Learning Goal: 1.Summarize American support for manifest destiny. 2.Describe the war with Mexico. 3.Explain the impact of victory over Mexico. JOURNALQUESTION: Today you will take on the point of view of someone from history. Write your journal entry from one of the following perspectives: an empresario, an American settler in Texas, a Tejano, or someone who was at the Alamo.
JOURNALQUESTION: Imagine that you have heard about a chance to move to a land. What are some reasons why you would move to a new place? You can make a story if you want to. People moved to the West to escape trouble, to get rich, and many other reasons. Explanation: People move for many reasons. The West offered opportunities to people that they did not have in the South, North, and East.
1. James Polk became the 11 th president. Polk’s ideas of national expansion helped him to become elected.
2. The Oregon Territory was shared by the United States and Great Britain. Polk settled with Great Britain because of border issues with Mexico. This picture shows the Oregon Territory dispute was settled without war.
3. Manifest Destiny is the widely held belief that Americans had the right and the duty to spread their culture across the continent from ocean to ocean. The settlers encountered buffalo
4. The Rio Grande was the river that the United States claimed should be the border between Texas and Mexico.
5. The war with Mexico was provoked when U.S. troops ambushed a Mexican outpost on the Rio Grande. The ambush occurred on disputed land. Rio Grande The Rio Grande, at Nuevo Progreso. Mexico is to the left, Texas to the right Progreso. Mexico is to the left, Texas to the right.
6. Stephen Kearny left Kansas with orders to take New Mexico but also took California. The main battles during the Mexican War were Buena Vista and when Mexico City fell. Winfield Scott entering Mexico City The surrender of General Santa Anna at San Jacinto, April 21, 1836.
7. Seven lands that the U.S. acquired as a result of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo were.7. Seven lands that the U.S. acquired as a result of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo were California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, Colorado, New M exico, and Wyoming. The Texas Rangers were feared by Mexican citizens, who heard stories of Ranger brutality and abuse. Texas RangersTexas Rangers
8. The agreement between the U.S. and Britain to form a border at the 49 th parallel, Mexican War, and Texas War for Independence were all results of westward expansion. Texas Coming In," Diamond Peak and the Ravine of the Middle Fork of the Willamette River, Oregon Territory.