GAPP Coaching Call Procedural Harm Working Session September 18, 2014 Lynne Hall Jan Ratterree Jean Allred
Learn. Act. Improve. Spread. Keep the Drum Beat Going. 2 Hospital Sharing Successes – Developed a communication tool (paper form) that follows the patient through the surgery department that incorporates key elements – Members of anesthesia care team initiate a time-out prior to the induction of anesthesia. This incorporates aspects of the patient history, physical, and labs etc. that effect anesthesia care. – Anesthesia block supplies are stocked in a portable cart that aids in the efficiency of block procedures. All supplies are charged in the omnicell as "Kit". The nurse picks the appropriated block, e.g. spinal, epidural, etc. and all the supplies are charged at once which decrease time nurse spend pulling different supplies. 2
Learn. Act. Improve. Spread. Keep the Drum Beat Going. 3 Hospital Sharing Roadblocks – – We are showing on the TOC’s that we have hard-wired the checklist but the data does not always reflect this work. – Deep dive into your data – Areas to address: PSI:6 Iatrogenic Pneumothorax Rate (per 1,000 discharges) PSI:9 Perioperative Hemorrhage or Hematoma Rate (per 1,000 discharges) PSI:15 Accidental Puncture or Laceration Rate (per 1,000 discharges) 3
Let’s look at the Data! 4
6 These spikes all represent 1 event.
Learn. Act. Improve. Spread. Keep the Drum Beat Going.
Learn. Act. Improve. Spread. Keep the Drum Beat Going. 14 WORKER SAFETY DATA COLLECTION 2013 Benchmark and Monthly Reporting LINK TO DATA SUBMISSION: PTGAPP/LEAPTGAPPDataSubmission.aspx 14
Learn. Act. Improve. Spread. Keep the Drum Beat Going OSHA and MONTHLY DATA REPORTING (GHA Website Survey) 1.TCIR RATE: NUMERATOR: Total number of OSHA recordable incidents occurring for time period (2013 or Monthly) = ____ DENOMINATOR: Total number of hours worked by all employees for time period (2013 or Monthly) = ____ 2. DART RATE: NUMERATOR: Total number of OSHA recordable incidents resulted in days away, restricted or transferred for time period (2013 or Monthly) = ___ DENOMINATOR: Total number of hours by all employees in the for time period (2013 or Monthly) = ____ 15
Learn. Act. Improve. Spread. Keep the Drum Beat Going. 16 EMPLOYEE TURNOVER REPORTING (GHA Website Survey) TURNOVER NUMERATOR: Total Number of Employees who left in 2013 and for each Month = ____ TURNOVER DENOMINATOR: (Total Number of Employees in the beginning of the Year / Month = __) + (Total Number of Employees at the end of the Year / Month = __) Divided by 2 for an average # of employees
Learn. Act. Improve. Spread. Keep the Drum Beat Going. 17 Transparency Criteria for LEAPT 17
Learn. Act. Improve. Spread. Keep the Drum Beat Going. 18 Reminders PartnershipforPatients/Calendar.aspx
Learn. Act. Improve. Spread. Keep the Drum Beat Going. 19 GAPP Updates Mandatory Meeting Attendance – Coaching Call and Sepsis Discussion Second Thursday of month. Must complete an evaluation – If you miss a call you can listen to the recording within 1 week. Complete eval if applicable, and notify topic lead that you listened to get credit. Data Submission: – Due 3 rd or each month – send to Lynne Hall TOC (1 for sepsis and 1 for additional topic area) Checklist (1 per hospital) – Worker Safety Data (if in WS group) Send to Jean Allred due 15 th of month (about 45 days after end of reporting month). Next Coaching Call – Workers Safety Working Session September 15 th, 1 -2 pm 19