Unit 7 Protect the Earth 吴江区青云小学 Lily
学习目标 1. I know how to protect the earth. 知道如何保护地球。 2. I can share my ideas of protecting the earth. 能和大家分享你保护地球的一些做法。
Little water 小水滴 Group 1 Group 2 Little coal 小黑炭 Little plastic 小塑料 Group 4 Little trees 小树苗 Group 3
Ear Earth the /ɜ:/
What should we do? protect the earth /ə/ /e/ 保护地球
How can we protect the earth? Make a guess: How can we protect the earth? Save water Save money Save energy Save trees Don’t eat too much Don’t use too much plastic.
How can we protect the earth? Save water Save money Save energy Save trees Don’t eat too much Don’t use too much plastic. energy 能源 e er
Save water × √ _________ 1.Water is not useful. ( ) Read & judge √ or × Save water 有用的 1.Water is not useful. ( ) × We drink water and use water to clean things everyday. 2.In many places, there is not much water. ( ) √ 3.We should waste water. ( ) _________
We should not waste water
reuse water use again
Save water Water is useful. Listen & imitate Save water Water is useful. We drink water and use water to clean things every day. In many places, there is not much water. We should not waste water. We should reuse and save it.
save energy We should not… coal oil drive so much Listen read & answer Because cars use a lot of energy
Save energy Read & imitate Most of our energy comes from coal and oil. There is not much coal or oil on Earth. We should save energy. We should not drive so much because cars use a lot of energy.
Let’s talk ! We use…to… usage Things we shouldn’t do Talk about it Because… usage Why? Things we shouldn’t do Talk about it We should not… Things we should do. We should…
Don’t use too much plastic Save trees Don’t use too much plastic Wood comes from… trees We use plastic to… make… We use wood to… make… We should not … We should not… cut down We should … use Because… trees help keep the air clean paper bag glass bottle hair 空气
Let’s read! Save trees Wood comes from trees. We use wood to make tables, chairs and many other things. We should not cut down too many trees because trees help keep the air clean.
ˊ ˊ ˊ Let’s read! Don’t use too much plastic We use plastic to make bags and bottles, but too much plastic is bad for the Earth. ˊ ˊ We should not use too many plastic bags or bottles. ˊ We should use paper bags and glass bottles.
Let’s retell !
Let’s share! Protect the Earth We should… We shouldn’t… Save energy Choose a topic and share your ways of protecting the Earth. 我每组选一个主题,讨论一下,告诉大家怎样从身边的小事开始保护地球。 We should… We shouldn’t… To save energy, we should drive small cars. We should not drive big cars. 我是保护地球的 小卫士
I know how to protect the earth. I can share my ideas of protecting the earth.
The earth is our home. Let’s protect it and make it a better place.
Homework: 1. Read the text fluently. 2. Surf the Internet and search more information about protecting the Earth and then share with your friends. 3. Finish the poster after class.
Thank you! Goodbye !
But people are trying to destroy it.
They waste water and pour dirty water into the river.
More and more people have cars. They waste a lot of energy. The air is being polluted. 浪费 空气
People cut down trees to make more land, more paper.
They throw rubbish everywhere.
Save water Save energy How? Save trees Do not use too much plastic