1 Dissemination and Exploitation Kick off meeting - Torino Dec 2003 Alan Gobbi
2 Alan Gobbi? Worked in Electronics industry for 28 years, joined UoY in Engineering and Marketing roles Managed international projects involving China, Europe, and USA Italian name
3 Alan Gobbi Giuliano Pietro Family Tree 6.25% Italian
4 Topics Communications Documents and Milestones Web site Dissemination Exploitation
5 E mail groups Several E mail groups have been set up Take care to select the most appropriate group when sending mails Use meaningful titles - not CAPANINA Use “reply all” thoughtfully Edit titles if the theme of a long trail has evolved The current contact list is on the web site Please check and advise if there is a need to revise groups
6 Current Groups for general comments from the outside world. This will be filtered by YEC
7 Teleconferencing Flexible to suit specific needs Desk to Desk much preferred to expensive video facilities Minimum requirements Good audio Sharing of PC screen / whiteboard Low cost for all participants Tools available (so far) BT’s meetme Good but some cost implications Microsoft Net Meeting Problematic with some fire walls Yahoo - Messenger
8 Milestones and Documents The Document and Milestone control tool will become web based In essence it is simple and flexible but does require some discipline For the immediate future,if you need to create a new document or milestone please requirements to Please ensure all relevant details are included in your request The master list on the web site will be regularly updated
9 Overview
10 General Information
11 Milestones
12 Documents
13 When to use? Create a Milestone if an activity is considered to be critical and likely to hinder follow on work if not completed on time. YEC will review all Milestones ( but not Documents) and chase up any late deliveries Create a “document” when there is a significant piece of work to generate and share with others s, memos, lab notes etc are not viewed as “documents” Background work within a WP can be shared in a more informal manner via the specific private WP web site page
14 Web site Arranged in three sections PUBLIC - general access PRIVATE - for CAPANINA team only INVITED - to allow selected organisation to see an intermediate level of detail, examples being The EU Industrial organisations with a specific interest in the technology Other research organisations / programs where there are benefits in sharing knowledge The scope is flexible and capabilities will be developed incrementally
15 PUBLIC Info arranged to suit General Public Scientific / Technical Industry / Commerce List of headings includes Work Program (for WP leaders to share info publicly) Documents (access to all Public documents) Participant details (limited to suit partners wishes) Links (to relevant web sites) Publicity Chat space ( to share relevant feedback from visitors) Calendar of events Contact us / sign up for news letter
16 PRIVATE Partner specific log on name and pass word Sections include Project Management Milestones / Document control WP home pages (each owned by WP leader) Publicity toolkit Conferences Meetings Exploitation plans Industry and commerce Contact details (of all participants + others as appropriate) Useful Publications Travel and accommodation
17 Dissemination - Publicity Ask the following questions Who am I wanting to communicate with (think both Generic and Specific) What do I want to tell them. Why would they be interested in what I want to say. How should I communicate with them (E mail, report, telephone conversation, interview, newsletter, web site etc) When is it appropriate to communicate.
18 Promotional Tool kit Press release materials Background data Website - links etc Summaries of research into Broadband and HAPS Technical seminars, conferences etc Simple library of “Free to use” images Internal news Feedback and comment summary Graphic design Measurements section Archive
19 Technology Road Map Evolving Document Need to try to quantify technology as “products” Balance between long term vision and “today’s” capabilities
21 Questions?
22 Press Release Kick off - Torino December 2003
23 Press Release Material Key Message abstract Current story - Technical Current story - Global Base story can be customised to suit Photos/ Images (when available) Web site references Feedback options Q’s and A’s focused on media questions
24 Background data Technology Commercial Applications Partners EU programs
25 Web site Recent changes Forthcoming plans Web site change request process This is not the full web site plan, just an extract that relates to promotional activities.
26 Misc. Database of who is doing what in terms of Broadband and HAP research Details of forthcoming seminars / events that are relevant to CAPANINA Simple library of images Internal news stories Feedback and comments Graphics Measurement Archive
27 First Release Kick Off Press Release best timed for early January UOY Press office will support the activity Important to start well and keep reinforcing the message Key Message for first press release Moving Users - Trains Rural Developing countries
28 Questions Why is there a need for new approaches to deliver Broadband What is Framework 6 I though 3G was going to do everything for the mobile user Are airships reliable How many users could one HAP support What Products and Services will require Broadband When will this technology be available to the man in the street How much will all this cost to use What are the particular strengths of partner “X”
29 Document Properties