MSBA/MASA Presentation October 3, 2015 Mr. Micheal Fisk Dr. Marc Doss Dr. Kristee Lorenz
Knob Noster R-VIII School District + Network for Educator Effectiveness = Journey of Instructional Growth to Build the Capacity of Teachers and Administrators
Board of Education’s Desire to Move from Good to Great as a Learning Organization Donald Mc Adams “Board members believe that their districts can achieve excellence and commit themselves to this result.” Jim Collins “Good is the Enemy of Great.” Donald McAdams “Boards committed to student learning and high performance and all district operations, establish standards and goals for every commitment they make and measure performance… The bottom line is what boards value, they must measure, for what gets measured gets done.”
Knob Noster R-VIII School District’s Desire to Move from Good to Great Step One: Assess Our Current Reality No Urgency to Change our Current Practice Tenured Teachers DESE Accredited with Distinction 8 Consecutive Years Embraced Status Quo Comprehensive School Improvement Plan and Building Improvement Plans Needed Alignment and Fidelity of Implementation
Step Two: Share New DESE Expectations MSIP 5 Common Core Missouri Wavier Required New Teacher and Leader Evaluation System Aligned to New Standards
Step Three: Framing the Discussions to Focus Upon the Teaching and Learning Process Dr. Marzano’s Research-Based Best Practices Professor John Hattie’s Research-Visible Learning Dr. DuFour’s-Professional Learning Communities
Step Four: Discover the Gaps Ineffective and Infrequent PBTE Process Lack of Timely and Specific Feedback Reflective Dialogue on Professional Practice Missing Disconnected and Unaligned Professional Development Curriculum Updates Needed to Prepare for Common Core
Step Five: Take Action to Insure that Instructional Leadership is the New Priority Realization that our District must Build the Capacity of Administrators and Teachers Searching for Resources to Support this Effort District Collaboration with NEE Train Administrative Team on Using the NEE System
Step Six: Introduce the NEE Multiple Measure Teacher Evaluation System Requirement to Implement a New Teacher/Administrator Evaluation System Aligned to the New Teacher/Leader Standards NEE System Emphasizes Growth and Feedback NEE System Marries Evaluation with Professional Development/Growth
Step Seven: Build Instructional Leadership Marshall Book Study Feedback-Fierce Conversations Rutherford Instructional Feedback Training Goal of Coaching our Team to Greatness Calibrating our NEE Scores Modeling for our Teachers Principals Emerge as Instructional Leaders/Resources for Teachers
Step Eight: Implementation of the NEE System Focused Support Provided by NEE Staff Professional Development Aligned to NEE System Standards and Indicators Contracted with the American Alliance for Innovative Schools to Provide Additional High Quality Professional Development
Network for Educator Effectiveness System
Student Learning Outcomes Classroom Observation – ▪ Eight 10-minute mini-observations ▪ A few full-period observations Unit of Instruction Professional Development Plan Student Survey
The system provides EdHub—Online Educator Training Resource Network High-Quality Mini-Course content focused on Educator skill development Computer or tablet compatible ---- HTML5 Tracks educator activities and results to provide increased accountability
Knob Noster R-VIII Highlighting the Impact of the Journey Toward Improving Instruction
Evaluation Philosophy Shift 8-10 Mini Observations annually Timely Feedback Building Capacity through Instructional Coaching Individualized Professional Learning Multiple Measures 1-2 Formal Observations annually 1 Surprise evaluation annually 1 summative conversation for feedback
Step Nine: Assess Impact on Student Achievement Positive Trends in Elementary STAR Reading Scores Positive Trends in Study Island Math Scores in Elementary and Middle School
Step Nine: Assess Impact on Student Achievement Continued………………… Elementary MAP Math Student Scores Grew by 6.9% Elementary MAP ELA Student Scores Grew by 19.1% MS ELA Student Scores Grew by 6.3% HS Social Studies Student Scores Grew by 7.2% HS Biology Student Scores Grew by 11.1% All MAP Student Scores were Significantly Above the State Average Statewide Student Achievement MAP Data Points Reveal that the Knob Noster R- VIII School District Ranked in the Top 12% in English Language Arts, Top 14% in Math, Top 11% in Social Studies, and Top 26% in Science High Correlations Between Student and Teacher Group as Reflected by NEE Evaluation Indicators
Step Ten: Work Toward Full Implementation of the NEE System PLC Collaboration, Structures, and Calendar Enhanced to Support this Effort Implement the Principal, Library Media Specialist, Speech Pathologists, Para Professional, and School Counselor NEE Evaluation Systems Pilot the Superintendent NEE Evaluation System Continue to Provide High Quality Professional Development for All Team Members
Board of Education Members Promote Collective Accountability for the Teaching and Learning Process and Student Achievement Continue to Review Data Points and Provide Resources to Support District CSIP Goals Creation of a Mission 2020 Plan to Strategically Plan Over the Next 5 Years to Allocate Resources/Updates Needed to Support Instructional Resources, Technology, Facilities, Transportation, and Extra-Curricular Programming Entire Learning Organization is Committed to Continuous Growth