Act 1, Scene 3 Overview
Reminders Turn in today: Bellringers 5-8 and Act 1, Scene 3 Chart Quiz next Wednesday over Act 1
Troy’s Flaws Cory returns home from football practice. Tells Rose that Troy always says he wants to work on the fence but always ends up at Taylor’s Troy returns home from the game but can’t remember the score of the game Rose refuses his advances What does she know? Is she fed up with him?
Troy vs. Cory Troy reprimands Cory for not doing chores—neither has Troy built the fence Cory wants Troy to buy a TV Troy is practical vs. Cory’s is a dreamer Can’t relate to Cory’s “dreams”—like Rose and Lyons Roof=Symbol of security; TV=symbol of frivolity, luxury Troy has a “victim” attitude about black baseball players Thinks they are just “token” players Cory admits Roberto Clemente gets chances to play Troy thinks he’s better than Hank Aaron
Cory’s Football Troy refuses to sign papers, despite how far the recruiter has come Insists Cory get back his job at the A&P Ironic that he wants Cory to work here when he won’t shop here Doesn’t recognize that Cory has been responsible—keeps up grades, arranged to keep his job for after football season and on weekends, and played football
“How come you ain’t never liked me?” This question offends Troy’s sense of duty and responsibility. Troy says is role is practical—to provide food, clothing, shelter Doesn’t have to like his son “Don’t you try and go through life worrying about if somebody like you or not. You best be making sure they doing right by you.” Demonstrates Troy’s belief that society does not “do right” by African Americans
Troy decided long ago that Cory wouldn’t play football— stubborn and selfish or caring and concerned? Wants to spare him the pain/treatment he experienced in baseball Won’t admit that he was too old to play in the major leagues Continues to insist that it was because of his skin color “Don’t come telling me I was too old. I just wasn’t the right color.” Troy doesn’t see changing times; unwilling to change his perceptions
Rose tells Troy that Cory just wants his father’s admiration “Rose, I ain’t got time for that. He’s alive.” Troy sees his influence as financial, practical, to care for his physical needs, not necessarily his emotional needs.