IPSG Meeting -15, 16 November – Lisbon 2nd Meeting of IPSG November 2007 Parque das Nações Lisboa Portugal
IPSG Meeting -15, 16 November – Lisbon Opening of the meeting Welcome words General information Minutes of last meeting in Lisbon 9.45 – Results of the Extended Troika DG meeting in Lisbon (October) – CQ impact evaluation – th Quality Conference – Customer Satisfaction Management – Human Resources WG - Information e-Government WGs - Information – EUPAN MTP – IPSG Work Programme Thursday, 15th November Agenda
IPSG Meeting -15, 16 November – Lisbon Summary of conclusions from previous day’s proceedings and approvals EUPAN Handbook EUPAN Newsletter – CAF Activities – Information on Effective Management Award Final Balance of the PT Presidency – Next IPSG meeting – Any other business Friday, 16th November Agenda
Opening of the meeting Presidency
Results of the Extended Troika DG meeting Presidency
IPSG Meeting -15, 16 November – Lisbon EXTENDED DG TROIKA 30 October 2007 It was presented an overview of the work to be developed by the IPSG during the Portuguese Presidency and listed the activities and results of the first IPSG meeting that took place on July. Regarding the specific issue of CAF it was presented the CAF activities, in particular the reference for the 3rd European CAF Users Event that took place in Lisbon on October 2007.
IPSG Meeting -15, 16 November – Lisbon MTP The Portuguese Presidency was proposed to present the MTP in a more comprehensive format and target oriented document, focusing on a transversal approach to those themes defined as the main priorities. For this approach to be successful there should be a limited number of subjects and those should be dealt with in a more in-depth way.
IPSG Meeting -15, 16 November – Lisbon In the field of co-operation, the Presidency suggests new working methods: Learning Teams (LT), participation of working groups (WG’s) chairs in all other WG’s meetings in each presidency, and virtual meetings using the possibilities of CIRCA. As far as evaluation is concerned, the Presidency considers that an assessment should be undertaken during 2009 regarding the present MTP.
IPSG Meeting -15, 16 November – Lisbon In general the proposed approach and priorities for the WG were welcomed and have support. There was stated that the proposals are interesting and worth discussing and testing even if some details still need to be worked out. There was stressed the transversal nature of several subjects and in this regard it was important to combine the different approaches of the WG’s.
IPSG Meeting -15, 16 November – Lisbon It was stressed that there is no need to merge or close any existing WG There was said the LT are a good idea but should be well defined, related to the MTP and should focus on outputs. The Slovenian presidency add that will pay special attention to the contribution of the Public Administration in achieving the Lisbon Targets.
4QC Impact evaluation Rui Sousa Presidency
IPSG Meeting -15, 16 November – Lisbon 4QC Evaluation (PT responsibility) The objectives of the evaluation study: To analyze the impact of the Conference in participants work activities as practitioners or decision-makers … September – administration of the questionnaire to all universe of 4QC participants (more than 400 respondents) 15/16 November- Second IPSG meeting: Final report and conclusions.
IPSG Meeting -15, 16 November – Lisbon 4QC Evaluation (PT responsibility) The objectives of the evaluation study: To analyze the impact of the Conference in participants work activities as practitioners or decision-makers … September – administration of the questionnaire to all universe of 4QC participants (more than 400 respondents) 15/16 November- Second IPSG meeting: Final report and conclusions.
5th Quality Conference François Beauvais France
Costumer Satisfaction Management Presidency & EIPA
Customer Satisfaction Expert meeting - September, 26 Two main decisions: 1.A questionnaire should be sent to all member states to evaluate the degree of interest and knowledge around this subject in all member states. 2. Redraft the "UK primer" into a "EU primer on customer satisfaction management” Customer Satisfaction Management Current state of affaires in the different member states Future needs for tools developed on the European level
Milestones 1) Questionnaire The questionnaire was sent out in 15 October Member states sent back the questionnaires until 5 November EIPA will report at IPSG meeting (15 & 16 November) Discussions of the meeting will be incorporated in the report that serves as input for the DG meeting in December 2) EU Primer Discussion of the first draft at the 1st meeting Slovenia (CSM group?) Countries send good cases by midle of March Discuss the final document at IPSG (2) Present the EU Primer on the 5th QC Customer Satisfaction Management
EUPAN MTP 2008/2009 Presidency
IPSG Meeting -15, 16 November – Lisbon EUPAN Network The European Union Public Administration Network is the suitable forum to : Share information Share experiences Share best practices Compare current developments and reforms Promote EU-wide concepts and strategies for public services Jointly search for solutions to the common challenges.
