Due 11/20/12 Extra Credit given if turned in early! Factor Tree Project Due 11/20/12 Extra Credit given if turned in early!
Due? It is due 11/20/2012. If you turn it in early you will get extra credit!
Directions Choose a 4 digit composite number. Write a multiplication problem that equals your number. Continue to factor until all the numbers are prime. Write your factorization using exponents.
Example 1
Example 2
Example 3
Example 4
Final Assessment Is the number a 4 digit number or greater? Is the factorization accurate? Is the work neat and easily understood? Is the factorization written in exponential form? Was the work completed on time? Is the project colorful and attractive?
Rubric and Grading Be creative! Use the rubric to guide you as you work. Design your tree in whatever way you like following the project guidelines.
Design It can be done on a computer. You can draw it, use craft materials, or a combination of things. It can be 2-D or 3-D. It can be a Fall, Spring, Summer, or even a Holiday tree. It needs to be at least 8 ½ by 11 inches. ( The size of a piece of notebook paper.)