YouthLink Scotland National Partners in Youth Work YouthLink Scotland Strategic vision for work with young people SURF conference May 2002
YouthLink Scotland National Partners in Youth Work Maureen Mallon Development Manager YouthLink Scotland
YouthLink Scotland National Partners in Youth Work YouthLink Scotland 2002, 60th Anniversary year New brief from April 2002: The national point of access to informal education work with young people in Scotland, serving both voluntary and statutory sectors
YouthLink Scotland National Partners in Youth Work YouthLink Scotland 50% funded by Scottish Executive to deliver a range of services to the sector
YouthLink Scotland National Partners in Youth Work YouthLink Scotland’s role articulate a national vision for young people develop a framework for good youth work practice support statutory/voluntary sector partnerships at local and national level map the work of the sector find champions for young people and youth work secure resources for youth work
YouthLink Scotland National Partners in Youth Work YouthLink Scotland The policy context Osler and 4/99 - the challenge of community learning and development The policy jungle - from Community Planning to Active Communities
YouthLink Scotland National Partners in Youth Work Young People young people are: moral beings enthusiastic learners passionate believers tolerant democrats Yet not all realise their potential
YouthLink Scotland National Partners in Youth Work Youth work ‘The key purpose of youth work is to work with young people to facilitate their personal, social, and educational development, and to enable them to gain a voice, influence, and place in society in a period of their transition from dependence to independence’ National Occupational Standards for Youth Work
YouthLink Scotland National Partners in Youth Work Youth Work For the last century and a half, youth work has been Combating social exclusion; Promoting lifelong learning; Developing active citizens Developing safe communities. Promoting rights and responsibilities Promoting health
YouthLink Scotland National Partners in Youth Work Strategic context At United Nations level: UN Special Session on Children May in New York first ever ‘holistic’ session on children UK issues –lack of information for young people –need to involve them in decision making –education, poverty, and discrimination
YouthLink Scotland National Partners in Youth Work Strategic context At European level: EC White Paper on Youth - November 2001 participation information voluntary service among young people greater understanding of youth issues taking account of young people in other policy areas
YouthLink Scotland National Partners in Youth Work Strategic context Scotland: SE draft priorities for young people involvement in policy development preparation for employment and training life skills through informal education citizenship and community participation participation in leisure activities Community Learning and Development Synergy between statutory and voluntary
YouthLink Scotland National Partners in Youth Work Scottish Crime Survey % of young people had been the recent victim of crime 33% of young people had recently committed offences 36% had recently experienced adversarial police contact The main issues young people worried about were doing badly at school and finding a job
YouthLink Scotland National Partners in Youth Work Scottish Executive response Announced this morning ( ) Ministerial task group charged with “taking stock” of rising youth crime
YouthLink Scotland National Partners in Youth Work Targeting or entitlement agendas? Sport for All: new sporting comprehensives in North Lanarkshire Glasgow City Council’s Young Scot card carries a free swim entitlement for all
YouthLink Scotland National Partners in Youth Work Some Key Issues Competition between sectors and agencies diminishes provision capacity Lack of joint planning leads to duplication and gaps Responding to new priorities leads to others falling down the agenda (until the next time?!)