IPSG Meeting -15, 16 November – Lisbon MTP – Sources Ministers Resolution of 22 June 2007 (German Presidency); Directors-General Resolutions of June 2007 (German Presidency); Memorandum on MTP format presented at the Directors-General meeting of 5 December 2006 (Finnish presidency); 4. Final Report of Lisbon Ad-hoc group – May 2005; 5. The results of the assessment made during the German Presidency. 6. WGs Contributions during and after meetings
IPSG Meeting -15, 16 November – Lisbon MTP – Sources Ministers Resolution Approval of the two main priorities for the future EUPAN work Directors-General Resolutions Agreed on the main working areas for the different WGs Memorandum on MTP Guidelines for the new MTP format Report of Lisbon Ad-hoc group Defined common priority areas according to the Lisbon Strategy Assessment results Identified the main issues that the MS would like to handle within EUPAN
IPSG Meeting -15, 16 November – Lisbon MTP – Main Priorities Main Priorities to be developed by all EUPAN Working Groups 1 – Enhancing the efficiency of public management and governance 2 - Demographic change & Ageing E-Gov. IPSG HRWG
IPSG Meeting -15, 16 November – Lisbon MINISTERS RESOLUTION MAIN PRIORITIES FOR FUTURE WORK EUPAN OBJECTIVES ENHANCING THE EFFICIENCY OF PUBLIC MANAGEMENT Demands of citizens and private businesses; Strategic management in public administration; Quality level and efficiency in public administration. Promoting project-related and team oriented forms of work- enhancing communication within the PA. Transparency, ethics, integrity, and confidence building in the public service Use of information and communication technologies Changes and reforms—new challenges Mobility between PA of EU Members States
IPSG Meeting -15, 16 November – Lisbon DEMOGRAPHIC CHANGE AND AGEING Ensuring efficient and effective organization Pension systems Public services taking into account a changed age structure of the population; Training, integrations and promotion to guarantee equal opportunities for entry into public services; Promoting flexibility taking account of changing of personnel structures in the public service; Work conditions and improving health management in pa The attractiveness of public service as an employer MINISTERS RESOLUTION MAIN PRIORITIES FOR FUTURE EUPAN WORK OBJECTIVES
IPSG Meeting -15, 16 November – Lisbon METHODOLOGY FOR THE MTP Memorandum on MTP format presented at the Directors-General meeting of 5 December 2006 (Finnish Presidency) Guidelines: “...the network can have common goals to which the different working groups are asked to contribute.” “enhancing the steering role of the directors- general.” “The Mid Term Programme should be built more around themes common for the whole network decided by the Directors-General(…)”
IPSG Meeting -15, 16 November – Lisbon PROJECTS THAT CAN CONTRIBUTE FOR LISBON TARGETS HRWG: Strategic Management & Leadership; Efficiency of Public Administration; Recruitment – impact of demographic change; Reward Systems. IPSG: National Lisbon Programs benchmarking; European User Satisfaction Indices; Efficiency of public administration; Collection of service needs. E-Government: European User Satisfaction Indices; Efficiency of public administration; ICT Licence for Administrative Staff; Professionalisation of ICT Staff. DEBR: Methodology for measuring “administrative burdens” - quality; Efficiency of public administration; Quality of new national “Lisbon regulations”; Evaluation of different models in Public- private dimensions. Source: Lisbon ad hoc group results report
IPSG Meeting -15, 16 November – Lisbon METHODOLOGY FOR THE MTP To present the MTP for with a developed format and content, so it may be a more target oriented document, focusing on a transversal approach of the themes defined as main priorities. To be successful in this transversal approach the subjects to deal with should be defined in a limited number dealt with in a more in-depth way.
