On-site professional learning communities: One center’s experience with site-directed learning
Our setting
Winnemucca Adult Learning Center o Small, rural site, 113 students o Seven part-time staff members o 200-plus miles for professional development o Limited time for improvements
Where we are Winnemucca, Nevada
Our students and staff
Our problem: How can we: Make professional development relevant to OUR needs? Find time for improvements? Do this without burdening staff?
Our answer: learning communities Combine study with action… Focus on our specific needs Spend extended time on topic Collaborative Credits earned decided by each instructor
Our format Meet monthly Examine research Share lesson plans Support each other Develop improvements
Our topics…first semester Nevada Content Standards… How can we: Become familiar with standards? Use our new textbooks? Include standards in lesson plans?
What we did: Studied the standards Created monthly lesson plans Shared experiences with peers Made it a habit Built in social time
Our topics…current semester Student goal-setting, achievement: o Integrate goal work into classroom o Encourage student ownership of goal process
Student goals
What we’re doing now… Reading what research says Assessing our current program Creating monthly questions Creating lesson plans to try-- then share
Student goals
Learning communities are: Site specific Flexible Staff-friendly Practical Conclusion
Site specific Focus on Winnemucca Use materials we already have Solutions work with OUR students
Flexible Respond quickly to changes. Snowstorm stopped technology LC Goal-setting quickly took its place!
Staff-friendly Puts teachers in the driver’s seat Topics generated by instructors o Builds in time for study, reflection Gives “excuse” to get together
Challenging Deeper learning over period of time Instructors as collaborators Active process “feels” like more work Actually, time spent is same
Who benefits?