Ch 6-8Ch 9-12Ch 13-18Ch 18-21Ch Calendar—Pass out & Explanation Introductions (if needed) Labels Genres of Film Ch 1-5
What is Tod’s job? A 100
Set designer A 100
What is the common characteristic of the people that Tod Feels he must paint? A 200
They have come to California to die A 200
A 300 Where is Abe Kusich when Tod first encounters him?
Lying outside the door of a woman’s apartment A 300
What is Faye’s Job throughout most of the novel? A 400
Film Extra A 400
Why does Mrs. Schwartzen get upset with Tod at Claude Estee’s party? A 500
He doesn’t pretend that the rubber horse is real. A 500
Why does Homer move to California? B 100
To fully recover from his illness B 100
What does Tod get Claude to ask Mrs. Jennings? B 200
If Faye works for her B 200
Why does Harry Greener continue to act like a clown even though he is no longer employed as one? B 300
An act of self-denfense B 300
Why does Homer give change to the beggar on his way to the supermarket? B 400
The beggar bullies him B 400
Who is Romola Martin? B 500
A tenant in the Iowa hotel where Homer worked B 500
What does Harry Greener normally do to antagonize Faye? C 100
Laugh C 100
How does Tod become closer to Faye? C 200
He visits when Harry is sick. C 200
What proposition does Faye make to Tod? C 300
To become her business partner in the film industry. C 300
How does Earle Shoop spend his days? C 400
Standing in front of a Hodge’s saddlery store C 400
What happened to Faye’s mother? C 500
She ran away with a foreign man C 500
What is Tod’s likely intent when he chases after Faye in the woods? D 100
To rape her D 100
What does Tod do when he decides to put Faye out of his mind? D 200
He puts away the drawing he has made of her. D 200
What strange topic (other than Adore) does Mrs. Loomis bring up to Tod and Homer? D 300
What religion they follow D 300
What does Homer mind most about Earle and Miguel living in his garage? D 400
The dirty black hen D 400
What is the topic of the lecture Tod gives to Faye at Harry’s Funeral? D 500
Sexual Hygene D 500
Who does Faye move in with? E 100
Homer E 100
What is strange about Adore’s performance on the front lawn? E 200
It is overtly sexual E 200
E 300 Why does Faye force Homer to drink?
She thinks that not drinking gives him a sense of superiority. E 300
What does it mean when Miguel say that the cockfight was “in the bag”? E 400
The fight was a fixed fight. E 400
What happens in the fight to the bird that Claude and Abe purchase? E 500
The bird’s beak cracks, and it is left defenseless. E 500
What does Tod shout about Faye? F 100
She is a whore F 100
Who gets in a fight in Homer’s living room? F 200
Earle and Abe F 200
Who was Faye with when Homer was checking to see if she was sick? F 300
Miguel F 300
Who does Tod see and try to help in the mob? F 400
Homer—tries to carry his bags F 400
What does Homer do to Adore? F 500
Attacks him F 500
The Final Jeopardy Category is: THE END. Please record your wager. Click on screen to begin
What does Tod imagine as he is pushed against a fense by the mob? Click on screen to continue
“The Burning of Los Angeles” Click on screen to continue
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