Current and Future Data Requirements Chandra Kondragunta Hydrometeorology Group Hydrology Laboratory Office of Hydrologic Development NOAA/National Weather Service Contributors: Mike Smith, Victor Koren, David Kitzmiller, Mary Mullusky, John Bradley, Stephen Francis, and Tom Graziano
Outline. Purpose. Requirement process. Accomplishments – OHD. Precipitation. Precipitation. Temperature. Temperature. Soil moisture. Soil moisture. Skin temperature. Skin temperature. Potential Evapotranspiration. Potential Evapotranspiration. Accomplishments – NWS. AOR, AFWS, NERON. AOR, AFWS, NERON. Future Plans – NWS. NERON, High resolution grids, Dual polarimetric radar. NERON, High resolution grids, Dual polarimetric radar
Purpose. To update on the hydrologic data requirements and requirement process. Work accomplished to meet the requirements. Work in progress to meet the requirements. Future plans to meet the requirements
Requirement process Two levels of observational requirements:. Threshold (T): The minimum requirement below which the utility of the system becomes questionable. Objective (O): An optimal specification that, if met, would significantly enhance meeting the mission
Requirement process (Contd.) Priority categories associated with a user: “1” > Mission Critical : Cannot meet operational mission objectives without this data “1” > Mission Critical : Cannot meet operational mission objectives without this data “2” > Mission Optimal : Data not critical but would provide significant improvement to operational capability “2” > Mission Optimal : Data not critical but would provide significant improvement to operational capability “3” > Mission Enhancing : Needed to enhance state of knowledge / assess potential for operational capability “3” > Mission Enhancing : Needed to enhance state of knowledge / assess potential for operational capability
Requirement Process (Contd.) Hydrology Program Requirements Team Larry Cedrone (Lead) Donna Page Pedro Restrepo Chandra Kondragunta Tom Carrol (Feedback from scientists in the Hydrology Laboratory)
Requirement Process (contd.) Data Attributes: 1. Priority 2. Geo-cover 3. Spatial Resolution - vertical resolution, range, units - horizontal resolution, range, units - horizontal resolution, range, units 4. Temporal Resolution - Sampling interval - data latency - data latency 5. Measurements – range, accuracy, precision, units 6. Long Term stability 7. Weight for each attribute
Sample of Requirements Table
Requirement Process (contd.) NOSA Website:
Some Data Requirements Variable Hor. Resolution Accuracy Sampling Interval Precip. Rate 1 km 1mm/hr 6 min Air Temperature 10 km 1 deg k 1hr Surf. Temp. 10 km 1 deg k 1 hr Soil Moisture 1 km 5% 1 hr
Accomplishments - OHD Precipitation:. HADS: On Aug 1, 2003, HADS crossed the 10,000 DCP milestone. Between May 2005 and January 2006, HADS added 1480 new DCPs to the system.
Accomplishments - OHD (Contd.) Precipitation (Contd.):. High-resolution multi-sensor precipitation analyses for flash flooding. Prototype running in HL, implementation supported by AHPS – Targeted for OB8 Prototype running in HL, implementation supported by AHPS – Targeted for OB8. Probabilistic model for radar rainfall estimate errors: Initial model developed in collaboration with U. Iowa. Initial model developed in collaboration with U. Iowa. Prototype system for determining probability of rainfall exceeding flash flood guidance is running in HL. Prototype system for determining probability of rainfall exceeding flash flood guidance is running in HL. Potential implementation in FFMP – supported by AHPS. Potential implementation in FFMP – supported by AHPS.
