IREAD Parent Meeting January 20, 2015
IREAD Test March 16 – 18
IREAD The purpose of this Item Sampler is to provide teachers and students with examples of the types of questions that may appear on the Indiana Reading Evaluation and Determination (IREAD-3) Assessment. The IREAD-3 Assessment is based on the Indiana Academic Standards and consists of multiple- choice questions that measure foundational reading skills through grade 3.
Standard 1: Vocabulary – Word Analysis, Synonyms, Antonyms, Suffixes, Homographs, & Context Clues Beginning Sounds Look at the words for Number 1. Find the word that has the same beginning sounds as “grass…grass”. Fill in the circle that goes with the answer you choose. gray guest glove Ending Sounds Look at the words for Number 2. Find the word that has the same ending sound as “rain…rain”. Fill in the circle that goes with the answer you choose. sting done tiny
Antonyms For Number 5, choose the word that means the opposite of the underlined word. 5.) to give away o help o take o offer o send
For Numbers 8 and 9, read the story. For each of the blanks, there are list of words with the same number. Choose the word from each list that best completes the meaning of the story. Close the front ___(8)___ so the warm air stays inside the house. You may want to put on an extra ___(9)___ if you are still cold. 8.) o box 9.) o cane o case o ring o door o shoe o lid o sweater
For Number 7, find the word that has the suffix, and ONLY the suffix, underlined. o careless o beautiful o quicker o suddenly
Read “Snow Hopper”. Then answer Numbers 10 and ) The author writes that no one knows for certain where snow fleas go. Which of these words means the opposite of certain? o clear o unsure o worried
11.) Which of these sentences from the passage best tells where snow fleas search for food? o “Lift your hand up, and snow fleas jump off.” o “They look like grains of pepper popping up and down.” o “When the hooks open, the tails spring out, and leaps up and down.” o “In the winter, snow fleas chew dead leaves and plants buried beneath the snow.”
IREAD has 3 sections. Each section will take approximately minutes to administer this 40 item test. The test will take place from March Results should arrive the first week of April. The retest window will take place between June through July. All non-pass students will take the 3rd grade ISTEP the following year.
Parents As Partners
How Can You Continue to Help Your Child? 1.Be Informed Read your classroom and school newsletter. Check out your teacher’s webpage for information, newsletters, resources, and upcoming events.
2.Be Proactive Check agenda/assignment book everyday. Register and use Ed Ease to keep track of grades and missing work. Information about Ed Ease – Check out the Ed Ease tab. Call or teacher with questions or concerns. Parent conferences can be arranged as well. Please note that due to faculty, team, and committee meetings, it is best to plan ahead if you need a certain day or time to meet. Our plan periods are 1:35 – 2:20.
3.Be Prepared Periodically check that your child has all the classroom supplies he/she may need such as pencils, dry erase markers, and paper. Set aside time to do homework. Look ahead to prepare for upcoming tests. Make sure homework and books are returned to school each day.