Sophia Gammerler Quarter 3
Sanitized water The Germans say, “Whoever knows good drinking water will live longer.” The water normally have minerals which helps your body. Drinking good clean water will allow your body to be healthier and you will be more energized. If the water in Germany aren’t sanitized then the chances are high of becoming sick. The water sanitation systems in Germany all have pros and cons.
Sanitized water:
Healthy water in German schools: The water in German schools try very hard to have nutrient rich water. Some schools have a sanitizing water dispenser for students to get free water during school hours. These water dispensers are there for students to drink more sanitized water and for them to get the minerals they need. German teachers say that the concentration of students will increase with healthy water options. The water dispenser is called IONOX.
Healthy water:
The healthy water options: In Germany the water which comes out of the faucet is clean water. The mineral water is the water which comes from springs. The mineral water has many good minerals in it, more than faucet water has. Table water in Germany has many different kinds of water mixed together. The Table water is not natural water, it is man made.
Different wealthy water options:
Questions: 1. Where does mineral water come from? a. Faucet b. Bottle c. Springs 2. What can happen when the water is not clean? a. Die b. Sick c. Less education
Answers: 1. C 2. B
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