NMRA AR National Model Railroad Association Australasian Region
Thinking of getting into model trains? Don’t know where to start? NMRA AR Considering joining an association or a club?
Who we are? The NMRA is a worldwide organisation with over 20,000 members that was formed in the USA in 1935 and now covers 42 countries. NMRA AR It has divisional groups through out Australia and New Zealand and parts of Asia.
What do we offer modellers? NMRA AR We model all scales and Prototypes. As well as US based layouts, many of our members have Australian, New Zealand, European and UK prototype layouts And lots more!!
What do we offer modellers? NMRA AR We have monthly meetings in members homes, model railway club premises, historical railway related locations and commercial railway businesses. And even more!!
What do we offer modellers? NMRA AR We have an achievement program which allows members to earn awards for reaching high standards of modelling in their own time at their own pace And more again!!
What do we offer modellers? NMRA AR The NMRA was instrumental in forming standards which will allow conformity between manufactures and model builders
Why should I join? NMRA AR The association has a focus on helping new people into the hobby. We run a convention every year which has clinics that are designed to help the new modeller get the most from the hobby and help experienced modellers get more enjoyment from what they are doing.
Regional Publications. NMRA AR The NMRA has it’s own quarterly publication called “Mainline”. This is a digital/online magazine with a wealth of information and contains articles and tales from all over the region.
Further information?. NMRA AR If you would like further information on joining the NMRA please ask one of the club members manning the display or you can contact us on the NMRA website