Goodwill of the Heartland Transformation Process from Sheltered Work and Prevocational Training to Community Placement
Recruit, Train,Retain Leadership Series One session to-date. Networking to learn from others in the field − have sent staff to visit other agencies. Revised Job Coach Ad to increase recruitment efforts. Will look at Job Coach recruitment/interview process. Celebrate Successes! Added Customized Job Placement Specialist. Ideas have helped shape transformation process.
Transformation Process Process began in March of Initial goal: to move 280 of the 354 individuals from prevocational training to other services. Eliminate the use of labor certificate in Eliminate sheltered work effective 12/31/15. Increase job development services.
Transformation Progress 116 clients have been placed in competitive employment. 90 individuals have been closed and moved into other services. Changes to staffing model to accommodate job development services throughout organization. Customized Job Placement Specialist who works with those with more significant barriers.
Transformation Progress In all of our services, 470 competitive placements through July, 56 individuals hired by Goodwill in a staff position, which is 15% of our placements. More individuals moving into job placement services – in 2015, 349 individuals in prevocational or sheltered – compared to 683 individuals in these services in 2013.
New Decisions In response to DHS proposed prevocational changes, prevocational services will no longer be offered in any Goodwill location effective March 15, Hire Retail Associates in each store dedicated to supported employment clients. Offer a new Retail Certificate Training Program funded by Goodwill. Offer Prevocational Career Exploration as a new 90- day one-on-one service. Expand Occupational Skills Training Programs.