Socialism and Communism Seeking Utopia
Socialism defined “The basic needs of the entire society rather than the basic needs of the individual.” “The basic needs of the entire society rather than the basic needs of the individual.” Socialism ’ s emergence
Industrialized Europe failed to take care of poverty and working conditions of labor Industrialized Europe failed to take care of poverty and working conditions of labor –Capitalism = poverty/rich or success/fail = to individual choice. –Socialism = individual responsibility & government helping.
Key terms of Socialism Egalitarianism - wealth is used for the common good. Egalitarianism - wealth is used for the common good. Moralism. peace, social justice and true liberty for all. Moralism. peace, social justice and true liberty for all.
Social democracy Democratic governments promote economic - as well as political - freedom & equality. (tax and regulate – Capitalism Game ) Democratic governments promote economic - as well as political - freedom & equality. (tax and regulate – Capitalism Game )
Karl Marx Studied British economic records for 20 years to develop theory that everything is based on the economic system: politics, law, social structures, family relations, even religious belief.
Define Bourgeois
Define Bourgeois: modern capitalists who own the means of production (factories) and therefore get to keep all the profits. Today, this would include…...
Define Proletarians
Define Proletarians: modern wage laborers who sell their labor to live and don ’ t get any of the profits that they help to create. This includes everyone who is not a stockholder or owner of capital, even professionals who work for a salary.
From Communist Manifesto “ The bourgeoisie … has created enormous cities, has greatly increased the urban population as compared with the rural, and has thus rescued a considerable part of the population from the idiocy of rural life…. The bourgeoisie, during its rule of scarce one hundred years, has created more massive and more colossal productive forces than have all preceding generations together… railways, electric telegraphs, clearing of whole continents for cultivation, canalization of rivers. ”
Communist Revolution Revolution will eliminate private property. No longer will man have the means of exploiting another man. Revolution will eliminate private property. No longer will man have the means of exploiting another man. Bourgeoisie will fight, so revolution will be violent. Bourgeoisie will fight, so revolution will be violent. A dictatorship of the proletariat will follow to weed out remaining capitalist elements. A dictatorship of the proletariat will follow to weed out remaining capitalist elements.
Ok, what about this Utopia? In the end, a classless society with no more oppression or internal contradictions. In the end, a classless society with no more oppression or internal contradictions. People will be free to choose how they work, and can be creatively productive. They will be able to live to their fullest potential People will be free to choose how they work, and can be creatively productive. They will be able to live to their fullest potential
Summarize In no less than 5 sentences, summarize today’s notes: 1) In no less than 5 sentences, summarize today’s notes: 1)