Rear Admiral Gerd F. Glang, NOAA Mr. Denis Hains, CHS May 19-20, 2014 United States-Canada Hydrographic Commission report to the Inter-Regional Coordination Committee
USCHC-37 April 16, 2014 USCHC37 was held in St. John’s, Newfoundland Held in conjunction with the 2014 Canadian Hydrographic Conference 15 participants attended the meeting in person and 5 others joined by telephone. Member State agencies included NOAA, CHS, NGA, US Navy Observers were the IHB and UKHO A wide range of discussion topics of mutual interest including: –IHO issues –Survey plans –Developments and initiatives 2 United States-Canada Hydrographic Commission United States-Canada Hydrographic Commission
USCHC Efforts Engagement –USCHC Member States are very active with 31 participants on 11 IHO Working Groups Developments –Printing and distribution NOAA adopts a print-on-demand model NOAA launches “ENC Online” –ENC Overlap in Beaufort Sea being resolved This marks the last of the 93 ENC overlaps addressed United States-Canada Hydrographic Commission United States-Canada Hydrographic Commission
USCHC Efforts (continued) Proposed resolution to Beaufort Sea ENC overlap Before After
USCHC Efforts (continued) Initiatives –Discussion and sharing R&D results in emerging technologies LIDAR Satellite-derived bathymetry Near real-time digital nautical publications (e.g. US Coast Pilot) –Enhancing management and operational- level exchanges between hydrographic offices United States-Canada Hydrographic Commission United States-Canada Hydrographic Commission
–Awareness of the need for better charting in the Arctic –Demands for real or near real-time products and services –Maintaining or increasing participation in the IHO –Virtual collaboration Embracing technology for cost efficiency More Webinar-like meetings Challenges United States-Canada Hydrographic Commission United States-Canada Hydrographic Commission
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