Development Partners Group Coordination mechanism for harmonization and alignment 1
Development Partners Group DPG Formalized in 2004 from local Development Assistance Committee (DAC) to shift from information sharing to actively seeking best practices in harmonization and alignment Apex coordination organization of the DPs in context of the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness and the JAST. DPG seeks: Information sharing Strengthen quality of dialogue with GoT Promoting internal coherence and quality of policy dialogue through better coordination of DPG Main and DPG sub-groups 2
Development Partners Group 3 DPG Main Group co-chaired by UN Resident Coordinator/UNDP Resident Representative as a permanent chair and rotating bilateral agency (currently Ireland) Includes 17 Bilateral and 5 Multilateral Agencies DPG Structure consists of the DPG Main Group (at HoCs/HoAs level), and 19 Sector/Thematic Working Groups Where possible, DPG seeks to participate in government-led groups and build government capacity to coordinate development activities The finalized Division of Labour between DPs has aligned DPG structure to official Dialogue Structure.
DP Technical staff/specialists LEAD - Health Active - Roads Delegating - Gender DP Head of Cooperation DPG Main Core Working Groups PMG JAST DPG Health DPG Education DPG Agriculture DPG Industry/Trade DPG Governance DPG Macro Official Dialogue Structure – GoT/DPs Positioning of DP Development Partners Group 19 working groups 25 working groups Joint Coordination Group PER/MKUKUTA Main Cluster WG 1 Cluster WG 2 Cluster WG 3 Cluster WG 4 Other Agriculture WG Industry/Trade Energy/Minerals Nat.Res/tourism Infrastructure Lands/Human Settlem. Employment Innovation and Technology Education Health Water HIV/AIDS Social Protection Environment Culture Governance (PSRP, LGRP, DA, Anti- Corruption, LSRP, BEST) Gender Macro Economic Management Public Financial Management MKUKUTA Monitoring DPG Gender Development Cooperation Forum
Challenges in the Development Cooperation Deepening the JAST implementation – Central Government, DPs, MDAs Dialogue Structure – more structure than dialogue? Division of Labour – are DPs adhering to agreements? Aid Management Platform – is implementation and DP support sufficient? Predictability of Aid – how to strengthen? Alignment of aid modalities to national priorities – project modality continues to grow. Managing for results – tangible results from the aid harmonization process? Global financial crisis - value for money and rationalization agenda. Quality of dialogue and mutual trust – process versus substance. At times, uncoordinated DP engagement 5
National and Global responses IMG 2010 resulted in Roadmap to improve development cooperation: JAST revision and deepening implementation Strengthening dialogue Key assessments (predictability, Exchequer System, project modality, basket harmonization) Improve AMP and budget cycle Busan Partnership agreement Global light and Country-heavy bottom-up New development cooperation strategy Unfinished Paris and Accra work Busan principles of broader Development Effectiveness partnership Clearer results, roles and responsibilities 6