IPSG Meeting -15, 16 November – Lisbon Reduction on administrative burdens - main goal of eGovernment services is to reduce administrative burdens for citizens and companies and to develop better and more efficient services. Inclusive Government- Increase social impact by ensuring that all citizens benefit from eGovernment services WORKING AREAS MTP – E-GOV PRIORITIES
IPSG Meeting -15, 16 November – Lisbon Considering The number of MS has increased and that difficult in-depth debates within and between the WGs The assessment lead by German Presidency that shows that MS have some different needs and expectations MTP – Co-operation
IPSG Meeting -15, 16 November – Lisbon MTP – Co-operation The Portuguese Presidency proposal is : To enhance co-operation for an effective connection among EUPAN Working Groups in order to achieve common targets by using specific and agreed methods.
IPSG Meeting -15, 16 November – Lisbon How is it possible to enhance the co-operation among the working groups? MTP – Co-operation Transversal Working Areas New Working Methods
IPSG Meeting -15, 16 November – Lisbon PUBLIC SERVICE Efficiency & Governance Demographic change Reduction of administrative burdensSustainable of pensions systems Strategic managementLeadership skills HR productivityStaff motivation Quality ConferencesCompetences development CAFGender orientation Public service imageFlexibility – forms of work Standards of Good AdministrationLifelong learning Customer focus/inclusive Gov.Knowledge management CUSTOMER ORIENTATION HRWG IPSG E-GOV MTP – Co-operation Transversal Working Areas
IPSG Meeting -15, 16 November – Lisbon New Working Methods: a) Set up of “Learning Teams” (LT); b)Participation of WG’s chairs in all other WG’s meetings in each presidency; c) Virtual Meetings by using the potentialities of the CIRCA website. MTP – Co-operation
IPSG Meeting -15, 16 November – Lisbon Within each WG can be set out temporary LTs on the basis of particular common interests of some members, with the objective to produce outputs to share within the WGs. Relate the LTs theme to WGs/EUPAN mission The LT could have two primary kinds of outputs: –Innovative: to develop new themes. –Sharing: to find transferable practices between MS MTP- Co-operation - LT
IPSG Meeting -15, 16 November – Lisbon The Learning Teams participants could be: Members of one group; Members of different EUPAN WGs; Experts/consultants of MS invited by the LT MTP- Co-operation - LT
IPSG Meeting -15, 16 November – Lisbon LT guidelines & principles The LG philosophy of action should be “win-win”: all LT members should learn with the LT experience. The LT nature is not academic but practice. The LT “clients” are the LT members, the WGs members, the EUPAN network and the European public services. The LT is free to set up the form of work, namely the coordination, the responsible for the minutes of the meetings, the possible reports and presentations, etc. The LT is free to set up the most appropriate way of work.To avoid extra costs to MS attendance meetings it is not a prerequisite, but LT members are free to decide on this. MTP- Co-operation - LT
IPSG Meeting -15, 16 November – Lisbon Main advantages of the LTs Aligning the WGs activity to the Member States needs and expectations (volunteer basis). Covering more themes in the MTP which increases the WGs results. Sharing practices and findings among MS in a more deep way. Working on specific themes which don’t have the necessary consensus of the WGs to be a common project. MTP- Co-operation - LT
IPSG Meeting -15, 16 November – Lisbon Formalization of the participation of WG’s chairs in all other WG’s meetings in each presidency Active participation in order to contribute with knowledge/experience of a different WG to the work developed in the host WG MTP- Co-operation - WGs Chairs
IPSG Meeting -15, 16 November – Lisbon Exploiting the CIRCA website potentialities to: Exchange information between the WGs; Ask/answer questions related to a specific project or subject ; Develop a common project. Main advantage: allows communication with no costs involved MTP- Co-operation Virtual Meetings
IPSG Meeting -15, 16 November – Lisbon Levels of co-operation Working methodsSpecific goals Level of co- operation Creation of LTsTo work together in a common projectIntegration Virtual Meeting – possible on CIRCA Website To exchange information between the WGsInformation To collect different views or ideas about specific subjects Consultation To ask/answer questions related to a specific project or subject Collaboration To develop a common projectIntegration Participation of WG’s Chairs in other WG meetings To contribute with knowledge/experience of a different WG to the work developed in another WG Collaboration MTP- Co-operation
IPSG Meeting -15, 16 November – Lisbon MTP Evaluation The Portuguese Presidency: Considers that an assessment should be undertaken during 2009 regarding the present MTP (subjects and proposed methodology).
