1 Illinois Department of Human Services Division of Mental Health Presents May 12, 2008 The Illinois Mental Health Collaborative for Access and Choice ACT and CST Team Leader Meeting Overview of the Revised Authorization Protocol Manual
2 Today’s presentation will be available online ning_Workshops_Archives.htm Be sure to share this information with your staff! Presentation Online
3 Agenda Introductions Overview of Learning Objectives: – Highlights on what is new and what is the same – What needs to be authorized? – What is sent in for a request for authorization? – How are requests for authorization sent in? – When will I hear back from the Collaborative? Questions
4 What is the same? What is different? Prior authorization request for ACT and CST Appeals Process Eligibility LOCUS website Crisis Plans Treatment Plans Added Team name & meds ACT and CST Request form Youth/Family crisis plan Notification of Discontinuation form ICG process Formatting changes in manual Batching requests OHIO youth scale for CST requests 30 Day Transition clarification
5 What needs to be authorized What needs to be authorized: ACT CST ICG (Individual Care Grant) Information Required: Adult request requires the LOCUS scores Youth request require the OHIO Scale Treatment plan with measurable goals Crisis plan (consumer/family directed)
6 How Do I Submit an Authorization? Provider contacts the Collaborative for requests: Telephone: Fax:
7 Elements of the Authorization Request Request form Treatment plan Crisis Plan On page two of the request form you are reminded:
8 Request Form New Form for Changes Discontinuation Team name has been added for both ACT and CST OHIO Scale score has been added on CST request form for youth Indicate reason for discontinuation Complete transition section
9 The Request Form The request for authorization form includes an attestation that: The information on the form is a recommendation of medical necessity by an LPHA It is based on an assessment ACT requests is based on a comprehensive assessment completed by the ACT team The assessment is part of the consumer’s clinical record
10 ACT Request Form
11 Criteria
12 Diagnosis
14 Transition Plan
15 The Treatment Plan TREATMENT PLAN REQUIREMENTS A consumer’s individual treatment plan (ITP) is required to be submitted as a part of the authorization process. The treatment plan submitted to the Collaborative as a part of the treatment request should comply with Rule 132 and be driven by the documented assessment.
16 CST Request Form
17 OHIO Scale
18 Reasons for Discontinuation Consumer requests termination from service and is currently stable Consumer has improved to the extent that the service is no longer needed and recovery goals have been met (No medical necessity – indicate transition plan on Notification of Discontinuance form.) Consumer has moved out of the team’s geographic area (provide linkage information to the new team or community service) Consumer has moved out of State (make attempts to link with other team or community services) Consumer cannot be located, in spite of repeated efforts (Describe efforts to locate and continue services such as number of failed contacts, time elapsed since last contact, lack of leads on whereabouts from the person’s emergency contact list) Death
19 ACT Discontinuation Form
20 CST Discontinuation Form
21 The Crisis Plan The crisis plan is a best practice to assure the consumer has had an opportunity to express his or her wishes for how s/he wants to be cared for in case of a crisis. The crisis plan is a dynamic process and not a static experience. A person’s initial crisis plan may only have one item such as, “This is how I know when I need help” or “This is who to call when I need help”. Even if the individual is in a crisis at the time of intake, the crisis plan can be used as a part of the crisis resolution process to assure next steps are appropriate for the person’s progress towards his or her goals.
22 Crisis Plan An effective tool in engagement, and sets the stage for consumer choice and recovery focus. When consumer engagement is an issue, the crisis plan can be used as an effective tool for dialogue between the clinician and the consumer.
23 The Crisis Plan The basic elements of the crisis plan can include: What I am like when I am not feeling well: Signs that I need help from others: Who to call when I need help (my support team): Who to not call when I need help: My medications: My reason for taking medication: My doctor or provider is: This is what usually works when I need help: Please make sure someone on my support team takes care of:
24 Youth/Family Crisis Plans Basic elements can include: – We need help with daily monitoring when: – We need help to show our youth how to ask for help when: – Who can we call at night or on the weekends when we are stressed: – How do we help our child manage the side effects of their medication – How do other parents cope
25 Sample Crisis Plans Resources for crisis plan development are extensively available on the internet such as:
26 Collaborative Review Process The provider submits a request for authorization The Collaborative clinical care manager will: – Verify provider’s participation status (e.g. contract with DHS/DMH, certification to provide service) – Verify that the consumer’s information is available to the Collaborative
27 Collaborative Review Process Review request for authorization information for completeness (documents required based on request type) – If medical necessity is established, request is authorized and communicated to provider via e- mail. – If medical necessity is not established, the Clinical Care Manager contacts provider to seek clarification and offer education/consultation regarding authorization criteria
28 When do I hear back from the Collaborative? The Collaborative will respond to requests for authorizations within: – One business day of receipt of a completed authorization initial request excluding holidays and weekends – Three business days for a completed concurrent request, excluding holidays and weekends
29 Clinical Appeals Prior to a denial, the Collaborative staff will support consumers and providers by offering alternative services that can meet the person’s needs in the least restrictive setting Appeals can be requested by a consumer or by a provider on behalf of a consumer by calling the Collaborative’s toll-free number Appeal request must be received within 60 days of receipt of the denial Two levels of appeals: – Internal Physician Advisor (PA) not the same PA who issued the denial not a subordinate of the original PA who issued the denial Board certified and licensed in Illinois – External review by an independent reviewer Third Level of appeal to DHS/DMH per established procedures.
30 Questions?
31 Thank you! Illinois Mental Health Collaborative for Access and Choice