Accomplishments - OHD (Contd.) Precipitation (Contd.):. Ongoing evaluation of NSSL dual-polarization rainfall estimation and hydrometeor classification algorithms. Supported by NWS Radar Operations Center Supported by NWS Radar Operations Center. Probabilistic 0-3 hour rainfall prediction: Operational advective-statistical system developed in MDL. Operational advective-statistical system developed in MDL. Potential refinements to current operational system studied by Czech Institute for Atmospheric Physics and OHD Potential refinements to current operational system studied by Czech Institute for Atmospheric Physics and OHD. Multi-sensor nowcaster for 0-1 hour rainfall forecasts. Prototype running in HL. Implementation supported by AHPS – Targeted for OB8 Prototype running in HL. Implementation supported by AHPS – Targeted for OB8
Accomplishments - OHD (Contd.) Precipitation (Contd.):. Range correction and convective/stratiform separation algorithms: Demonstration showing the positive impact of range correction on hydrologic simulations of stream flow carried out in Potential implementation in NEXRAD PPS and AWIPS. Potential implementation in NEXRAD PPS and AWIPS.. MPE Reanalysis: Creation of MPE Reanalysis data in ABRFC for the period Oct 1996 – Sep 2003 for the DMIP2 studies.. Collaboration with NCDC on the generation of MPE reanalysis data
Accomplishments - OHD (Contd.) Precipitation (Contd.):. Rain gauge QC tools: Spatial Consistency Check and Multi Sensor Check implemented in MPE.. Integration of P3 and DailyQC with MPE – in progress. Development of a technique to objectively integrate Satellite Precipitation Estimates in MPE. Implementation in progress – Targeted for OB8 Implementation in progress – Targeted for OB8. Collaboration with NSSL and NESDIS on Next Generation Multi-sensor QPE. Participation in NASA – NOAA collaboration on future satellite rainfall missions (GPM)
Accomplishments - OHD (Contd.) Temperature:. March 2005: Implemented revised temporal interpolation scheme for estimating forecasted 6-hour average temperatures from maximum/minimum values, for NWRFC. Trying to work out a way of applying some work previously done by Eric Anderson for the Alaska region – possible use of gridded MOS temperature guidance produced by Meteorological Development Laboratory (MDL)
Accomplishments - OHD (Contd.) Soil Moisture:. Oklahoma Mesonet: Started getting soil moisture data into Hydrology Lab’s research efforts. Hydromet Testbed: Soil moisture measurements in the American River Basin for DMIP study. Collaboration with NASA in using satellite based soil moisture data in NWS operational model. Prepared a document on the needs of soil moisture
Accomplishments - OHD (Contd.) Soil Temperature:. Enhanced soil temperature observations in the North Central RFC region from CO-OP network. Skin Temperature:. Collaborating with Marshall Space Flight Center in deriving surface skin temperature data from the satellites
Accomplishments - OHD (Contd.) Potential Evapotranspiration:. Just finished a collaboration with Univ. of New Hampshire to study potential use of GOES surface radiation budget estimates for PE calculations. Results were promising.. Collaboration with NASA to assimilate MODIS derived cloud cover and ASOS cloud cover into NWSRFS for PE calculations. Making North American Regional Reanalysis data available to research community
Accomplishments - OHD (Contd.) Data Archival Needs:. Formed a team to identify hydrologic data archival needs. Finalized a list of data that need to be archived at every RFC and submitted to HSD
Accomplishments - NWS Analysis of Record (AOR):. Stage II targeted for Real Time Meso-scale Analysis. Daily and long-term products are not decided yet. Daily and long-term products are not decided yet.
Accomplishments - NWS Automated Flood Warning System (AFWS):. In 2004, NOAA restructured the AFWS grants program to implement AFWS technology throughout the US.. Beginning in 2005, AFWS grants program awarded 8 grants worth approximately $450,000 to states across the country.. Grant funds used primarily to add/refurbish/enhance radio reporting “ALERT” precipitation and stream sensors
Accomplishments - NWS. Also, NWS received 320K in FY05 - IOOS 320K in FY05 - IOOS 120K in FY06 - NOS 120K in FY06 - NOS. These funds will be given to USGS to upgrade their stream sensors in coastal areas to high data rate transmitters (once per hour)
Accomplishments - NWS NERON – To date. 100 Sites Deployed In The New England Area. Sites Measure: TemperaturePrecipitation Wind Speed and Direction Near Real-Time Reporting Near Real-Time Reporting
Future Plans - NWS NERON – Near future. NERON supporting NIDIS. ~60 Site To Be Deployed in Southwest US. Sites Will Measure: TemperaturePrecipitation Wind speed and Direction Relative Humidity Soil Moisture Soil Temperature Solar Radiation. Near real-time reporting
Future Plans - NWS. Super Resolution – Radar Reflectivity (FY 2008) Smaller grid (1/2 deg. by 1 km) yielding more precise precipitation input for FFMP and other decision assistance tool Smaller grid (1/2 deg. by 1 km) yielding more precise precipitation input for FFMP and other decision assistance tool. Dual Polarization (FY 2011) Improve WSR-88D radar estimates of precipitation type and rate leading to improved estimates of precipitation input for FFMP. Improve WSR-88D radar estimates of precipitation type and rate leading to improved estimates of precipitation input for FFMP.
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