IPSG Meeting -15, 16 November – Lisbon Time Frame ActionsDates Innovative Public Services Group Social Dialogue Task Force Human Resources Working Group E-Government November 19 November 20 November December Presentation to the Troika Secretariat 26 November Presentation to the DG’s Troika 9 December (Final version) Presentation for approval in the DG meeting10 – 11 December
IPSG Work Programme 2008/2009 Presidency
IPSG Meeting -15, 16 November – Lisbon IPSG – MTP - BACKGROUND Main priorities EUPAN Enhancing the efficiency of public management and governance Demographic Change & Ageing Source documents Minister and DG Resolutions (June 2007); Questionnaire carried out by Germany (April 2007); Minutes IPSG meeting (July 2007 ) and contributions from the group
IPSG Meeting -15, 16 November – Lisbon IPSG WORKING AREAS Quality management Customer focus Lisbon Strategy evaluation Reduction of administrative burdens Knowledge Management/demographic change
IPSG Meeting -15, 16 November – Lisbon Comparative Analysis of Quality Management in PAs in the EU MS Project coordinator: Presidency, Slovenia Inputs: –Slovenia: to elaborate and present the study –France: to spread the study in the European PA (presentation at the 5QC…) Main purpose: –to investigate the area of Quality Management in the EU Member States and to present the findings at the 5QC.
IPSG Meeting -15, 16 November – Lisbon 5th Quality Conference, Paris Project coordinator: Presidency, France Inputs: –Slovenia: to continue the preparation of 5QC –France: To host 5QC in Paris, with the theme of “The citizen at the heart of the public quality” To feed back to the group on outcomes of 5QC Main purpose: To share with the public good practices and the knowledge gathered in IPSG/EUPAN
IPSG Meeting -15, 16 November – Lisbon Decision concerning the country that will host the 6QC and general preparation of the 6QC Project coordinator: Presidencies Inputs: –Slovenia: to decide which country will host the 6QC and to start the preparation –France, Czech Rep., Sweden: To continue the preparation of 6QC Main purpose: To share with the public good practices and the knowledge gathered in IPSG/EUPAN.
IPSG Meeting -15, 16 November – Lisbon Guidelines for 6QC Project coordinator: Pres. SI/FR/CZ & 5QC ad-hoc gr. Inputs: –Slovenia: To start to draft the Guidelines for 6QC, including ways to disseminate the cases/results to the relevant target groups –France: To finalize the draft the Guidelines for 6QC, and to present it to the IPSG to gather suggestions –Czech Rep: To approve the Guidelines for 6QC Main purpose: To improve the quality of QC, including preparation & dissemination of the cases/results to the relevant target groups, based on the lessons learned from 4QC impact evaluation and from 5QC results
IPSG Meeting -15, 16 November – Lisbon Implementation of CAF Action Plan 2007/2008 Project coordinator: Presidencies & CAF Expert Group Inputs: –Presidencies (SI/FR/CZ/SE): to monitor the implementation of the CAF Action Plan 2007/2008 –CAF Expert Group: to work in the activities planned –CRC/EIPA: to work in the activities planned Main purpose: to ensure the implementation of the CAF Action Plan 07/08 (CAF ecommunity; CAF training; CRC at 5QC…)
IPSG Meeting -15, 16 November – Lisbon CAF Action Plan 2009/2010 Project coordinator: Presidencies & CAF Expert Group Inputs: –Presidencies: to define the priorities for the CAF Action Plan 2009/2010 (SI); to approve the CAF Action Plan (FR); to monitor the implementation (CZ & SE) –CAF Expert Group: to develop the Action Plan and work on it –CRC/EIPA: to develop the Action Plan and work on it Main purpose: to develop a CAF Action Plan adjusted to the MS needs and to guarantee 2010 applications in 2010.
