LHC ACCESS SYSTEM 1 Authors: P, Ninin, L. Scibile T, Ladzinski EDMS: The LHC Access System Where do we stand ? P. Ninin, T. Ladzinski, L. Scibile, TS-CSE Workshop Chamonix XV – 25 January 2006
LHC ACCESS SYSTEM 2 Authors: P, Ninin, L. Scibile T, Ladzinski EDMS: Agenda System overview Prototype Man Machine Interfaces Challenges Conclusion
LHC ACCESS SYSTEM 3 Authors: P, Ninin, L. Scibile T, Ladzinski EDMS: Scope LHC Access Control System LACS Off-the-shelf Access Equipement LHC Access Safety System LASS Interlock System Beam => No Access Access => No Beam (Nuclear category) Integrated concept for LHC Machine & Experiments to protect people against the LHC radiation hazards.
LHC ACCESS SYSTEM 4 Authors: P, Ninin, L. Scibile T, Ladzinski EDMS: LHC site access LHC building access LHC experimental service area access * ACCESSIBLE during beam operation The LHC accelerator and experiment Access Service Access Tunnel Access Experiment NON ACCESSIBLE during beam operation
LHC ACCESS SYSTEM 5 Authors: P, Ninin, L. Scibile T, Ladzinski EDMS: LHC Access Control System Goals: Manage access rights Identify user Verify authorization Automatic or remote access control Status: Contract running since September 04 System engineering completed Site acceptance of the pilot installation “LHC 0” -Started in June completed in January months: quality and integration issue LHC 8 installation -Doors/grids installation (TS/IC) -Cabling (TS/EL) -Access equipment
LHC ACCESS SYSTEM 6 Authors: P, Ninin, L. Scibile T, Ladzinski EDMS: LHC Access Control Systems Scope of the system -34 Access points -95 controlled sectors doors -65 interlocked End-of-Zone doors -26 interlocked “porte crinolines” -17 interlocked movable shielding walls -170 Racks -110 surveillance camera -200 controllers (PLC, PC, etc) -Remote control system form CCC and Experiments -Supervision system from TCR
LHC ACCESS SYSTEM 7 Authors: P, Ninin, L. Scibile T, Ladzinski EDMS: Access Point PAD MAD Display Signalisation Tokens Distributors Badge readerIntercom Biometry Radiation key
LHC ACCESS SYSTEM 8 Authors: P, Ninin, L. Scibile T, Ladzinski EDMS: Access Equipment
LHC ACCESS SYSTEM 9 Authors: P, Ninin, L. Scibile T, Ladzinski EDMS: TS-CSE working ona central facility for: Enrolment Access card delivery Dosimeter delivery Safety training Help-desk Access B33 Visiteurs
LHC ACCESS SYSTEM 10 Authors: P, Ninin, L. Scibile T, Ladzinski EDMS: From a prototype to a reliable system Management of the various access mode regarding the safety Control system performance Video/Audio integration Material Access Device Robustness Biometry integration and link with Human Resource Database Man Machine Interface Design Patrol Contractor management : quality, deadlines
LHC ACCESS SYSTEM 11 Authors: P, Ninin, L. Scibile T, Ladzinski EDMS: LHC Access Safety System Goals: Protect personnel during Beam operation -nobody inside - Stop LHC if a door is forced Allow Access operation when safety conditions are met -No radiation hazards (LHC beam, RF). Nuclear Safety system -Audited by the French Nuclear Authority INB Status: HW and SW Architecture prototyping done Identification of the interlocked LHC machine elements completed INB documentation completed Safety studies completed Contract for the realisation of the system started in October SW & HW Design progressing well
LHC ACCESS SYSTEM 12 Authors: P, Ninin, L. Scibile T, Ladzinski EDMS: LHC Access Safety System – INB Architecture reviews with the French Nuclear Safety Authorities – IRSN: June, August, October Siemens safety PLCs accepted together with a diversified redundant system -cable loop surveying the external envelope of the machine and acting on the Beam Important Safety Elements -Cable loop design finished (budget – copper prices!) -Integration in the existing architecture First version of Annex 1 of Report Préliminaire de Sûreté, EDMS:
