Welcome to The Virtual Learning Center!!
Virtual Learning Center Orientation
The Virtual Learning Center (VLC) VLC classes are like on-line correspondence course. You are given a list of assignments that you complete on your own – with a little help from the staff of The Virtual Learning Center or your Supervising Adult.
Supervising Adult A Supervising Adult can be any Carthage teacher with whom you wish to work. VLC computer programs can be put on any R-9 computer. This person will take roll for you and help to keep you on task.
Computer Warning!! This is your only warning!! Do NOT go to ANYPLACE on your computer other than your VLC assignments!
Computer Warning!! Do not go to unless it is to communicate with the VLC. Do not go to Ebay. Do not go to Facebook. Do not go to YouTube. Do not go ANYPLACE other than your VLC assignments.
Computer Warning!! The VLC has spyware so that your screen can be viewed from any location. If you are found to be on any screen other than your assignments, the following punishment will be assigned:
Computer Warning!! 1 st Offense – 5 school days off all Carthage computers 2 nd Offense – 10 school days off all Carthage computers 3 rd Offense – Removal from all Virtual Learning Center classes for the remainder of your high school career
Computer Warning!! Please don’t put food or drink around any computer, so as to avoid possible damage. If you are found with either at the VLC, you risk not being able to buy at our Snack Bar ever again.
Drop or Change You have 2 weeks to either drop or change a VLC class. You will receive an “F” if you wait longer than 2 weeks to decide that you don’t want to finish your assignments.
Class Design VLC classes are designed to be completed in 6-8 weeks on average. However, if you are willing to put in more than just regular class time, these classes can be completed more quickly. If you need longer to finish, that is possible too.
Grades Grades are awarded as soon as all assignments are satisfactorily completed. No zeros are accepted.
Various Locations VLC classes can be found anywhere there is a Carthage computer. Currently, the following are available: Tech Center Media Center The High School Computer Labs Mr. Billings’ Classroom Mr. Woods’ Classroom The Transition Center In-School Suspension (ISS)
Various Locations The Tech Center is available before school. The Media Center is available daily from 7:30a.m. until 4:30p.m.
VLC After-School Program The VLC offers an After-School program on Monday through Thursday starting immediately after school until 5:15. You can attend every time, or as needed. You can also serve a 9 th hour in the After-School Program.
Academic Progress Reports You will receive regular progress reports concerning your attendance, amount of work completed, and current grade. These correspondences can either be in person, by phone, or by . It is our desire to make certain that you are making forward progress toward graduation.
Expectations It takes determination and self-discipline to complete an on-line class. Students are expected to complete a minimum of one class per block per semester. Anything less is not acceptable and could lead to dismissal from the program.
Attendance Attendance is crucial! If you do not attend, you cannot move forward in your assignments. Absences and tardies are recorded. Please remember that if you have more than 6 absences, you risk losing credit. Tardies earn consequences too.
Behavior While working on the VLC campus, you will quickly learn that it is a serious, focused, and quiet atmosphere. People who work here are determined about their futures and don’t want distractions while they are working.
Snack Bar That doesn’t mean we don’t have fun – we do! We take breaks at the end of each block. Students take this time to relax, have a snack, and just talk. It is a great time to unwind and prepare for your next class.
Music Through experience, we have learned that some people learn better if they can listen to music while they study. While on the VLC campus, you are allowed to listen to music if you wish, as long as you don’t disturb anyone else. Please don’t put anything into the VLC computers or listen through our headsets.
Transportation All VLC students who are scheduled on the main campus must be transported by bus from the high school. Students are NOT allowed to drive. First hour students can park here, but that vehicle will remain motionless until the end of the school day.
General Rules Dress Code – Please be modest. Cell Phones – If you are talking or texting, you are not working. Your phone will be taken until you are ready to leave. Drug Dog – Please don’t bring anything to school that the dog would detect. You will be arrested. Computer Agreement – This must be signed every year. Student Handbook – Be sure to read your planner carefully. You are responsible for everything in this book.
Personal Information The last thing you need to provide is personal information. We need to be able to contact you by , regular mail and by phone. We use school to communicate if you are not working on the VLC main campus. Please be sure to check it often.
The Virtual Learning Center is continuing the proud Carthage R-9 tradition of providing our students with the most flexible and innovative opportunities in alternative education.
Welcome to The Virtual Learning Center!!