g TRANSITIONS LEARNING CENTER CONCEPT Presenters: Laurie David Frank Schneider
What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?
EDUCATIONAL PHILOSOPHY Grades K - 6 Grades K - 6 Common Core Academics Common Core Academics Grades Grades Functional Academics Functional Academics Career Exploration Career Exploration Ages18 – 26 Ages18 – 26 Transitional Transitional Skills Skills
ELEMENTARY K - 6 FOCUS Academics: Edmark, EQUALS Math, Science and Social Studies Communication: Matrix, PODD, PECS Social and Behavioral Skills: Integration with non-disabled peers
MIDDLE / HIGH SCHOOL FOCUS Functional Academics: Edmark, classroom token economies, Daily living, Career exploration Transitional conversations at IEP’s: ESTR III ESTR III
ADULT FOCUS Asses interest and skills: Daily living, Employment, Community access, Recreation and Leisure Connect with outside Agencies: CMH. MRS, etc. Define Post Educational Plan: Living arrangements, Employment, Community
AGENCY CONNECTION Met with CMH, MRS, all the Workshops in our 2 ½ county area Toured Sheltered workshops Presentations on Self-Determination, Housing options, services Coordinated Plans of Service with IEP’s
LEARNING CENTER The Concept To expose our students to job skills associated with the various career pathways and community opportunities To gather data during the exposure of skills to assess the need or interest for mastery learning To share this gathered information over time with families and outside agencies to define and ensure smooth transitions to adult roles
Module Development Took information gained from our workshops Teachers created lessons designed to be taught to mastery Food service module Custodial module Fine Arts module
EXPOSURE All Adult students are exposed to the modules Community outings are coordinated with the modules Student data is collected during each lesson Profile data is collected and placed in each students transition portfolio
TRAINING SITES When data shows an interest or skill, on- site training opportunities are created Data is collected during on-site training When individuals make the necessary progress a community job-training site is created Students train at these sites in a 2 week rotation
SHARING All the information gathered is shared with families and agencies for planning purpose (daily living, employment, communication, behavioral, academic, etc.) Usually happens at IEP’s and Plans of Service Data helps to determine transitional options: Living arrangements, leisure, Employment
DECISION MAKING Does the data support the need for a full or partial transition to adult life roles? Determine needs and coordinate services with families and agencies Develop transitional timeline and implementation date Support and monitor
OUTCOME DATA Percentage of students graduating before the age of 26 Percentage of students graduating before the age of 26 2011: 0% 2012: 66% 2013: 66% 2014: 66% 2015*: 75% *projected
OUTCOME DATA Percentage of students returning for educational services after graduation : 0%
QUESTIONS? Laurie David Frank Schneider