5 th Grade Schedule 8:00-8:30 Students arrive in homeroom/HW check-in 8:35-9:20Special Area 9:20-11:20Block 1 ( Language Arts, Science, or Math 11:20 – 11:45Sullivan, Montgomery, Matthews Lunch Davidson, Follis, Wohlrab - Computer Lab 11:45 – 12:00Homeroom Time 12:00 – 12:15Recess/Study Hall 12:15 – 12:40Davidson, Follis, Wohlrab Lunch Sullivan, Matthews, Montgomery - Computer Lab 12:45 – 2:45Block 2 ( Language Arts, Science, or Math) *Language Arts Block = 120 minutes of Reading/Writing Instruction and AR time Math Block = 60 minutes of Math Instruction Science Block = 60 minutes of Science Instruction
Gradebook: You will receive your code tonight if you have not already PinPoint Online Grade Book County-wide Grading Scale in use: A = 90% and above B = 80%-89% C = 70%-79% D = 60%-69% F = 59% and below Homework Math Practice usually on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday nights Student-selected Contract assignments Planners signed by parents every Monday night after homework for the week has been recorded Contract signed over the weekend Grade breakdown in all classes: 80% Assessments (tests, quizzes, etc.) 20% Classwork/homework
Special 5 th Grade Activities Electives (Fridays during Special Area) School Safety Patrols – Mrs. Kemmer WRES News – Mrs. Sever Student Council – Mrs. Montgomery Buddies Reading, Writing, Science, Guest Speakers, Field Trips Spelling Bee (October) Tropicana Speech Contest (November-December) Speeches written by all students and presented in homeroom class Two school winners per class participate in school contest School contest winner participates in District Contest
5 th Grade Field Trips Challenger Learning Center November Space Science/Physical Science *Cost included in Activity Fee Buddies Field Trips TBA *Cost included in Activity Fee Sea World May 8, 2015 Oceanography/Marine Biology This trip is conditional upon students’ behavior throughout the year. Please refer to Sea World informational letter coming home this week for specifics.
Fifth Grade Team Members Helen Follis – Math Karissa Davidson – Science/Math Alyssa Matthews – Language Arts Lindsey Wohlrab – Science Shannon Montgomery – Language Arts Ali Sullivan - Language Arts Lauren Clenney – Reading/Math Team website: This PowerPoint can be found on the Fifth Grade Team Website Please watch for an inviting you to sign up for a conference via Sign-Up Genius!
******************************CONTRACT************************** Name___________________________________ Week of__________ MATH ____Learning Goal:______________________________________________________ ____Skill Practice: __________ / __________ / __________ ____Classwork:____________________________________________________ LANGUAGE ARTS ____ Read Aloud: __________________________________________________ ____ Learning Goal: _____________________________________________________ ____ Skill Practice: ______________________________________________________ SCIENCE ____Science Notebook: ______________________________________________________ ____Assignments:________________________________________________________ ****************************************************************** Self-evaluation: Behavior grade ___ / ___Work/study skills grade ___ / ___ ____Follows rules____Works cooperatively ____Demonstrates self-control____Comes to class prepared ____Respects adults and peers____Exhibits on task behavior ____Handles conflicts and problems____Completes assignments appropriately ____Follows directions BB________ BB________ BB________ Parent Contact ________ Progress towards my goals______________________________________________ Area to Improve_______________________________________ ****************************************************************** Student signature___________________________________________ Teacher signature___________________________________________ Parent signature____________________________________________ ****************************************************************** **Teacher initials denote completion, not a specific letter grade.** Media Center Visits: ____/____/____/____ Materials Not Ready for Class ___/___/___ Weekly In-Class Bathroom Passes ___/___/___
MATH ____Learning Goal: ______________________________________ ____Skill Practice: : __________ / __________ / ___________ ____Classwork____________________________________
LANGUAGE ARTS ____ Read Aloud: _________________________________ ____ Learning Goal: ____________________________________ ____ Skill Practice: _____________________________________
SCIENCE ____ Science Notebook___________________________________ ____Assignments:____________________________________
Behavior grade ____ / ____Work/study skills grade ____ / ____ ___ Follows rules____Works cooperatively ____Demonstrates self-control____Comes to class prepared ____Respects adults and peers____Exhibits on-task behavior ____Handles conflicts and problems____Completes assignments appropriately____Follows directions BB ___________ BB ___________BB ___________ Parent Contact ___________ Progress towards my goal_____________________________________________ Area to Improve______________________________________________________ Media Center Visits ____/____/____/____ Materials Not Ready for Class ____/____/____ Weekly In-Class Bathroom Passes: ____/____/____
********************************************************** Student signature__________________________________________ Teacher signature__________________________________________ Parent signature______________________________________________________________________________________ **********************************************************