything that takes up space and has mass Mass is how much there is of an objectMass All matter is made up of atoms
Properties of Matter Physical properties- characteristics that can be seen without changing the atoms of an object. Matter is constantly changing phases This does not change what atoms the object is made of
Properties of Matter Chemical properties - changes the characteristics of the object. The atoms change Example: burning paper changes the atoms that make up the paper to atoms that make up ash and smoke.
Some Properties: Melting point – is the temperature at which the solid melts to become a liquid In theory, the melting point of a solid is the same as the freezing point of the liquid. Freezing point- temperature at which they turn into solids.
Some Properties: Boiling point - When a liquid reaches a temperature at which bubbles form inside the body of the liquid.
Some Properties: SOLUBILITY - The ability of a substance to dissolve. Solute - the substance which is being dissolved Solvent - substance in which the solute is dissolved Solution - A mixture of solute and solvent
Some Properties: Mass – the amount of atoms an object is made of. Weight – the force of gravity on an object. Volume – the amount of space an object takes up.
Bibliography Bodner Research Wev, Melting Pint, Freesing Point, Boiling Point, accessed 2/12/12 Estacio, Sheila M., What is Matter, accessed 2/12/12 Educating on line,Solubility of things, accessed 2/12/12http:// accessed 2/12/12 Google images, accessed 2/12/12