Parkside M.S. Announcements Thursday December 5, 2013 White Day
Announcements Thursday: (Discuss the Topic) How can you delete your grudges and resentments? Forgiveness
Announcements The SCA meeting is on Thursday, December 5 th after school.
Announcements BOOK FAIR WEEK YEAH!!! December 2-6
Announcements SHOW CHOIR Attention All Students. On Friday, December 13 th, 2013 our very own Show Choir will be performing at the National Christmas Tree. Come out and show your support!!
Announcements December Spirit Night Monday, December 9 th 5:00 – 9:00 PM No Cook Monday! Eat at Chick-fil-a
Announcements Over the Holiday’s you love to get gifts, right? Well, there are a lot of children who don't receive any gifts during the holidays. Our Journalism class has partnered up with Toys for Tots to collect toys for those children. The toys must be new and unwrapped. There are boxes in the front office, cafeteria, and Mrs. Drake's room. Please donate what you can for these children. For more information, read the posters that are put up around the school or see Chloe Tannehill or Mrs. Drake. All toys are due by Monday, December 16.
Announcements Specialty Program at Brentsville District HS Cambridge Programme Informational Night: Wednesday December 18, 2013 At 7:00pm
Announcements Specialty Programs at Patriot HS Advanced Placement Project Lead The Way Informational Night: Monday December 9, 2013 At 7:00pm
Announcements Panthers on the Prowl-Boys & Girls Club Students should report to the library immediately after school. Dismissed with car riders!!! Tuesdays: 6 th and 7 th grade (Kubler P-3, Kubler P-4, Polak P-2) & Thursdays: 8 th grade (Polak P-2, Polak P4&5).
Bus Lane C
Bus Lane B
Bus Lane A