CoP role in linking regional programming with country priorities Update on progress, plans for the future Dan Dionisie, PAR-AC Policy Specialist, BRC PAR-AC CoP meeting, Oct 2007
What has to change ? Regional project Country B project Country A project Country C project
...a New Deal ? Regional project Country A project Country B project Country C project Interface
Creating a functional interface - example Regional project Country project seed $$ for startup funds/carries out regional research, needs assessment funds/carries out country research, needs assessment mobilizes local stakeholders develops regional training CO covers (part of) costs for country participants inter-country staff exchange scheme (not interested) reporting to donors maintains M&E database M&E datacollects M&E data knowledge management knowledge generation knowledge items KM products Clear “rules of engagement”, coordination mechanism between BRC and concerned COs
Can this model work? o Some tangible results since March 06 - Ex-ante Policy Impact Assessment project, implemented in partnership with 4 COs (customized joint AWPs) - CO-led multi-country initiatives supported (RBB workshop in Crimea, Western Balkans HRM CoP & CS Reform Workshop) - CoP supporting regional initiatives: regional PAR Survey, identification of govt. PAR Focal Points, ACPN o In the (hard) pipeline - interactive IT platform for CoP-type activities - programmatic framework for regional PAR (backed with meaningful resources!)
The Regional Centre for PAR o New partnership with Greek govt (since mid 2006) - Successor of UNTC (DESA-operated) - Greek-funded, MoI as substantive partner o Phase one (mid 2006 to end 2007) - set up a regional network of PAR practitioners and experts (AXD meeting, IT platform, expert roster, network expansion) - undertake regional PAR survey (CoP supported) - develop a five-year demand-driven regional project on PAR (outline + survey report + further consultations new project)
RCPAR (cont’d) o Phase two ( ) - $7.1m CSA signed in June, under ratification - one component for network expansion, capacity build-up (eventual target >1,000 PAR professionals from the region) - 4 thematic pillars (Policy coordination; Organization & staffing; Financial Management; Service delivery) - will provide a framework for demand-driven regional PAR initiatives, developed in a participatory way - two activity tracks: - support for multi-country proposals (~50-100K), based on agreed priorities and selection criteria (TF-type scheme) - RCPAR-driven activities, based on analysis of aggregate demands, trends - programming opportunities for COs depending on their pro-active engagement
RCPAR thematic pillars Policy-making and coordination Strategic planning & policy- making Policy coordination Coordination in specific areas (European integration) Coordination in specific areas (Public Administration Reform) Policy coordination (other areas) Financial management Budget preparation Budget execution Public Internal Financial Control Public procurement External audit Organization and staffing Organization Civil service system Central personnel units Scope of civil service Central personnel records Human Resources Management Job analysis, description and grading Selection & recruitment Appraisal, promotion and advancement Human Resources Development Integrity Frameworks Service delivery Administrative Procedure Administrative Simplification Quality Management Systems E-government Decentralization Public Private Partnerships
o Role of CoP members: - keep BRC informed with relevant country developments (e.g. maintaining project inventory) - continue supporting our outreach to national partners (e.g. ACPN, RCPAR network expansion) - participate in CoP-type exchanges, networking and collaborative work, develop joint initiatives - participate in regional / global initiatives (e.g. global PAR mapping & case studies ) o Role of BRC: - facilitate CoP, perform knowledge management function - advise and support regionally-relevant CO project initiatives - support/facilitate multi-country implementation o...requires joint commitment, teamwork Way forward?