Stage 6 Vocab pugna maxima erat pistores panem contentionem cum agricola postulabat fight very large was bakers bread argument with a farmer was demanding
Stage 6 Vocab pulsavit quod incitabant postquam festinavit superavit agitavit laete hit, punched because were urging on when, after hurried overpowered chased happily
Stage 6 Vocab libertus invitavit valde commotus paene lacrimabat tum excitavit totam ren narravit paravit freedman invited very much, very moved, affected almost was crying then woke up the whole story told prepared
Stage 6 Vocab fur post rogavit nunc olim solus aberat sororem administrabat nisi infans parvus thief after asked now once, sometime ago alone was out sister was looking after except child, baby little, small
Stage 6 Vocab in cubiculo tacite ubi nihil portabat vagivit statim necavit ita servavit liberavit igitur in a bedroom quietly where nothing began to carry cried, wailed at once killed in this way saved freed, set free therefore, and so
Stage 6 Grammar In the first five chapters the stories have been set in the present tense: servus laborat. Singular servi laborant. Plural leo currit. Singular leones currunt. Plural The slave is working. The slaves are working. The lion is running. The lions are running.
In Stage 6 the stories and sentences will happen in the past and therefore you will use the imperfect tense and the perfect tense.
Stage 6 Grammar: Imperfect Tense Singular poeta recitabat. A poet was reciting. Metella in horto sedebat. Metella was sitting in the garden. Plural servi in foro ambulabant. The slaves were walking in the forum. Pompeiani vinum bibebant. The Pompeians were drinking wine.
Stage 6 Grammar: Perfect Tense Singular coquus intravit. The cook entered. Clemens clamorem audivit. Clemens heard the uproar. Plural amici Caecilium salutaverunt. The friends greeted Caecilius. iuvenes ad tabernam festinaverunt. The young men hurried to an inn.
There is a difference between is, are, was, and were. Present mercator est in via. The merchant is in the street. mercatores sunt in via. The merchants are in the street.
There is a difference between is, are, was, and were. Imperfect mercator erat in via. The merchant was in the street. mercatores erant in via. The merchants were in the street.
Stage 6 Grammar SINGULARPLURAL PRESENTportatportant IMPERFECTportabatportabant PERFECTportavitportaverunt
Practice #1 infans in cubiculo dormiebat. The baby was sleeping in the bedroom.
Practice #2 agricola mercatorem pulsavit. The farmer punched the merchant.
Practice #3 pater et mater aberant. The father and mother were away.
PRACTICE #4-6 Pompeiani agricolam laudaverunt. ancilla in tablinum vagivit. senes sororem administrabant.
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