IPSG Meeting -15, 16 November – Lisbon Report on the 3rd CAF Event evaluation results Project coordinator: Portugal Inputs: –Portugal: Portugal will present the final report at the CAF Network meeting (20 March Ljubljana) Main purpose: : –Gives input on strengths and weakness of 3rd CAF Event and sharing the logistical experience with future events organizers – to continuous improve
IPSG Meeting -15, 16 November – Lisbon Decision concerning the country that will host the 4th European CAF Users Event; preparation and realization Project coordinator: Presidencies and CAF Expert group Inputs: –Slovenia: To decide which country will host the 4th CAF Users Event and to start the preparation of it –France: To continue the preparation of the 4th CAF Users Event –Czech Rep., Sweden: To continue the preparation of the 4th CAF Users Event and to host the event Main purpose: To share with the CAF community good practices on CAF application, excellent results, technical information…
IPSG Meeting -15, 16 November – Lisbon Customer insight –EU version and collection of good practices Project coordinator: Portugal Inputs: –Portugal: to present the final report at the 1st IPSG meeting in 2009, Slovenia –EIPA: to finalize the work started in the Portuguese Presidency Main purpose: to explain the relevance of customer focus, and the role of the citizens in the public service management; to explain how the involvement could be done (customer insight techniques) and to give concrete examples (good practices)
IPSG Meeting -15, 16 November – Lisbon Practitioners Guide on Citizen Charter Project coordinator: Netherlands and Presidencies Inputs: –Slovenia: To spread the Guidelines in the European PAs –Netherlands: to present at the 5QC Main purpose : To get the larger number of public services
IPSG Meeting -15, 16 November – Lisbon Evaluation of Public Administrations’ Added Value to the Lisbon Strategy Goals Project coordinator: Presidency, Slovenia Inputs: –Slovenia: to elaborate and present the study –France: presentation at the 5QC Main purpose: to identify which actions launched within the National Action Programmes for achieving Lisbon Strategy goals related to their public administrations generated the most added value.
IPSG Meeting -15, 16 November – Lisbon Practical Guide with collection of good practices concerning the experiences on reduction of administrative burdens Project coordinator: Presidency, Sweden Inputs : –Czech Rep., : To start to gather good practices among the IPSG group –Sweden : To draft and approve the Practical Guide Main purpose: To find and share good practices concerning process management, simplification…
IPSG Meeting -15, 16 November – Lisbon Practical Guide with collection of good practices concerning the knowledge management in public services Project coordinator: Presidency, Czech Republic Inputs: –France : To start to gather good practices among the IPSG group –Czech Rep: To draft the Practical Guide and approve the Practical Guide and spread in the European PAs Main purpose: How to transfer knowledge across generations; how to better use the knowledge of the organizations/people; how to share the knowledge in the organization taking into consideration the demographic change and the ageing
IPSG Meeting -15, 16 November – Lisbon Workshop about the demographic change on 5QC Project coordinator: Presidency, France Inputs: –Slovenia: To continue the preparation of the 5QC workshops –France: To host 5QC in Paris including a specific workshop on demographic change Main purpose: To raise the question in a public administration forum, in order to contribute for the implementation of good practices concerning the demographic change
IPSG Meeting -15, 16 November – Lisbon Tools & methods of cooperation EUPAN newsletter – collaboration EUPAN website- collaboration EUPAN Glossary - collaboration EUPAN Handbook- collaboration CIRCA- collaboration Practices cases in IPSG meetings
IPSG Meeting -15, 16 November – Lisbon Working areas for learning teams, joint workshops or seminars What kind of principles, indicators and/or standards for Good Governance? How to improve public services image (better communication, transparency, quality…)? In close cooperation with HRWG? How to improve strategic management? In close cooperation with HRWG? How to increase citizen/customer confidence on e- services? In close cooperation with eGov?
