1.Absence inquiry - When looking at an employee, what absence questions come to mind? 1.Review absence reporting and statistical reporting opportunities 2.Using the Absence Pivot – CRAZY good option Great document /cims/ems/emsabsreporting.doc
Use AdminConnect to inquire on any staff Or in EIS.380, use F18 = Calendar View; has loads of extra F-keys on the bottom
1.PAI.502: Employee Time Absent/Worked Detail Listing – Profile of absences and accrual for employees.. Or a PAY.592 (just absences) – Lists every employee and then what has occurred in that period 2.PAI.504: Find Me Who Absence Report – Report on anyone with XX amount of absences or absence balance DATE: 4/07/14 TAKE TWO INC. TIME: 15:19:39 ABSENCE REPORT - ABS Current+Details ABSENCES IN THE RANGE TO 10 ABSENCE CODES SICKT JOB CODES TEACH TEAC10 TEAC12 DATE RANGE 1/01/12 12/31/12 ONLY TAG LOCATIONS NUMBER NAME STAT LOCN H/R TYPE BALANCE PAYROLL CURRENT CALCULATED LAST PAY TIME MISSED TIME MISSED BALANCE AFINOGENOV, EVANS Y TEACH 002 AT TERM AFINOGENOV, MICHEL Y TEACH ALLEN, PATRICIA Y TEACH 002 AT PERM AMADIO, JACQUELINE Y TEACH 007 AT PERM
1.PAY.595: Monthly Calendar View Totals Listing – Totals in calendar format = select group of employees and type(s) of absences 2.PAY.598: Absence Code Profile (Total, Avg, Perfect, List) – Location compare/statistical summary of their staff used to compare with other locations etc. PAY.598 Employees with Absence Days 192 PD Employees with NO Absence Days 96 Employees with Days Greater Than 60 0 Total Number of Employees 288 Total Employee FTE Average Total DAYS Absent AVERAGE Absence Days/Emp FTE % PAY.595 TEACH ABSENCES: SICKT ABSENCE MON TUE WED THU FRI TOTAL ======= ====== ===== ====== ===== ====== ====== SICK FEBRUARY
3.PAY.596: Employee/Absence Code Grid Listing (*File) – Location/absence detail per location with summary total grid per employee and columns per absence type 4.PAY.597: Job Code/Absence Code Grid Summary – Absence comparisons between job groups 5.PAY.599: Employee Absence Short/Long Occurrence Stats – Absence totals focusing on consecutive days PROG - PAY.596 TAKE TWO SCHOOL DIVISION DATE - 4/07/14 EMPLOYEE ABS 2/01/14 TO 2/28/14 LOCATION: JOBS: EA EMPLOYEE NAME SICKS PDS BERVS OTHERS VACS ROTELA, DONNA RUTHER, SHEILA 045 SMITH, DANIELLE SMITH, PETER FTE CUR AVG 4.14% If abs stay the same then ANN AVG 34.25% 17.50% 2.00% 7.00% PAY /01/13 – 12/31/13 ABSENCES: SICKS SICKT JOB CATEGORY TOTAL TOTAL SICKS SICKT FTE Hourly Daily BUS DRIVERS … 3 Days CUSTODIAN Avg 4Dys DIVISIONAL Days MAINTENANCE Days TEACHER
1.Run PAI.532 to create the details file 2.In Excel open up the template and choose to appropriately replace/append to existing details (xxemsfiles/ppai532(xxxxx00). – Consider if you want multi-year to do a year … then run PAI.532 in another year and same process to append file to bottom of first entry