Causes of IR: Iron, Steam and Railways
Cheaper prices + increased supply Surplus Income + increased demand New businesses + new inventions Question: What implications did that have for manufacturers in relation to their customers?
The Crystal Palace building built for the Great Exhibition of 1851 Paris’ Eiffel Tower – built in 1889 out of iron
Question: What was Britain's earliest transportation infrastructure, before railroads?
The Steam Engine… Thomas Newcomen The Newcomen Engine 1710 The first practical steam engine for pumping water James Watt 1763 – 1775 Developed an improved version of Newcomen's engine Question: What was the significance of the combustion engine?
Steam TractorPower Loom Steam Locomotive Steam ship How are these images related?
Railways make the moving of goods cheaper. Goods can now be sold for less. More people can afford to buy these goods More goods are sold & so more need to be produced. Businessmen employ more workers. More people with jobs means …
Why would they build a train line connecting these two cities? Clue: Do you know where these two cities are located? Manchester To Liverpool 15 September 1830 Manchester To Liverpool 15 September 1830
What is this woman doing?
Environmental Changes Impact on the landscape?
Social & Economic Impact of the Railways People became more interested in politics & this led to the growth of political parties People were able to travel greater distances for leisure & to work Seaside towns developed; the railways made cheap day trips possible Newspapers could be sent from London all over the country. Railway engineering towns grew up, E.g. Crewe & Doncaster. Fish & Chips Canals & stage coach companies could not compete & went bankrupt. Industry grew, because the railways needed coal & iron; railways in turn allowed factories to transport their goods to markets. Townspeople were able to receive meat, fish, milk and vegetables brought in whilst they were still fresh by the railways. First Class Mail The Post became quicker
Write a summary paragraph to describe the different impacts that the railroad had on Victorian life…
Write a sentence using as many words as possible