IPSG Meeting -15, 16 November – Lisbon Working areas for learning teams, joint workshops or seminars How to manage shared projects? In close cooperation with eGov? How to retain and better use the HR knowledge in the public services? In close cooperation with HRWG & eGov? How to implement a global programme of qualification/training/ for public servants, contributing to the creation of innovator and pro- active leaderships; struggling for a culture of collaboration, apprenticeship and improvement of the public agents identify the acquisition of different skills? In close cooperation with eGov & HRWG + DISPA?
EUPAN Handbook Presidency
IPSG Meeting -15, 16 November – Lisbon EUPAN Handbook Guidelines for the work within one group Principles of co-operation between the different working areas and different levels of the Network The role of the Troika work Practical information concerning the whole Network, such as administration of CIRCA The co-operation between the EUPAN and the relevant partners outside the Network Brought up the issue and related to the updating of the IPSG handbook proposed that the handbook should be updated so that it would cover the whole EUPAN Network Finnish Presidency
IPSG Meeting -15, 16 November – Lisbon EUPAN Handbook What is a «Handbook»?Concise manual or reference book providing specific information or instructions Why a Handbook? Lack of coordination and co-operation between the WGs Lack of knowledge management in the Network Need to integrate the new EU Member States Need of basic organisational and proceeding guidelines What are the objectives of the Handbook? To work as an information bank for new individuals joining the network and its meetings To promote information sharing and horizontal co-ordination and co-operation inside the network as well as strengthening the effectiveness of the co- operation in the EUPAN network To share a common vision of knowledge management inside the network To promote good practice and continuous development of working methods To provide information of the network to outside co-operative and interested partners.
IPSG Meeting -15, 16 November – Lisbon EUPAN Handbook Handbook Table of contents What is the EUPAN handbook? Why the handbook? How to maintain the Handbook updated? I. EUPAN – General information about the Network Definition History Mission Vision Network
IPSG Meeting -15, 16 November – Lisbon EUPAN Handbook Handbook Table of contents II. The role of the different actors Ministers Directors-Generals Troika (DG Troika/Troika Secretariat) Presidency Working Groups Sub-groups Ad hoc groups/Task forces Learning teams Delegates represented in the working groups III. The working groups HRWG IPSG E-GOV
IPSG Meeting -15, 16 November – Lisbon EUPAN Handbook Handbook Table of contents IV. Setting targets and reporting results Ministers Resolutions Directors-General Resolutions Troika Recommendations Mid-Term Programme Work Programme Agenda Meeting Minutes Results report Evaluation results
IPSG Meeting -15, 16 November – Lisbon EUPAN Handbook Handbook Table of contents V. Directors-General meetings guidelines Meetings periodicity Chairmanship Place Coordination and logistical issues Preparation of documents Language Expenses VI. Working groups meetings guidelines Before the meeting During the meeting After the meeting
IPSG Meeting -15, 16 November – Lisbon EUPAN Handbook Handbook Table of contents VII. Knowledge management, working methods and tools Cooperation within the WGs Cooperation between WGs Working methods for sharing knowledge Tools for sharing knowledge Continuous improvement VIII. Visibility of the network, products and accessibility EUPAN Website Newsletter Conferences and events Studies Frameworks Guidelines
IPSG Meeting -15, 16 November – Lisbon EUPAN Handbook - annexes List of sources WGs members contact list
IPSG Meeting -15, 16 November – Lisbon EUPAN Handbook Time Frame 26/10/2007Presentation of the handbook structure 12/11/2007First draft of the EUPAN Handbook 27/11/2007Deadline for WGs members suggestions 30/11/2007Final draft 10-11/12/2007Approval of the handbook, DGs meeting