LHC ACCESS SYSTEM 13 Authors: P, Ninin, L. Scibile T, Ladzinski EDMS: LHC Access Safety System – Remarks Involvement from AB to be continued: -Lack of official product manager -Fast answers to few remaining issues (patrol, radiation Veto etc.) -Integration of redundant cable loop -Operational procedures: Operator training Patrol procedures Equipment tests Lessons from the test -As we use Failsafe PLC: all must be perfectly mastered Otherwise it goes Failsafe Not easy in absence of specification
LHC ACCESS SYSTEM 14 Authors: P, Ninin, L. Scibile T, Ladzinski EDMS: Louis. Hammouti Safety Control Panel (EDMS No )
LHC ACCESS SYSTEM 15 Authors: P, Ninin, L. Scibile T, Ladzinski EDMS: Louis. Hammouti Access mode selection (EDMS No )
LHC ACCESS SYSTEM 16 Authors: P, Ninin, L. Scibile T, Ladzinski EDMS: Louis. Hammouti Data from LASS - ISE access and safety chains
LHC ACCESS SYSTEM 17 Authors: P, Ninin, L. Scibile T, Ladzinski EDMS: Louis. Hammouti
LHC ACCESS SYSTEM 18 Authors: P, Ninin, L. Scibile T, Ladzinski EDMS: Louis. Hammouti
LHC ACCESS SYSTEM 19 Authors: P, Ninin, L. Scibile T, Ladzinski EDMS: Man Machine Interface design Several iteration were done with AB/OP -Thanks to the collaboration of R. Giachino and G. Roy -To be continued 60 views defined, plus integration with logging and alarm system, and technical supervision Version 1 is frozen now -Under realisation -Changes will be done after using ECR Delicate integration of the Safety and non Safety part -Due to the LASS isolated network
LHC ACCESS SYSTEM 20 Authors: P, Ninin, L. Scibile T, Ladzinski EDMS: Integration & InstallationSafetyLASSLACS Access Safety Specification Access Safety Architecture Design INB AIWG Safety Plan LHC Sectorisation & Integration Review Access Control Tendering Preliminary Risk Analysis Contract Access Safety realisation Access Control Specification LHC Access System Principles (AIWG) Access Pilot Installation LHC0 Safety Function Specification Preliminary Safety Study (Architecture) Cabling Definition Access Control Design Access Safety Tendering Contract Installation preparation INB Documentation
LHC ACCESS SYSTEM 21 Authors: P, Ninin, L. Scibile T, Ladzinski EDMS: Conclusions Progressing step by step Good benefits from documentation efforts on the INB Side LHC Access System is a complex system integrating numerous technologies V1 frozen : this is the “Baseline” -We can always do better -> V2 with an ECR Challenge: Upgrade it from a functional prototype to a robust system AB support needed: specification work remains TS/CSE fully mobilised to make it !
LHC ACCESS SYSTEM 22 Authors: P, Ninin, L. Scibile T, Ladzinski EDMS: Thanks to the LHC Access project Collaborators: T. Pettersson L. Scibile J.-F. Juget S. Di Luca T. Riesco N. Rama S. Grau M. Munoz E. Sanchez-Corral Mena T. Ladzinski G. Smith A. Day D. Swoboda F. Rodriguez Mateos G. Roy R. Giachino R. Saban With the help of : CEGELEC – SCHNEIDER - SIEMENS
LHC ACCESS SYSTEM 23 Authors: P, Ninin, L. Scibile T, Ladzinski EDMS: Conditions pour avoir accès
LHC ACCESS SYSTEM 24 Authors: P, Ninin, L. Scibile T, Ladzinski EDMS: Planning Strategy
LHC ACCESS SYSTEM 25 Authors: P, Ninin, L. Scibile T, Ladzinski EDMS: Installation Phase 1: No impact on magnet transport and installation in the tunnel To assure safety of personnel, as much as possible avoid the period of short circuit tests in UA / RA Access works will be in parallel with the activity of interconnection of magnet in the tunnel Phase 2: Access surface installation is only allowed to start in each point when HC in adjacent LSS sectors has started (to avoid perturbation of transport of heavy and big material) Phase 3: Co-activities not allowed during the first and last 2 weeks of Cold-down HC and the period dedicated to Powering test