EUPAN Newsletter Presidency
IPSG Meeting -15, 16 November – Lisbon you can see the proposal in: To approve the layout
CAF Activities EIPA
Information on Effective Management Award Dace Aizstrauta Latvia
Portuguese Presidency Final Balance & IPSG Report (DG Resolutions) Presidency
IPSG Meeting -15, 16 November – Lisbon Working Areas 1. Mid-Term Programme and IPSG Working Programme Common Assessment Framework (CAF) 3. Quality Conferences 4. Customer Satisfaction Management 5. Citizen Charter 6. Knowledge Management (Handbook and Newsletter) 7. Cooperation 8. Good Practices
IPSG Meeting -15, 16 November – Lisbon DG Resolution After the meeting PT Presidency will circulate a proposal of the DG Resolution concerning the IPSG Work referring these working areas asking for comments
IPSG Meeting -15, 16 November – Lisbon 1. Mid-Term Programme Approval of the IPSG Work Programme 2008/2009 based on the German assessment, the Ministers and DGs Resolutions and the inputs of the Group Focus on: –Horizontal approach –Working areas –Working Methods IPSG Report
IPSG Meeting -15, 16 November – Lisbon 2. Common Assessment Framework (CAF) Appraisal of the success of 3rd European CAF Users Event and CAF movie initiative. Approved a mandate for the CAF Network develop a memorandum of understanding with EFQM focused on a procedure for external feedback. IPSG Report
IPSG Meeting -15, 16 November – Lisbon 3. Quality Conferences Activities towards 5th Quality Conference (Paris 2008) going on - workshops, Agora and Citizen Village formats approved. Appraisal of the PT Presidency survey on 4QC impact evaluation as a valid input to the improvement of next Quality Conferences. IPSG Report
IPSG Meeting -15, 16 November – Lisbon 4. Customer Satisfaction Management (CSM) DG agreed to work on customer satisfaction management by producing an EU version of the UK paper “Primer” and how to identify best practices cases to illustrate the concepts. In the customer satisfaction sub group meetings was agreed to get an overview across MS around the whole subject of “customer insight”. The conclusions of the report on customer insight questionnaire were presented by EIPA on behalf of PT Presidency. IPSG Report
IPSG Meeting -15, 16 November – Lisbon 5. Citizen Charter Approval of the Practitioners Guide on Citizen Charter with concrete advice on how to implement a citizen charter, step by step, conducted by Netherlands with the contributions of MS.
IPSG Meeting -15, 16 November – Lisbon 6. Knowledge Management Approval of the EUPAN Handbook (based on the Finnish version) with the high involvement of the other EUPAN groups. PT Presidency present a layout for the EUPAN Newsletter to be set up in each presidency. PT Presidency presents a comprehensive manual to transfer minimal know-how necessary to the management/administration of CIRCA and to use the Virtual meetings funcionalitiy. PT Presidency propose the development of Learning Teams to share practices on specific themes and to develop new projects based on common interests. IPSG Report
IPSG Meeting -15, 16 November – Lisbon 7. Cooperation EUPAN WG Enhancement of the cooperation among EUPAN WG: Agreement concerning the participation of the chair of the other EUPAN WG in each WG meeting. Agreement on the publication of WG information, practices cases with links for the organizations and other outputs of the EUPAN WG on the EUPAN site. Close cooperation in EUPAN Handbook, EUPAN Newsletter and MTP 2008/2009. IPSG Report
IPSG Meeting -15, 16 November – Lisbon 8. Good Practices Good Practices from Portuguese PA reform were presented: The Portuguese strategy for eGov: Placing the citizen in the centre of modern and changed Public Administration. Administrative and Legislative Simplification Programme (SIMPLEX) and the modernisation initiatives linked with the enterprise life cycle.
Next IPSG meeting Gordana Zurga Slovenia
IPSG Meeting -15, 16 November – Lisbon Thank you! Obrigado!